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Brooklin = "Multi"[cleared]es

PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 4:17 pm
by TenHanger
In this game: 6906626

BLUE/Brooklin is acting entirely irrationally, attacking large stacks for no gain, instead of taking bonuses, never going for his own bonuses, attacking most all players except for 41CR/RED (once he attacked red on the first turn, but only a worthless nuetral Asian country). Meanwhile, GREEN ("tonemonster") went after RED pretty hard from the beginning, while BLUE attacked me for no real reason even tho he's played many games. Bottom line is: BROOKLIN IS NOT PLAYING TO WIN-- so what has been his strategy?

RED = prime suspect:
RED seems to be the most obvious multi, but maybe it's green and he's masking it better with an occasional attack on himself (GREEN). Only defense of RED is that he's adamant he's not cheating on the boards, which sounds believable even tho BROOKLIN doesn't attack him ever. He's also losing because ToneMonster had singled him out from the very beginning, ignoring me for some odd reason (like maybe he's got BLUE taking me down a notch with attacks on my large stacks?)

GREEN/ToneMonster = the other suspect, who's also winning and mysteriously silent
In any case, it's a clever multi if the multi is GREEN, because the occasional attack on himself would be hard to pick up by a player in a fog game. Should be pretty easy to see as a moderator tho.
You have to read the comments, bc I threw the accusation out pretty early, so that likely changed how the multi started using BLUE. All of a sudden, the multi stopped attacking me, and went after green to a small degree.

RED seems convincing that it's not him, even tho he's the most logical candidate since he hasn't gotten attacked by BLUE.

I just wish a moderator would take a look. While I don't like cheaters, I also don't like having to accuse people wrongly, like if RED is innocent.

But someone in this game isn't playing fair, unless BLUE is a 5 year old that seems to never mind losing even tho he hasn't a clue what he's doing. A 5 year old just wouldn't play that many games and not get better.

Also, BLUE won't say a word on the chat, and niether has GREEN.

Re: Brooklin = "Multi"

PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 4:50 pm
by darth emperor
TenHanger wrote:Accused:

The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis

Game number(s):
Game 6906626

Comments:BLUE/Brooklin is acting entirely irrationally, attacking large stacks for no gain, instead of taking bonuses, never going for his own bonuses, attacking most all players except for 41CR/RED (once he attacked red on the first turn, but only a worthless nuetral Asian country). Meanwhile, GREEN ("tonemonster") went after RED pretty hard from the beginning, while BLUE attacked me for no real reason even tho he's played many games. Bottom line is: BROOKLIN IS NOT PLAYING TO WIN-- so what has been his strategy?

RED = prime suspect:
RED seems to be the most obvious multi, but maybe it's green and he's masking it better with an occasional attack on himself (GREEN). Only defense of RED is that he's adamant he's not cheating on the boards, which sounds believable even tho BROOKLIN doesn't attack him ever. He's also losing because ToneMonster had singled him out from the very beginning, ignoring me for some odd reason (like maybe he's got BLUE taking me down a notch with attacks on my large stacks?)

GREEN/ToneMonster = the other suspect, who's also winning and mysteriously silent
In any case, it's a clever multi if the multi is GREEN, because the occasional attack on himself would be hard to pick up by a player in a fog game. Should be pretty easy to see as a moderator tho.
You have to read the comments, bc I threw the accusation out pretty early, so that likely changed how the multi started using BLUE. All of a sudden, the multi stopped attacking me, and went after green to a small degree.

RED seems convincing that it's not him, even tho he's the most logical candidate since he hasn't gotten attacked by BLUE.

I just wish a moderator would take a look. While I don't like cheaters, I also don't like having to accuse people wrongly, like if RED is innocent.

But someone in this game isn't playing fair, unless BLUE is a 5 year old that seems to never mind losing even tho he hasn't a clue what he's doing. A 5 year old just wouldn't play that many games and not get better.

Also, BLUE won't say a word on the chat, and niether has GREEN.


Re: Brooklin = "Multi"

PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 5:00 pm
by darth emperor
Well...I have followed his "carrer" on CC and I don't think is multi or secret diplomacy....I would say more one of this 3 options:
-point dumping
-that he plays more games that what he is capable(practically 2000 games with 85% of take turns,altough now has 60 games on...i saw him with 100-200 active before)
-that simply he is bad at this game...

(probabily the second one) he is one players that has been on the top 3...starting from that explains you many things...

Re: Brooklin = "Multi"[cleared]es

PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 9:18 pm
by Evil Semp
Brooklin is CLEARED of being a multi.