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andretrepa, JaimeBunda and martaazevedo[Cleared/noted]e84
Sun Apr 25, 2010 1:01 am
by zoober
andretrepaJaimeBundamartaazevedoThe accused are suspected of:
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Game number(s):
Game 6769032Comments:
In at least one PM or rating I have seen complaints about secret alliances and I have witnessed it in the current game I am playing with them, so I believe its time to do something about it. These people play together on a regular basis and they appear to all be from the same place. Given the place is large, it could be coincidence, but still. Anyways, I think it would be worthwhile to look into their games and check up on them. I just want it to be noted that they have done this in at least one game, and if it comes up again that it's not the first time it is heard about. If you'd like to look into it some more, you're more than welcome to.
Re: andretrepa, JaimeBunda and martaazevedo
Sun Apr 25, 2010 10:13 am
by jrh_cardinal
zoober wrote:Accused:
andretrepaJaimeBundamartaazevedoThe accused are suspected of:
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Game number(s):
Game 6769032Comments:
In at least one PM or rating I have seen complaints about secret alliances and I have witnessed it in the current game I am playing with them, so I believe its time to do something about it. These people play together on a regular basis and they appear to all be from the same place. Given the place is large, it could be coincidence, but still. Anyways, I think it would be worthwhile to look into their games and check up on them. I just want it to be noted that they have done this in at least one game, and if it comes up again that it's not the first time it is heard about. If you'd like to look into it some more, you're more than welcome to.
Re: andretrepa, JaimeBunda and martaazevedo
Sun Apr 25, 2010 10:24 am
by jrh_cardinal
this screams multi to me. 1 premium, 2 freemies. Joined the game mentioned in order (don't know how far apart). Admittedly, they don't take all of their turns together, there's a lot of time between them in most cases, but still. The premium joined in January, the freemies joined 1 day apart in March. Premium, androtrepa, is in 6 out of martaazevedo's 7 games, Jamie's in 3.
edit, after looking at this, it now screams favoritism. Jaime is in most of his games by himself (not with the other 2), and like I said, their turns are spaced out. I now say they are friends who, purposely or not, are showing favoritism to each other. They should be warned to not play any more singles games together with other people.
Re: andretrepa, JaimeBunda and martaazevedo
Sun Apr 25, 2010 1:01 pm
by zoober
I agree with you jrh_cardinal, I don't think they are a multi, but i do think they are friends that show favoritism or purposefully do secret alliances. Annoying to have spent half a month or more in this game (as a freemium i only get 4 games) to just get my butt handed to me and my points taken away by some rule breakers.
Re: andretrepa, JaimeBunda and martaazevedo
Mon May 03, 2010 10:29 am
by zoober
Alright, I'm going to bump this once again because I think it needs to be looked at, the current game I am in, there has been no discussion of alliances yet while the player in the best position could have taken up to 15-20 new territories from the "friend," they continue to assault me when I am close to the lowest player on the board. They should be removed from this website or warned and have this game ended. I understand making alliances, but I cannot defend against an alliance I didn't know existed. Anyways, please remove them from this website or warn them.
Re: andretrepa, JaimeBunda and martaazevedo[Pending]e84
Mon May 03, 2010 10:38 pm
by eye84free
There isnt any evidence to support Secret Diplomacy. I have read through the game chat as well as the attack log and I dont see anything that could show secret diplomacy. Therefore this will be Cleared and Noted for the time being. I would suggest if you do infact have any reseverations about these players to place them on your ignore list.