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Masli [closed]

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 1:07 pm

The accused are suspected of:

Other: Defamation

Comments: Just browsing through the forums this guy just constantly puts up accusing threads about people...yesterday I counted almost 5. He posts a game in which he was not involved. Makes a general accusation about some kinda multi happening based solely on the fact that some times new players get lucky and win/ display some type of knowledge about what they are doing.

I have grown sick over the past few months of all the multi hunting going seems some players do this rather than play anymore.then get some joy out of being able to have busted the most players but in my opinion this guy is getting obnoxious.

A good solid accusation is one thing but accusing 30 people and hoping 1 of them actually gets proven guilty is bs. This guy and many others should be informed that yes their efforts to have a pure uncheating site are admirable but the gross misuse of the cheating&abuse forums is uncalled for. Nowadays everything that goes wrong for someone in a game is called cheating and is reported. I espesially dislike the trolling games that your not involved in and reporting them.

Re: Masli

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 1:15 pm
by ronsizzle
you are going to be catching a "spurious" label on this thornheart. sorry buddy.

you shouldnt be wasting mods times with this.

Re: Masli

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 1:20 pm
by colton24
In Masli's part I like to call it:

Beatin A Dead Horse

Re: Masli

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 3:39 pm
by jefjef
Really? Any specific post that is offensive? Is this filed because your mad at masli?

I agree with what you say here: the gross misuse of the cheating&abuse forums is uncalled for.

Re: Masli

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 3:54 pm
by VampireM
its one thing if masli was posting random guys that were being constantly cleared.. but from what i have seen he is helping the mods keep the site clean and posting players that has merit to them... i say good for u Masli, keep up the good work...

ronc and JefJef said everything else i would add... completely agree this is a waste of time.. not sure what u are trying to accomplish here?

Re: Masli

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 4:05 pm
I think the point I am making is pretty clear...if this post gets me in trouble ill laugh because i am not the one wasting mods time...he is by always posting complaints.

Re: Masli

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 4:15 pm

here is one of them...totally pointless the guy is just throwing a net out

Re: Masli

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 4:19 pm
by khazalid
it is a little more nuanced than that. he knows the game very well and seems to have a good track record with accusations/busts.

Re: Masli

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 4:25 pm
by jpcloet
Masli has 27 closed reports, only 3 cleared. With an 89% success rate, this should be a spurious report. Read the rules and forum guidelines or don't bother venturing into this forum to save yourself from being annoyed by such threads.

Re: Masli

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 4:31 pm
by colton24
jpcloet wrote:Masli has 27 closed reports, only 3 cleared. With an 89% success rate, this should be a spurious report. Read the rules and forum guidelines or don't bother venturing into this forum to save yourself from being annoyed by such threads.

IMHO that ain't the point. 27 reports! FFS that is friggin crazy.

Thorn don't listen to jpc. IMO this ain't spurious

Re: Masli

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 4:34 pm
by jefjef
colton24 wrote:
jpcloet wrote:Masli has 27 closed reports, only 3 cleared. With an 89% success rate, this should be a spurious report. Read the rules and forum guidelines or don't bother venturing into this forum to save yourself from being annoyed by such threads.

IMHO that ain't the point. 27 reports! FFS that is friggin crazy.

Thorn don't listen to jpc. IMO this ain't spurious

colton. Turn off your computer. Not a thing spurious or crazy successfully reporting CHEATERS.

You obviously don't like jpc or masli. I'm about to foe you.

Re: Masli

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 4:39 pm
by ahunda
colton24 wrote:
jpcloet wrote:Masli has 27 closed reports, only 3 cleared. With an 89% success rate, this should be a spurious report. Read the rules and forum guidelines or don't bother venturing into this forum to save yourself from being annoyed by such threads.

IMHO that ain't the point. 27 reports! FFS that is friggin crazy.

Thorn don't listen to jpc. IMO this ain't spurious

If every 2nd of those 27 would have been false, maybe. But 24 of the 27 were obviously found guilty.

Masli has helped catching 24 cheaters on the site, and you want to punish him for it ?

OP: Spurious. colton24: Dumb.

Re: Masli

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 4:41 pm
by Gypsys Kiss
I know I'm going to hate myself for saying this...............but I agree with jefjef.

Please dont hold this against me....

Re: Masli

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 4:42 pm
by firth4eva
Actually, reporting too many people IS against the rules, even if they are caught, as reporting them wastes the mods time. No, seriously, this is a rule.

Re: Masli

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 4:46 pm
by jefjef
firth4eva wrote:Actually, reporting too many people IS against the rules, even if they are caught, as reporting them wastes the mods time. No, seriously, this is a rule.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

WHAT? Huh. What is against the rules is cheating. Not catching them but I understand why that would be confusing to you.

