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King_JA-maine ratings abuse [Warned]

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:53 am
by alster


The accused are suspected of:

Other: Ratings abuse (and wall abuse / stalking)

Game number(s):


Pretty obvious, he seems to have started more or less exclusivly to hand out really bad ratings, see:

Not that I care much (like to save these things for fun), but he seems to enjoy wall posting as well. Again, I have a thick skin, but he might as well get this wall behavior covered by this report should he enjoy doing it on a regular basis.

just 4 any 1 reading this post, I beat this piece of ''euro trash'' and his partner in doubles twice with a new recruit for a teammate. Then he leaves me such thoughful feedback just at the right time so I can leave him any... my advice: avoid him like the plague.
by King_JA-maine
on Wed Feb 03, 2010 9:40 am

thx 4 leaving me such nice feed back.. U have to be the biggest sore loser on the planet
by King_JA-maine
on Wed Feb 03, 2010 8:41 am

EDIT: LOL, add stalking, e.g. Game 6378189

Re: King_JA-maine ratings abuse

PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 1:14 am
by Snowgun
Alster, you are SOOO late on the ratings report bandwagon.

This shit was like last week. :lol:

Re: King_JA-maine ratings abuse

PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 1:39 am
by ronsizzle
this guy is a real ass. i love the comment of the shrink...hilarious.

Re: King_JA-maine ratings abuse

PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:22 am
by rutherfoo
Look at the rating alstergren left him... all 1's, with a tag of "sore loser"

Alstergren lost both games against this guy, how can he justify leaving that rating tag? What a hypocrite.

Re: King_JA-maine ratings abuse

PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 10:28 am
by yrral
rutherfoo wrote:Look at the rating alstergren left him... all 1's, with a tag of "sore loser"

Alstergren lost both games against this guy, how can he justify leaving that rating tag? What a hypocrite.

Glass houses and stones, OP does the same thing on rating...

Re: King_JA-maine ratings abuse

PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 10:59 am
by AAFitz
a quick check on some of these shows a good game, friendly chat and still all ones... technically a one for game play is impossible to prove otherwise, but for attitude, they are obviously just being abused in this case, repeatedly.

Re: King_JA-maine ratings abuse

PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:48 pm
by alster
rutherfoo wrote:Look at the rating alstergren left him... all 1's, with a tag of "sore loser"

Alstergren lost both games against this guy, how can he justify leaving that rating tag? What a hypocrite.

LOL. Well, as I recall it, I had the suspicion at first that there was some multi business going on with that account. Still do I guess, not sure if I filed a report or not (I may have, I may have forgotten or I may have decided that I was too unsure to file). But I did realize that the guy was an asshole so that's really the basis for the rating. And his behavior now justifies that rating big time.

However - you do have a point (albeit you frame it in a rather rude way) as ratings are supposed to be based on games played and actions in connection to those games. And even though I do think this guy deserves it, I'm gonna withdraw my rating of him once this thread has been closed (he obviously hasn't been busted as a multi since the games and I'm sure that he didn't send me any pm's/wall comments in connection to the games etc.). With that said, his actions is of course not in any way justified, he's simply being a whining jerk.

Re: King_JA-maine ratings abuse

PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 8:45 am
by DJPatrick
There's a lot of shiite going on regarding ratings...don't withdraw Alst...if you feel that way, it's your right to say so...
Ratings abuse is supposedly (only a new definition for the C&A masturbators)...about repeatedly leaving bad ratings for multi-players...if one person gives a bad rating and the usual denizens of this forum say it can;t be justified...well just suck it can't read the posters mind and if he honestly feels that way, that's his right....
this is a game site...why not go back to playing the game it involves and leave the C&A Mods to do their jobs regarding cheating and abuse not wasting space with cat-calls about someone else's opinions...
Sheesh give it a break... :-$

Re: King_JA-maine ratings abuse

PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:55 am
by alster
LOL. Nah, don't care much about the ratings given out anyways. But this guy is an asshole, I'll be happy just to see him warned. :D

Re: King_JA-maine ratings abuse

PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 7:22 pm
by king sam
King_JA-maine has been Warned for Ratings Abuse & Trolling games he wasn't in.

A few of the questionable ratings are:
The Holy Roller
Sgt.Pepper65..... plus more

King Sam

Re: King_JA-maine ratings abuse

PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 1:57 am
by rutherfoo
alstergren wrote:I'm gonna withdraw my rating of him once this thread has been closed

It's closed; time to withdraw your unjustified rating... you know, the one where you gave him all 1's and called him a sore loser even though he's never lost to you?
After all, I doubt you want to be called a hypocrite AND a liar.

it has now been 3 more days and you still haven't withdrawn the rating.

Re: King_JA-maine ratings abuse [Warned]

PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 7:24 pm
by rutherfoo
I knew you were full of crap.