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cloud8 and Numpty, maybe douglasefresh [CLEARED/BLOCKED]es

PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 3:40 pm
by jrh_cardinal


The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis, maybe
Conducting Secret Diplomacy, yes

Game number(s):

Game 6439649
no problems with douglasefresh in this game in terms of cheating, but he is one of their "friends", and he and Numpty truced through about rd 20. Then the only person who had a chance to break Numpty was cloud8, who has not attacked Numpty all game, in fact he just broke my two bonuses for no reason

They claim to be friends, but I think there's more. In the above game, Numpty and douglasefresh started a truce (openly) in about round 5, and continued until Numpty was stronger than everyone else combined in about round 20. As you can see in game chat I thought this was cheap tactics, but it is not against the rules, so I'm not accusing green of cheating in this game. Numpty immediately killed douglas, and at that point the only person able to weaken Numpty enough for everyone else including himself to get back in the game was cloud8. cloud8 has yet to take one blue terit this entire game, though he has broken me in india and china twice since the end of the Numpty/douglas alliance. Game chat from the middle of the alliance when Numpty and douglas were dominating:

2010-03-11 08:59:57 - GENERAL STONEHAM: We are all being stampeded by them.
2010-03-12 03:57:30 - cloud8: totally

so red understands that these two were way out in front and does nothing about it. He knows whats going on, but doesn't act upon it, for 20 rounds straight.

EDIT got rid of colors, replaced with their names

Re: cloud8 and Numpty, maybe douglasefresh [pending]es

PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:03 pm
by Evil Semp
As you know secret diplomacy is hard to prove. These are the results of looking at this game. I didn't find enough evidence against cloud8 even though there might have been some favoritism. cloud8 is CLEARED.

Numpty and douglasefresh have been blocked and warned. Numpty admitted in the game chat that he knew he wasn't supposed to take turns for some one in the same game, and I do not see how he could take both turns without bias. Numpty and douglasefresh have been BLOCKED AND WARNED.