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chicodasilva and nicho74 [Cleared/Noted/Warned] ks

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 4:47 am
by Myrmidon
I joined one of my first games on conquerclub having read the rules very carefully. But it was clear early on from the way this game was going that chicodasilva and nicho74 were cheating and had a secret alliance. I have even received emails to back this up beyond doubt.

chicodasilva was letting nicho74 get stronger and stronger, this was obvious when at one point nicho74 only had 1 army protecting Africa from South America. An odd move, he didn't seem alarmed or bothered by red bordering his territory and yet had placed heavy defense everywhere else.

Then I received an email from chicodasilva where he quote says 'YOU PROVE MY SECRET ALLIANCE YOU LOOOOOSER LOL' that seemed pretty conclusive to me that chicodasilva and nicho74 either have a secret alliance or even worse, multiple accounts.

The game was just playing out to strangely for certain aspects to be a coincidence, It was obvious from the start that the two players were working in tandem and it has sadly affected not only me but the other player in the game. evidence of nicho74 and chicodasilva's can be seen in the conversation on the game board and the messages sent to each other in the conversation.

I joined conquerclub having been sick of the cheats playing 'Attack' on facebook, I was hoping this was a site full of honest players who obey the rules and terms of the site. My faith has been severely dented now having played in a game with nicho74 and chicodasilva.

Even their names are dubious, nicho74 even admits he played a game before with chicodasilva and claimed that chicodasilva wanted to play against him again to gain revenge.......strange then that it took until nicho74 was beyond stopping for chicodasilve to attack. nicho74 even rhymes with chicodasilva........chico and nicho. very drool.

Re: chicodasilva and nicho74

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 5:26 am
by TheForgivenOne
Myrmidon wrote:

Accused of:
Secret Diplomacy

Game Numbers:

Game 6230705

Comments: I joined one of my first games on conquerclub having read the rules very carefully. But it was clear early on from the way this game was going that chicodasilva and nicho74 were cheating and had a secret alliance. I have even received emails to back this up beyond doubt.

chicodasilva was letting nicho74 get stronger and stronger, this was obvious when at one point nicho74 only had 1 army protecting Africa from South America. An odd move, he didn't seem alarmed or bothered by red bordering his territory and yet had placed heavy defense everywhere else.

Then I received an email from chicodasilva where he quote says 'YOU PROVE MY SECRET ALLIANCE YOU LOOOOOSER LOL' that seemed pretty conclusive to me that chicodasilva and nicho74 either have a secret alliance or even worse, multiple accounts.

The game was just playing out to strangely for certain aspects to be a coincidence, It was obvious from the start that the two players were working in tandem and it has sadly affected not only me but the other player in the game. evidence of nicho74 and chicodasilva's can be seen in the conversation on the game board and the messages sent to each other in the conversation.

I joined conquerclub having been sick of the cheats playing 'Attack' on facebook, I was hoping this was a site full of honest players who obey the rules and terms of the site. My faith has been severely dented now having played in a game with nicho74 and chicodasilva.

Even their names are dubious, nicho74 even admits he played a game before with chicodasilva and claimed that chicodasilva wanted to play against him again to gain revenge.......strange then that it took until nicho74 was beyond stopping for chicodasilve to attack. nicho74 even rhymes with chicodasilva........chico and nicho. very drool.

Fixed up the report

Re: chicodasilva and nicho74

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 5:40 am
by TheForgivenOne
Oh, just wondering, should the mods tell Chico that he shouldn't deadbeat? saw this as his interests


Too lazy/tired to check all his games to see if he has deadbeat any

Re: chicodasilva and nicho74

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 9:55 am
by vodean
how about nicho and nicho74 as multis? maybe nichos 1-73 too?

Re: chicodasilva and nicho74

PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:42 am
by chicodasilva
MYRMIDON your'really funny, that chico nicho thing is by far the most hillarious thing i've seen so far in CC. THANKS!

TheForgivenOne, it would be very nice if you were also lazy/tired to post comments about me or my interests as you are to check all my games to see if i deadbeat! Maybe that's because accusing and pointing fingers for free is cheap and actually prove something with sustained evidence is not.
So please stop being a lazy accuser and give me the pleasure to know that you've spend any minute of your life trying to find out if i deadbeat anyone OR even if i intentionally screwed a game.
And after you do, as you seem to be so proactive defending what you think is right, it would be nice to hear an apologize from you.

