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secret diplomacy[Cleared]

PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 1:04 am
by sinbad93
Game 6341639

Secret diplomacy

Im confused where to post this I caught 2 guys doing secret alliances in game 6341639 In 20 rounds they where beside each other never attacked each other once then in round 20 even announced to the other where and how he broke threw - where should i properly post this ?

Re: secret diplomacy

PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 1:21 am
by eye84free
Who are the 2 players?

Re: secret diplomacy

PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:36 am
by pearljamrox2
2010-02-05 00:27:10 - sinbad93: all aliances and stratagies must be announced on the board at least one turn before made

I think you are a little confused. here ya go.
rule #2....
Any form of diplomatic discussion between opponents must be posted in the game chat in English or in a language that all opponents understand. Diplomacy includes, but is not limited to: proposing truces, negotiating alliances, and coordinating assaults.

2010-02-04 03:22:47 - sav2869: hmmm i think red is holding n.a and s.a. and europe
2010-02-04 15:47:51 - jdub110: Well, I broke S.A. and Europe
2010-02-04 20:36:32 - sav2869: good job teal now we at least stand a chance

This is just your opponents realizing how strong you are in a fog game...and working together so that you don't wipe them out. It's pretty much how the game is played.
The key to the "secret diplomacy" the "secret" part. It must be done in game chat, which, it seems it was. Had you seen this in a live chat room, on their walls, or if it had been in private messages...this would be a rules violation. But it was done in it is suppose to be. There is no rule stating that they must wait a round before entering into an alliance. It is considered a courtesy to give the player you have an alliance with atleast one round warning before you break an alliance.
There is another strategy, that really good players use. i will call it an "implied alliance"..or "unspoken alliance". If one player gets too strong..everyone hits the game leader, without ever speaking a word. It's just common sense. If they just fought each makes it easier for you to win the game, as they weaken each other. I usually won't request an alliance, i just hope the other guy has enough common sense to know the situation. But, in a fog game like this one..maybe i would point out your case the other guy wasn't aware.

2010-02-05 00:30:15 - sinbad93: 20 rounds and no history of either of you attacking each other while only mumbar seperated you 2
2010-02-05 00:32:54 - sinbad93: You have to attack each other until a turn after you both agree on an alliance here


Re: secret diplomacy

PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:50 pm
by eye84free
After reading the game chat I dont see secret diplomacy. The 2 were stating ideas in chat and looks to me they were working on getting some players out of the way to make the game work for there best tactical advantage.
