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BeerMeNow and Major Pain [Cleared]

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 4:10 am
by Incandenza
These are suspected Multis

Suspect users: BeerMeNow and Major Pain

Game number:

Comments: It's the last game that is probably the least damning, but it was the one that piqued my interest. I was checking out my buddy Sultan's game, saw some fishy fortification, and had to look deeper. There's some very shady stuff going on in the other games. The logs are illuminating.

I hate to even have to do this. The sad thing is that Beer didn't even get all that many points from the various 'transactions'.


PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 8:56 am
by ab327

Me too

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:46 pm
by luckiekevin
I was actually going to post something about Beermenow am in a game with him that seems suspicious. I looked at his game log and it seemed that all of his games have a Brand New player with zero games under their belt. It looked suspicious as I play in a number of games and I don't get brand new newbies joining 90 percent of my games.. I personally would appreciate it if someone looked into this.


PostPosted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 9:18 pm
by luckiekevin
is this going to be reviewed?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 10:00 pm
by Zackismet
probably not, beermenow was already cleared of being a multi with beermesoon. And when they check names, they almost always catch other ones that weren't even suspected. Beermenow would have already been caught

PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:54 am
by Incandenza
Zackismet wrote:probably not, beermenow was already cleared of being a multi with beermesoon. And when they check names, they almost always catch other ones that weren't even suspected. Beermenow would have already been caught

I saw that other thread, and I know Andy is thorough, but Major Pain wasn't mentioned by name as having been cleared in the previous thread. Besides, if you look at the game logs, there's at least enough potential irregularity to warrant a request for investigation.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 1:58 pm
by AndyDufresne
BeerMeNow and Major Pain are CLEARED of being multiple accounts. Regarding any secret alliances, feel free to leave the appropriate feedback and/or add them to your ignore list.
