Conquer Club

Slatherass - Suicide on first turn [FAMO]KS

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Slatherass - Suicide on first turn [FAMO]KS

Postby gradybridges on Fri May 14, 2010 6:16 pm


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The accused are suspected of:

Other: <Explanation>The guy ruined an Assassin game by attacking with all his troops 3 v 3. now he is left with 1 in all areas. It is fog of war but I see 7 of his 10 territories and they are all 1's. He was the last player in, first to go.

Game 6954282 my game
Game 6505022 other i found

Comments: I want to give a heads up on this guy because it seems he's trying to ruin games. I checked other games and he has done it there too. In game 6505022 his opponent got 8 regions on his first turn.
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Lieutenant gradybridges
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Re: Slatherass - Suicide on first turn

Postby king sam on Fri May 14, 2010 6:26 pm

well he is not a multi and I cant find a player that he has played with more then once to link this as a secret diplomacy.

with him being new I would say this is due in part to him not understanding the game play, perhaps enlighten him on the strategics involved in an assassin, fog, or any kind of game.

And Foe & Rate Accordingly.

Sorry you had to go through this but next time choose your games more carefully, its quite often you see new recruits or new cadets ruin games for their lack of knowledge on how to play.
Tis why I try not to play assassin games with anything less then officers.

Good Luck,
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Corporal 1st Class king sam
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