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THORNHEART severe ratings abuse [Warned] ks

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 6:37 pm
by jefjef


The accused are suspected of:


Leaves an incredibly high number of bad ratings and many tags that appear vindictive. It sure looks like it deserves a warning.

Re: THORNHEART severe ratings abuse

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 8:32 pm
lmfao...haha this is getting rich.

need i leave a defense? well i guess i shall leave a token defense...I pretty much only rate the players I get mad at...I rarely rate good players just because I cant be bothered and because of the lack of truely remarkable players on this it comes down to i dont really leave someone a rating unless they really piss me off...

at jefjef this is getting a bit childish...and is part of my point that so many of you tools just look for someone to catch doing something because you have nothing better to do with you time see my thread


Re: THORNHEART severe ratings abuse

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 8:38 pm
also...notice this rating i recently recieved... ... nd=4502908

are you guys serious when u post these accusations or what? because i called him a noob he rates my gameplay a 1 come on lmfao am i complaining about him no ...jefjef once again as i said to masli keep ur noses outa other peoples business its obvious u just want a mod job...keep trying bud...

i have only left 159 ratings since the ating system came into place...that means out of the 1000 or so plus games i have played during this time i have only bothered to rate a few of the really bad players i have encountered...seriously...maybe if i rated some one badly in every game i played...but i have played over 3000 and only rated a 159 of them and im abusing the system lmfao...thats why this site has became a highschool drama land.

Re: THORNHEART severe ratings abuse

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 8:42 pm
by jefjef
THORNHEART wrote:also...notice this rating i recently recieved... ... nd=4502908

are you guys serious when u post these accusations or what? because i called him a noob he rates my gameplay a 1come on lmfao am i complaining about him no ...jefjef once again as i said to masli keep ur noses outa other peoples business its obvious u just want a mod job...keep trying bud...

I elected to leave your flaming and baiting out of this complaint. I Knew you couldn't resist. Please keep it up.

I'm not interested in nor would I ever be asked to be a CC mod. What I am interested in is helping to clean up this site a little bit. ;)

Re: THORNHEART severe ratings abuse

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 8:48 pm
by alex951
so are you saying that you only rate bad players and dont really care about rating "ok" players, if thats the case its ok i think.

Re: THORNHEART severe ratings abuse

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 8:54 pm
by jefjef
alex951 wrote:so are you saying that you only rate bad players and dont really care about rating "ok" players, if thats the case its ok i think.

Well before you show an inkling of support for thorn look at some of the names of those rated and tagged poorly and click on the games played and you will see the obvious abuse.

Re: THORNHEART severe ratings abuse

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 8:56 pm

I only take the time to rate a very bad player....or if they were really fun or it was an exceptional game or they are friends of mine I will rate them.

If it was an average game on cc I dont take the time to go rate them cause frankly I dont care about ratings and have never seen them affect anything....also I think I pretty much proved that by pointing out the amount of ratings I leave is very disproportionate to the amoiunt of games I play and jefjef you are really really think I care about you? or about what anyone online thinks of me? lol...and your still not getting it are you?

ITS NoT YOUR BUSINESS. SERIOUSLY. get a life. soon...

Re: THORNHEART severe ratings abuse

PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 1:24 am
by ronsizzle
this is wrong. you deserve a warning and a halt on leaving ratings.


you are childish in these ratings, and shouldnt continue in your ways. i might drop pm's to all opponents who beat you, and show them this link. be fair with ratings. the way it was intended.

how do you even defend yourself against this? i dont get it at all. you are foed dude. get real.

edited to delete all fbombs.

also, to let jefjef know he is off of foe list for the time being...

Re: THORNHEART severe ratings abuse

PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 1:54 am
by Fuzzylogic99
this kid needs to be warned.I looked at several of his game there seems to be a pattern...He gets mad bc things dont go his way so he foes them
and than gives them all 1 stars.It not cut and clear rating abuse but it seems to be on the edge being so....He need to be warned so he will not
end up getting a vacation from rating

Re: THORNHEART severe ratings abuse

PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:13 am
by ronsizzle

I only take the time to rate a very bad player....or if they were really fun or it was an exceptional game or they are friends of mine I will rate them.