Re: chicodasilva and nicho74

PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 2:25 pm
by Myrmidon
I have strong evidence to back the fact you are a cheat and wouldn't accuse someone without proof. Funny thing is, nicho74 hasn't said one thing in the forum's about being accused along with you of secret alliances. It would not be a great surprise to learn that you are the holder of multiple accounts.

I am new to the game admittedly, but chicodasilva sent me abusive messages and has also left comments on all my games simply because I noticed the game I was playing with him and nicho74 was very odd and consistent with cheating. I understand that players who play fair have a right to report cheats to make the game cleaner, but I never expected to be subjected to abuse from chicodasilva for following the rules of the game in reporting cheats.

I think what chicodasilva is upset about is the fact him and nicho74 have been found out and to cover his tracks he is trying make me a newbie look bad on my games. Funny thing is, chicodasilva and nicho74 played in the same game as me and are the only persons I have reported of cheating and yet chicodasilva suggests that I 'accuse all players who beat me in this game'......which is ridiculous. I have only been eliminated from one other game so hows that possible.

I have no gripe about losing fair and square but in the game against chicodasilva and nicho74, that clearly wasn't the case. I am just interested in being a good fair player and making the game cleaner for others by reporting players like chicodasilva who ruin the game.

from Myrmidon

Re: chicodasilva and nicho74

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 6:32 am
by chicodasilva
oh my myrmidonius you're full of it : D
just didn't quite get your first sentence...after all, your acusing us from secret aliance or multiple accounts?! got to be clear on that! : )
and you must give those evidences you got to the mods! Please! say you have evidences is not the same as actually have them!

but lets make one thing very clear, I did not use abusive language because you reported me! I've used abusive language with you when you began to make false accusations to me on the game chat, after nicho warned us that you began sending him emails accusing him of cheating! that is quite different. My abusive language was not used as a retaliation for your post. My abusive language was used because you're really annoying, bully, sore loser, vindictive, false accuser, missguided, have no honor, etc, etc, etc.

AND, my fellow myrmidoniusmus, what you "think" i already know is less that what you say, and what you say has no possible backup, as it doesn't what you "think". A person with 2 brain cells realizes that I became upset with your false accusation in the game chat, with your enormous amount of unfair play, with your lack of principles, with your bad losing, etc, etc, etc. and NOT because you reported about me! I'll say this again so you maybe can understand it : Please go all the way and prove your accusations! Please, MODS! help this guy! he really needs it!

Just to finish, YOU DON'T NEED ANY HELP FROM ME OR ANYONE TO LOOK BAD! you do it fine just by yourself! what I said in your other games is 100% what happend in our game!

i don't really like smilies, but there's one that suits you like a glove :


Re: chicodasilva and nicho74

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 6:42 am
by Megadeth666
:? Just a little odd that Myrmidon Joined:
Thu Jul 27, 2006 4:18 pm
but played his first game this year :shock:

Re: chicodasilva and nicho74

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:39 am
by nicho74
Ok As far as I'm accused I wanna give my story of that.

First I would like to mention I'm just here to have fun for a few minutes a day, so I'm not visiting the forum. ChiccoDasilva just sent me a message to tell me to visit this forum.

OK so here is the point. We played a game with Chicco and the forth player (let's call him Yellow as far as it was his color). I won this interestng game (one of the best I ever played). Chicco offered to everyone to play a revenge. I accepted and yellow too obviously.

The 4th place was taken by Myrmidon. here is the problem coming ;) .

After 2 or 3 turns myrmidon started to send me email to explain me I was a cheater. The fact is that I was owning Africa and no one could do anything to destroy me on this turn. I answered to Myrmillon that if he had any doubt, he is allow to report me but not to accuse me before the Mods give their opinions.
A 2nd and a 3rd message came and they were more and more aggressive. At the same time Chicco was receiving some as well.
I explained on the forum that I was apologyzing to sacrifye the game and Africa but I couldn't play with Blue anymore. I moved all my army from Africa and move them to Mirmillon's border in order to eliminate him. He seems he didn't really appreciate it ;).
At this time Chicco destroyed Africa (my continent) not forted anymore.
Getting crazy with Chicco to be accused like that, we asked yellow to let us eliminate blue and then we will give him the game.
I even asked a moderator to enter my account and check everything (mail box and stuff like that) to fix if I'm cheating or not. Unfortunately nothing yet on this side.
End of story for me.

