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Clange and Jshorbe - Secret Diplomacy [cleared]es

PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:16 pm
by PenalCode


The accused are suspected of:
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 6278526

Comments: The play of these two seems kinda fishy halfway through the game. Their records certainly don't indicate that they are capable of co-ordinating these attacks without resorting to secret diplomacy. Your assistance in investigating this is appreciated. Thanks.

Re: Clange and Jshorbe - Secret Diplomacy

PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 1:43 pm
by VampireM
this is there only game together though it is fog of war i quickly scanned through the log.. the first three rounds jshorbe assaulted clange.. in round 7 and round 8 u got hit by both of them... round 7 u made 11 troops, red made 3, blue made 5 and green made 3.. no wonder why u got hit so hard...

no secret diplomacy here.. it is common for players to hit the strongest in the game, otherwise if they keep fighting each other they will automatically lose... while if they try and drop u now they may stand a chance..

through out this game they both hit each other.. probably more often then anyone else..

Re: Clange and Jshorbe - Secret Diplomacy

PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 2:15 pm
by PenalCode
I'm not accusing them of being multi's. Halfway through the game, their co-ordination of attacks is really timed well, avoiding each other and hitting the right spots in the same round. Nothing in the chat log.

Re: Clange and Jshorbe - Secret Diplomacy

PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 2:21 pm
by VampireM
PenalCode wrote:I'm not accusing them of being multi's. Halfway through the game, their co-ordination of attacks is really timed well, avoiding each other and hitting the right spots in the same round. Nothing in the chat log.

i never once said anything about them being multi... it is very hard to prove secret diplomacy and when they have done it in more then one game its much easier to prove... now about them coordination its a common strategy, why should they keep hitting each other when u are making the same as all of them combined (things have now changed) but i wouldnt hold ur breath hoping to win this case as there is just not enough evidence and in my opinion the evidence u have presented isnt even suspicious.. good luck, a mod will rule on this soon enough.. u might have to wait for the game to finish as the mods and anyone that isnt in the game cant see the board like u can..

Re: Clange and Jshorbe - Secret Diplomacy

PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 2:56 pm
by PenalCode
Oh ok, i thought mods can review private messages for evidence. sorry.

Re: Clange and Jshorbe - Secret Diplomacy

PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 2:58 pm
by VampireM
na they play fog games as well.. so i would assume u will have to wait for a ruling on this after the game is over... i would suggest for now, play through the game and see if things change later on in the game or if u feel there suspicious behavior continues..

Re: Clange and Jshorbe - Secret Diplomacy [pending]

PostPosted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 9:48 pm
by Evil Semp
Taking a look.

Re: Clange and Jshorbe - Secret Diplomacy [pending]es

PostPosted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:58 pm
by Evil Semp
PenalCode wrote:Comments: The play of these two seems kinda fishy halfway through the game. Their records certainly don't indicate that they are capable of co-ordinating these attacks without resorting to secret diplomacy. Your assistance in investigating this is appreciated. Thanks.

It is hard to have coordinating attacks when one of the accused doesn't make any attacks after round 11. I fail to see the secret diplomacy here.

Clange and Jshorbe are CLEARED of secret diplomacy.