Conquer Club

Abusive In-Game Chat [CLEARED]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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Abusive In-Game Chat [CLEARED]

Postby Rustygun01 on Fri Mar 05, 2010 11:30 am


The accused are suspected of:
Other: Overly Excessive insults and completely ruining the game for me and other players.

Game number(s):
Game 6280407

Comments: I played with him in a game prior to this. He accused me of multi-accounting in that game too. It turns out the person that he accused me to be multi-accounting as was my irl buddy who's game I joined. There also wasn't any secret alliance, General Stoneham was just mad because my buddy was destroying him and I wouldn't stop him. He constantly abuses the in-game chat. I made have some outbursts here and there but I don't purposely try to pick a fight or p*** people off for no reason.
Corporal 1st Class Rustygun01
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Re: Abusive In-Game Chat

Postby Snowgun on Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:09 pm

I'm sorry buddy, but this kind of thing doesn't cut it for a C&A report.

The last bastion of freedom here on CC is game chat. (Almost) Anything said in there is fair game.

Unfortunately you will be exposed to those you consider assholes here on CC. However, CC has given you not one, but TWO big sticks with which to extract divine retribution!

    The almighty FOE button

(notice how making C&A reports is not one of these)

So, you can ease your pain by practicing the ancient art of FAMOARA (foe and move on and rate accordingly), and vengeance will be yours without tying up mod time.
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Re: Abusive In-Game Chat

Postby Evil Semp on Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:06 pm

The chat in this game is somewhat mild in my opinion.

This from the community guidelines:

# Banter and some trash talking IS allowed in the Game Chats, so don't waste time complaining about that.
# You may not be used to hearing or reading those "four-letter words", but some people do and will use them. This isn't a reason to open a complaint about the player; just kindly ask them to stop or ignore them.

As has been suggested foe and rate accordingly.

I am marking this CLEARED.
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