Now just to answer Mirmillon's points:
1) "Nicho had 1 army protecting africa from south america" as well I had 1 army to protect Africa from everywhere because all my armies were on your borders (remember the pain in your neck?). Why to accuse chicco to not attack when neither yellow neither you did it? Finally Chicco did it.
2) "Chiccodasilva and nicho74 have a secret alliance or even worse: multiple account" for the secret alliance I offered Moderator to check my emails. I can't do more. For multiple accounts I tryed to explain that the country you play from is mentioned in the profile. Chicco is playing from Portugal, I'm from France or Switzerland.... I'm not traveling twice a day from France to Portugal!
3) "it was sadly affected not only me but the other player in the game". He won this game. But you are true he is sadly affected by the way this game went. The 3 of us will play another game together but guess what: you won't be invited!
4) "Even their name are dubious". I think no comment is the best answer..... =D> in French we say Chapeau l'Artiste!
5) "I have strong evidence" please give them. If it is evidence like their name are dubious, I would say Chapeau l'Artiste =D> once again!
6) "Chicco sent me abusive message" well I don't know if it is true but for sure You sent me abusive messages!
7) "Chicco left comments on all my games"..... funny I had the same Idea.... maybe I gonna run to do it!

Just to be clear: guys if you are here for fun don't play with Mirmillon!

Re: chicodasilva and nicho74

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:57 am
by nicho74
Megadeth666 wrote::? Just a little odd that Myrmidon Joined:
Thu Jul 27, 2006 4:18 pm
but played his first game this year :shock:

Well noticed Megadeth but be carefull or you gonna become a cheater with us soon.....

So Myrmillon, how can you explain it was your first game in conquerclub when you registered 3.5 years ago?
I'm waiting the answer with interest but please don't tell us something like you lived in the jungle for 3 years and you just came back in the society..... ;)

Re: chicodasilva and nicho74

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:08 am
by Myrmidon
Why is that odd you clown, stop trying to discredit me just to cover up your cheating behaviour and secret alliance with chicodasilva. I may have joined the site and looked at it and decided against playing for a variety of reasons. What business is that of yours nicho74.

Why is that so odd and extreme!!! I may even have forgotten my don't question me, your the one in the dock here. Your the one trying desperately to cover up your cheating behaviour. Its funny how you and chicodasilva have both hassling me and harrassing me since I noticed gaming irregularities in the game I played with you both.

I find that odd to be honest and a further sign of guilt, if you had nothing to hide you wouldn't be hassling me or trying to find something amiss with my membership. I don't have multiple accounts like you nicho74 and I certainly don't cheat at any games.

Simple fact is, you've finally been found out and other players are starting to put two and two together and your trying to drag other players down with you. Anyway, as I said in my not write to me again as I now view your mails as harrassment.

Re: chicodasilva and nicho74

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:17 am
by Myrmidon
Oh another amusing fact, chicodasilva has written on the conversation board of every one of my games that I apparently accuse all players of cheating when I lose. Well I have only completed 2 games I think in total and in the other game I played I praised 'srmaster' for his skill in the game and sent him very good feedback. Which sort of contradicts chicodasilva's statement that I am ungracious in defeat doesn't it really. In fact I sent positive feedback to all 3 players from the first game I played....hardly the actions of someone who cannot handle defeat.

I can handle defeat perfectly, I just cannot handle defeat from players who are plainly obviously cheating such as chicodasilva and nicho74. It was so obvious I think nearly every player on conquerclub would have had suspicions against both players.

Re: chicodasilva and nicho74

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:19 am
by chicodasilva

Re: chicodasilva and nicho74

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:27 am
by Myrmidon
I think chicodasilva's last comment sums him up very well really. Its not a nice comment to direct at players is it!!! Especially when you're the person who has been sending messages and harrassing me not only via mail but also leaving messages on every single game board for players I am currently playing with.

And you call me a 'sicko'. lol. mmm I am just writing on the forum as I am rightly allowed to do with the facts and findings from my game. I am more than entitled to express an opinion on players based on solid facts. You also 'deadbeat' me on my personal profile....something you have been accused off many times. Players are allowed to report players who are clearly breaking the rules such as you and nicho74.