If it was an average game on cc I dont take the time to go rate them cause frankly I dont care about ratings and have never seen them affect anything....also I think I pretty much proved that by pointing out the amount of ratings I leave is very disproportionate to the amoiunt of games I play and jefjef you are really really think I care about you? or about what anyone online thinks of me? lol...and your still not getting it are you?

ITS NoT YOUR BUSINESS. SERIOUSLY. get a life. soon...

ok, thornheart. if you dont fucking care about ratings. dont rate anyone! you are a fool with the way you rate people. you are an ass for doing this to people. you deserve a ratings ban!

alex doesnt have your back. dont get her wrong. that isnt what she said.

Re: THORNHEART severe ratings abuse

PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 5:20 am
by rutherfoo

Using that logic, people who only rate 5 stars all the time should be warned/banned from rating too. They certainly don't go both ways.
I would love to see that happen, by the way...

but it won't.

Re: THORNHEART severe ratings abuse

PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 10:35 am
by jefjef
rutherfoo wrote:

Using that logic, people who only rate 5 stars all the time should be warned/banned from rating too. They certainly don't go both ways.
I would love to see that happen, by the way...

but it won't.

Way to post and not know what the hell your saying. :roll:

Its already been decided very recently that rating all 5 stars is an abuse. Also rating all 5 and all 1. I won't show it to ya but if you look you will find it. ;)

Re: THORNHEART severe ratings abuse

PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 10:57 am
by the.killing.44
is this case not SEVERE?

Re: THORNHEART severe ratings abuse

PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 11:56 am
by Snowgun
Yes, thornheart is abusing the system, but this ratings thing has gotten pretty fucking lame.

It's now a tool that is used to get people in trouble via C&A reports vindictively. Even alster has been fucking targeted.

And YES, i know most people who are up here on C&A really do abuse the system, but what is considered abuse is starting to get ridiculous. All 5's abuse? It is, but come the f*ck ON. I don't think 1's and 5's should be abuse, as long as the 1's constitute a small percentage of overall ratings.

Anyway, sorry for the rant. Carry on with the witch hunt.

Re: THORNHEART severe ratings abuse

PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 11:57 am
by Snowgun
jefjef wrote:I'm not interested in nor would I ever be asked to be a CC mod. What I am interested in is helping to clean up this site a little bit. ;)



Re: THORNHEART severe ratings abuse

PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:38 pm
by king sam
I already know the verdict but I got more to say to spell it out clearly for all. so I will handle this case and close it later tonight when I get back on.


Re: THORNHEART severe ratings abuse [pending] ks

PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 3:32 pm
Lol like I care...rating bann me as I clearly said I dont hardly rate people at all compared to the amount of games I have played.

I have rated about 167 people and I have played over 3000 games. So obviously I dont do that much rating. Rating banning me/warning me wont bother me in the least. As I have previously stated I dont give a flip about rating, mine...or other peoples. I will play anyone once to give them a chance...but yes I will rate you bad if you play me and your bad. All that will happen is the bad players I play wont be rated and the good players wont be rated. LOL you guys think you have some kind of importance but the fact is this is a online website...unlike some aka...jefjef ect I dont judge my on importance by how many people Ive gotten bann or even how many games ive won...

I really DO NOT care.

And I have been rating this way for months its amazing how a thread/complaint against you doesnt pop up till you offend some of the self considered bigshots....jefjef is obviously posting here at me to be vindictive for the comments I have made to him about trying to get a mod position in which he looked bad in front of everyone.

Snowgun wrote:
jefjef wrote:I'm not interested in nor would I ever be asked to be a CC mod. What I am interested in is helping to clean up this site a little bit. ;)



@ ronc8649 your just a pitiful person...we have recently played several good games together but as soon as abuse post is put up it draws out all the pirahanas on this noob in fact take a look at page 3 of your ratings left for others...

