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Poss Multi New account that's too good Just_Alone[Busted]e8

PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 3:45 pm
by retrocrush

The accused are suspected of:
Being Multis

Game number(s):
Game 6534606
Game 6533286
Game 6533325

I feel pretty strong that this account is a multi. Won his first two games, and started and played an Age of Realms 2 game against me (game 1 on the list above) forting, moving, and attacking like a vet. I beat him because of some bad dice he had. He says he's played a lot because he used a friend's account. I suspect an IP check will show another account. I hope I'm wrong, but it doesn't seem likely.

Re: Possible Multi- New account that's too good "Just_Alone"

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 2:34 am
by eye84free
Looking into it at this time.


Re: Poss Multi New account that's too good Just_Alone[Pending]e8

PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 4:23 pm
by retrocrush
any updates?

Re: Poss Multi New account that's too good Just_Alone[Pending]e8

PostPosted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 3:32 pm
by retrocrush
Did the research on this one get outsourced to India? Why is this one taking so long?

Re: Poss Multi New account that's too good Just_Alone[Pending]e8

PostPosted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 4:07 pm
by JBlombier
I wonder why his hopes (Game 6533325) were on Sven Kramer, a Dutch ice-skater, in the Olympic games, when his location is the United Kingdom. Doesn't prove anything about him being a multi, just thought it was strange.

Re: Poss Multi New account that's too good Just_Alone[Pending]e8

PostPosted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:34 pm
by TheForgivenOne
retrocrush wrote:Did the research on this one get outsourced to India? Why is this one taking so long?

They Hunters lives may be busy, or they are having a hard time determining if it is a multi or not. They do check over a lot of their games, reading logs, etc. They don't just do an IP check

Re: Poss Multi New account that's too good Just_Alone[Pending]e8

PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:56 am
by Lucarilover240
retrocrush wrote:Did the research on this one get outsourced to India? Why is this one taking so long?

Well, the hunters are probably busy. There's also only three people that I ever see checking the reports (For the most part): Evil Semp, Lord Voldemort, and Eye84free. Thats only 3 people, so you gotta give 'em some slack. To be honest, I'm surprised Evil Semp is able to handle as many of these reports as he does.

Re: Poss Multi New account that's too good Just_Alone[Pending]e8

PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:44 am
by retrocrush
Oh I understand, there were just open and closed reports made more than a week after this one was submitted. I appreciate the thankless lives of volunteer mods, for sure.

Re: Poss Multi New account that's too good Just_Alone[Pending]e8

PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 3:46 pm
by eye84free
Busted with Dude1234