Re: chicodasilva and nicho74

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:42 am
by chicodasilva

Re: chicodasilva and nicho74

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:48 am
by Myrmidon
I am sure you have been warned several times by moderators about deadbeating players and being verbally abusive and yet it doesn't seem to be sinking in. Can anyone do anything about chicodasilva, I have had nothing but abuse from this guy, on my own personal page.....on all the gaming boards I am involved with and even mails from the guy.

Surely this is against the games terms/conditions and rules. The message doesn't seem to be getting across to the guy despite persistent warnings from moderators and other players.

Re: chicodasilva and nicho74

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 11:10 am
by chicodasilva

Re: chicodasilva and nicho74

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 11:15 am
by Myrmidon
Sorry dude, but I am going to report you are persistently deadbeating me not only on the forum but on my personal page. Now you are calling me a liar when all players have to do is check out my profile page to see the message you have left me.

Also its evident that you do not listen to moderators or other players who warn you about your behaviour on this game. Please leave me alone and stop deadbeating me, you are ruining my enjoyment of the game.

Re: chicodasilva and nicho74

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 11:36 am
by chicodasilva
You can report me as many times as you like, I believe you wont get credit for none. And as long as you keep lying i'll keep calling you LIAR.

From now on I assure you, no matter what you say I will end my statements for and about you FOREVER.

bye bye

Re: chicodasilva and nicho74

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 11:58 am
by Myrmidon am I lying. haha Its all there in black and white on my personal page and on here in the forum. So really I am not a liar, I have told the truth and you have been harrassing me in games and writing stuff about me. Not to mention leaving deadbeat messages on my own page and sending me a mail that I can easily forward to a moderator as proof.

So please don't call me a liar, you have been consistently warned about deadbeating people and making abusive comments to not only me but it would seem other players as well. I am a good, honest player who is entitled to comment and report players I feel are breaking the rules and all I have got for doing this is abuse from you and harrassment.

It clearly says in the rules that you cannot do this and yet you carry on doing this.

Re: chicodasilva and nicho74

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 12:41 pm
by vodean
the only things i have to say to myrmidon: deadbeating is intentionally missing turns
we no longer use feedback, we use ratings. just for the sake of newbs, and yourself. what he was doing was flaming.\

regarding micho and nicho and nicho74
same or similar english says he doesnt like smilies. later the next feels a need to use smilies out of place(the meaning of smilies are the same in french).

Re: chicodasilva and nicho74

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 1:02 pm
by Myrmidon
Ok thanks for setting me straight on the gaming terminology, this chicodasilva guy has really laid into me for using the cheating and abuse forum....which surely is my right as a player to point out suspicious games. I'd be lying if I said chicodasilva's and nicho74's comments and continual harrassment hasn't spoilt my enjoyment of the game because in all truth it has.

I am new and looking to enjoy games with honest, decent player and above all have fun......thats what games are about. So I have found chicodasilva's behaviour on here both intimidating and out of order.

Re: chicodasilva and nicho74

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 7:29 am
by vodean
yes i agree. they will most likely not get more than a warning. :x

Re: chicodasilva and nicho74

PostPosted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 2:46 pm
by pearljamrox2
Myrmidon, just add them to your foe list...and they wont be able to post on your page anymore.

Re: chicodasilva and nicho74

PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:35 am
by king sam
do me a favor and everyone that is involved take a screen capture of the PM's that were received that you think are in violation of the rules here, upload them to a site and send them to me via a PM.

king sam

Please go through and read the community guidelines to make sure that this something that we would consider punishable first.

Also if it is true that either of these players have posted in games that you are in that they are not in then please provide me with the game numbers so I can look for myself. This is against the rules as well, and is documented in the community guidelines. I know you only got like 8 games Myrmidon but it will save me the hassle.

And lastly the comment on your wall is off color and not real nice but all but the hope you die part isn't really against the rules as we are an adult site and don't monitor the 4 letter words you will hear from time to time unless it gets real out of hand. Granted what was said was not nice, but its a stretch to say its a violation with just that. Watch the flaming in here, foe each other rate each other as you see fit. Send me those PM's and I will look over the case for the diplomacy/multi.
