BoganGod wrote:I'm not focusing on your rank. Ask yourself an honest question, the other team played to win, the tactic they used is a valid one, was it really fair to rate poorly just because someone used a valid tactic that you don't agree with?
Maybe I'm reading this wrong but you seem to be complaining about been asked(maybe in an unkind fashion, you haven't cut and pasted anything to support that accusation) to withdraw a rating that you left because you were upset that the opposing team adopted a winning and proven strategy against you, and played like a team.
Don't sweat people giving you shit about your rank, everyone started at the bottom, and as you don't have premium it may take you longer to rank up as your not playing as many games.
The loading up to one person turns the game from strategy to the first person to get lucky. It becomes more of a game of "Rock Paper Scissors" but with only a 1 neutral, 1 win, and 1 lose outcome. (RPS having 2 of each) Perhaps the issue is more with the tactic itself. It cheapens the game. So I guess you are correct. But my experience with the game did make it less of a game. I will remove the rating, but I wish I could put it back up minus the cheap tag.
See, had NMDuke and LMS been more respectful this could have been better resolved. BoganGod is the one who made the argument more valid and allowed me to remove the rating.
I don't like the implications that I am easy points Pander88uk. If my team wants to use the tactic I will oblige them while trying to change their minds but I have not needed too yet. I will be a team player if that's what they want to do then I will assist, the good of the team comes first. I know that sounds hypocritical but I will not ruin a team based on my own opinions they want to win and I will help.
As I said I removed the wall posts, but I did report the PM. Will not post it here. I am not a poor loser. My scores alone show I lose quite a bit. BoganGod made a good argument that I did not see and so I removed the ratings, but the PM abuse and wall attack still stand as they were crass and rude after the first PM. They showed no proper discussion and insulted me personally after the first message.
So no sorry. Only "easy points" if no one wants to use the tactic and the other team does.