macy32 wrote:you are the hunter ffs, you get the evidence, i had a suspicion so i reported it and i have never been wrong before. Multi Hunter is what your title says. How about you start Hunting and stop leaving your job to other people
yes that is what I am saying LV..
Just because someone has a high win %, plays a certain way or uses a certain script is not good reasoning to drag their name down with an accusation that really holds no merit. Every case that is handled is investigated, just like this one and if found Guilty then punishment is handed out as per the guidelines. Still if your going to request for a user to be investigated then their should be sound logic behind it besides "smells like a multi", "way too good for a newbie", "uses clickies"...
And we all get some wrong
dikketrip and Smarrt8 ClearedJOHNNYROCKET24 cleared