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Breaking truce pepetto an guyfox [closed]

PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 4:34 pm
by bobafart
Game 6069500

I am in the middle of an epic game. After a misunderstanding on my
Part we both agreed to a truce with the red and green team ( pepetto and guyfox) and myself.

I then made a truce with a second team as well.

After eliminating a third team,red and green broke the truce
and attacked me while were still under truce.

I should have received 45 troops and instead will get leas than
20 now.

This totally is unfair and very unsportsmanlike.

Thanks for your time.

Be sure before you accuse someone!



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Severe PM Abuse
Other: <Explanation>

Game number(s):



Re: Breaking truce pepetto an guyfox

PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 5:12 pm
AWWWW thats so like.... WAR YOU TOOL.

Re: Breaking truce pepetto an guyfox

PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 5:23 pm
by Royal Panda
WAAA that's so unfair on you! I can't believe what some people in this world are like, it's just so disgusting... breaking truces!? I mean, COME ON CONQUER CLUB! BAN THESE MOTHERS!

Get over it OP, and stop wasting everyone's time.

Re: Breaking truce pepetto an guyfox

PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 5:47 pm
by jefjef
Unwritten Rules

Obviously any gross abuse of the game is forbidden. This includes but is not limited to: Breaking truces with bobafart.

Re: Breaking truce pepetto an guyfox

PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 6:06 pm
by Evil Semp
There isn't any rule about breaking truces. If you don't like it put them on your foe list and rate accordingly.

Some people think truces and alliances are
bobafart wrote:This totally is unfair and very unsportsmanlike.

This is CLOSED.