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Larry46 abusive on walls and ratings response. [Cleared] KS

PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 2:40 am
by jamesw71


The accused are suspected of:

Severe PM Abuse
Other: Abusive language on my wall, lies on rating response because he didn't like what I rated him.

Game number(s):

Game 6539190
Game 6542135


Sorry this is kinda long, and if it sounds like I'm whining I'm just trying to explain my comments ingame and to this guy and why I rated him the way I did.

I didn't notice there was a problem with this guy until I got a notice someone had written on my wall. Had a nice big A-hole written there. Nothing else, just Ahole (mispelled on purpose here). I asked him what the problem was (on my wall) and he said something about not liking the rating I left him. I deleted the wall comments and checked the ratings later and noticed he put up some lies about me complaining about dice rolls, saying I was mad and blaming others.

The only comment I made was that I didn't like escalating spoils games because anyone can win by just sitting tight and hitting at the right moment.

In the game in question I had the entire northeast section of the map and was fortified except for the fact that a player other than Larry46 turned in several sets at once and ran thru everyone. My rating to Larry was based on the fact that when he turned in his sets he tried to take me out (and failed) and severely overextended himself and made it easy for the other player to kill him and others off, because the other player needed fewer armies to do it. If Larry had held on to his armies or hit this guy himself it would have been a completely different game, not one where 1 person runs thru everyone because everyone else was so reckless trying to go for the kill in one round.

I rated Larry46 for being reckless and using poor strategy, and also because he was a slow player, I know you have 24 hrs to take a turn but when the game constantly pauses on his turn and you sit waiting all day, you tend to get a slow rating. I believe that is what the ratings system is for, so when I find a slow player and rate them as such. It helps because if I'm joining a game I want to know who is constantly being rated as slow, so I don't join their games and spend 2 weeks in one game because 1 or 2 people take 24 hrs to take their turn which makes the game rounds take 1-2 days or more.

Now to his comment stating I was mad, well he was the one who came to my wall and called me an Ahole and left no constructive feedback other than Ahole. He said I was blaming others, but if you look at my games I played with him, I wasn't blaming others, in fact I was making tongue in cheek comments on the one about green taking over, saying GG as in good game etc. Not sure how he got that I was mad or blaming someone else for that game? He also said I was blaming the dice, not sure what comments he is referring to other than the blind luck I referred to in getting the set cards you need at the right time....I did refer to luck being part of the game in an escalating match, more so than any actual strategy for taking and holding areas.

Not sure how he got that I was blaming the dice for my problems when in fact I was kicking butt and had the entire Northeast before the card sets started getting turned in and everyone else started getting a bunch of armies thru no skill other than being lucky enough to get the cards to turn in right away.

Bottom line is, I didn't complain in any of the games that I got bad dice, or that someone else was to blame for me losing. Yet his response was that I did, after he called me an Ahole after he saw I rated him as reckless, slow and using poor strategy.

Re: Larry46 abusive on walls and ratings response.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 3:06 am
by eddie2
foe him i think is what you will be told for this one.

Re: Larry46 abusive on walls and ratings response.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 4:04 am
by DJPatrick
Suck it up- cu[pcake..."Severe" abuse coz you were described as an asshole./ left a basd rating and you got a bad reply..If you don't LIKE escalating spoils games don't's not hard to work out how pps play on different maps and if you don't like the winning strategies on thoses maps, don't join...CC offers freedoms for people such as yourself...don't abuse them...

Re: Larry46 abusive on walls and ratings response.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 5:36 am
by KoE_Sirius
It doesnt matter what rating he left.The reply section should be used correctly and not used for some kid to chuck all his toys out of his cot and use playground slang. :)

Re: Larry46 abusive on walls and ratings response.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 10:14 pm
by jamesw71
I'm confused here DJPatrick...exactly what have I abused? I posted because this kid/guy was abusive on my wall and lied on his ratings reply. If he had posted factual information on his reply that would have been one thing. But he was claiming I was blaming someone else and was mad that I lost the game and that I was blaming the dice....yet I never made any such comments and his response was meant to abuse the rating system because he didn't like the rating left for him.

BTW I have foed him, was the first thing I did to get him to stop posting abusive comments on my wall.

Re: Larry46 abusive on walls and ratings response.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 12:11 am
by BoganGod
Buy yourself premium and don't be such a tool rating people as slow when they take their turns. Players have 24hrs to take their turns, so you rating someone slow when they are with in the rules, in my mind makes you deserving of abuse. If you are so bored, again buy premium, otherwise find yourself another hobby while you wait for your 4turns... PS FOED

Re: Larry46 abusive on walls and ratings response.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 5:00 pm
by king sam
First off go and read the community guidelines to see what is and isnt allowed on this site. Using curse words is not against the rules, and you will more often then not see them on here especially if you continue to rate on the scale that you do and talk they way you have in the game chat.

2nd.. nowhere in your report did I see any reference to PM abuse, was their abuse via the PM's or not ?

3rd the way you have perceived the rating tags is a bit harsh and his response to you in his rating response which he is entitled to leave is accurate. You said in both game chats that their is no strategy to escalating games its all about luck. With your vast 12 game experience I would have to say that you just havent figured out the strategy to an escalating game yet and you were sore about the loss cause you "tactically thought" you had a stronghold in the games until you were wiped out by superior escalating tactics.

Your going to run across players that you wont like cause of their game play or actions outside of the games. its best to Foe them and Move on. Which is what is the conlusion of this case.

Lastly as Bogan said players have 24 hours to take their turns.. Because they dont take them when you want to doesnt mean they arent playing the game when it best suits them. The casual games allows users to check games once a day and take their turns. If you want a more speedy game buy premium and play speed games. But holding it against someone cause you got online several times in the 24 hour period and the other player hadnt taken their turn yet is a bit harsh, especially when you announce in chat that you could possibly miss a turn and hold up the game.

Cleared. Foe & Move on.