Re: THORNHEART severe ratings abuse [pending] ks

PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 3:36 pm
by jefjef
Well THORN for not caring you sure are slinging alot of crap.

Got some more baits and flames ya want to toss around?

As for me being a mod. Well if I had eyes on that I would be kissing some ass and holding their hands.

Good day to you.

Re: THORNHEART severe ratings abuse [pending] ks

PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 3:41 pm
by ronsizzle
out of 16 pages, i am glad that you found 1 thorn.

fact is, sometimes you go through bad streaks. but for you, it is everyone. for me it is one page...

god bless you thorn.

Re: THORNHEART severe ratings abuse [pending] ks

PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 4:37 pm
lol @ jefjef...your posting a thread to "get back" at me is your version of would never say saying controversial in chat because you need to be totally unbiased to be a mod :shock:

BUT you see no problem in trying to get me introuble as payback...when i have been a good member of this site for over 2 years now...and just now a thread is posted about me i said i dont give a just making some obvious points.

@ ronc u didnt really answer anything...i only had to go to page 3 of your ratings to find a bad sure in 16 there are ingore the point of us having had good games but then u are rushing to bash anyone in forums...ive seen you do this quite often.

AGAIN i will make the point that out of all the games I have played I very seldom actually rate im not getting the whole abuser of ratings thing....after two years of playing the bad players you encounter adds up so it looks like alot but i will quote the stats again...i have rated about 167 players out of 3000 games which wouldnt be a high ratio even if the 3000 games were all quite being stupid. ... sylvanfish I will reffer here to slyvainfish's rating over 2300 of them are all 5 stars....? lmfao but i am under investgation for only rating about 100 people poorly based on my thoughts of their gameplay get a fricking life.
@ THORNHEART =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

Re: THORNHEART severe ratings abuse [pending] ks

PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:07 pm
Gold Knight wrote:"Completely agree, there have been a couple thousand reports of ratings abuse the past months it seems, all as soon as someone gets busted for it a shitload of reports come in for anyone who has ever given out a bad rating. Sometimes people deserve these ratings, actually quite a bit of the time they do, and if they dont get it they should contact the rater about it. To be honest, I could care less how low my gold star # next to my name is, which is why i have no clue why we ever left the feedback system for a system that was basically asking for abuse. A negative feedback can easily be seen and taken as truth or bullshit, and it doesnt show up as a rating of the player next to their name.

As I recently posted in a thread in there (about jpcloet abusing the system (another absolutely useless report...); it would almost be better to move the whole C & A to e-tickets or something of the like so not to soil someone's reputation over some rediculous accusations that are completely false..."


=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

Re: THORNHEART severe ratings abuse [pending] ks

PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:19 pm
by Aalmeida17
yha a agree but you realy abuse dude , time to change ratings or stop give then

Re: THORNHEART severe ratings abuse [pending] ks

PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:37 pm
or for you to learn english... :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Re: THORNHEART severe ratings abuse [pending] ks

PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:48 pm
by Gold Knight
THORNHEART wrote:or for you to learn english... :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Not everyone's first language, remember that people all over the world play this game. Be happy that we are able to understand what he says at all than his posting in a different language. ;)

Re: THORNHEART severe ratings abuse

PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:28 pm
by jefjef

I only take the time to rate a very bad player....or if they were really fun or it was an exceptional game or they are friends of mine I will rate them.

If it was an average game on cc I dont take the time to go rate them cause frankly I dont care about ratings and have never seen them affect anything....also I think I pretty much proved that by pointing out the amount of ratings I leave is very disproportionate to the amoiunt of games I play and jefjef you are really really think I care about you? or about what anyone online thinks of me? lol...and your still not getting it are you?

ITS NoT YOUR BUSINESS. SERIOUSLY. get a life. soon...

Saved for the coming forum ban of thorn