The mods are here to BUST CHEATERS.

gypsys kiss. I hated to do it but I took ya off foe.

Re: Masli

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 4:54 pm
by firth4eva
jefjef wrote:
firth4eva wrote:Actually, reporting too many people IS against the rules, even if they are caught, as reporting them wastes the mods time. No, seriously, this is a rule.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

WHAT? Huh. What is against the rules is cheating. Not catching them but I understand why that would be confusing to you.

The mods are here to BUST CHEATERS.

gypsys kiss. I hated to do it but I took ya off foe.

Just what owenshooter told me ;) Although he said it about reporting a post. I assumed it's the same rules.

Re: Masli

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 5:15 pm
by safariguy5
There's a difference between calling people out for forum posts. Very few people read the forums anyways. If you're accusing Masli, why don't you accuse JR for reporting bunches of people too? If you report and you get multis and cheaters busted, you're doing a service, not wasting time. If you report, and try to get people forum banned, then you're wasting the mods time.

Re: Masli

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 5:55 pm
by steve066
it seems masli feels very strongly about cheaters
so much so that he is willing to spend time to expose them
with an extraordinary track record of accuracy.

he is doing site and honest players a great service.
i'm puzzled by those who mock his efforts with "get a life" remarks

you may not realize it but by discouraging masli's efforts you are coming down on the dont expose multis
side of the argument.


Re: Masli

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 5:55 pm
by Woodruff
THORNHEART wrote:I think the point I am making is pretty clear...if this post gets me in trouble ill laugh because i am not the one wasting mods time...

Your logic is poor, and here's why...even if his reports ARE wasting the mods time, they certainly would notice that and take the appropriate action. However, you've just ADDED to their wasted time, because this one certainly is also an unnecessary report.

colton24 wrote:
jpcloet wrote:Masli has 27 closed reports, only 3 cleared. With an 89% success rate, this should be a spurious report. Read the rules and forum guidelines or don't bother venturing into this forum to save yourself from being annoyed by such threads.

IMHO that ain't the point. 27 reports! FFS that is friggin crazy.

Thorn don't listen to jpc. IMO this ain't spurious

Just what Thornheart needs...Colton coming to his defense. He's definitely screwed now.

Re: Masli

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 6:01 pm
by khazalid
talk about a fuckin' gruesome twosome. *shiver*

Re: Masli

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 6:05 pm
by VampireM
khazalid wrote:talk about a fuckin' gruesome twosome. *shiver*

LMAO :lol: yuck

Re: Masli

PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:35 am
by gcwca_4_life
ahunda wrote:
colton24 wrote:
jpcloet wrote:Masli has 27 closed reports, only 3 cleared. With an 89% success rate, this should be a spurious report. Read the rules and forum guidelines or don't bother venturing into this forum to save yourself from being annoyed by such threads.

IMHO that ain't the point. 27 reports! FFS that is friggin crazy.

Thorn don't listen to jpc. IMO this ain't spurious

If every 2nd of those 27 would have been false, maybe. But 24 of the 27 were obviously found guilty.

Masli has helped catching 24 cheaters on the site, and you want to punish him for it ?

OP: Spurious. colton24: Dumb.

haha! i love the last part. But for the rest, this guy has it set all out. Why waste time trying to argue over pathetic bullshit THORN? only 3 of his accusations have been wrong. Hell, if I'm correct, that's a hell of a lot better than your record. ;)

Gypsys Kiss wrote:I know I'm going to hate myself for saying this...............but I agree with jefjef.

Please dont hold this against me....

hahaha! jefjef is awesome, and sometimes close to correct. :P

firth4eva wrote:Actually, reporting too many people IS against the rules, even if they are caught, as reporting them wastes the mods time. No, seriously, this is a rule.

Your wrong there first. It's only against the rules if you report person after person, and rarely you get one busted. ;)

safariguy5 wrote:There's a difference between calling people out for forum posts. Very few people read the forums anyways. If you're accusing Masli, why don't you accuse JR for reporting bunches of people too? If you report and you get multis and cheaters busted, you're doing a service, not wasting time. If you report, and try to get people forum banned, then you're wasting the mods time.

Another person who has it all laid out. ;)

Re: Masli

PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:53 am
by lord voldemort
lol something new every day.

Quite clearly this report is spurious....

to answer a few questions. The whole wasting the mods time is like reporting posts that you think are flames but clearly are not. (like several in this thread)

Like making reports like this because you feel someone is making too many successful threads.

I (and I assume all other c&a mods) will read as many threads as you can post as long as they are correctly posted and have evidence and aren't revenge posts etc etc.

Masli is a smart guy and has a good eye for this. And actually has more busts than what c&a has in its closed reports ;)

