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PanzerFist and TechnoFrienzy[busted]

PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 5:53 pm
by Sandstorm1903


The accused are suspected of:
Being Multis

These are two accounts I found on my computer with saved passwords. I believe they are my brother's, who hoped he could get me banned. Rather than logging into them and trying to find a delete button (if there is one), I was hoping someone would delete them.

I do see PanzerFist on one of my games and I would like to keep my record clean, so I am posting this. I do plan to buy premium soon, because 4 games go past too fast and I do believe in fair play. I also didn't want to go head and buy a 12 month premium then get accused on multis and lose my $25 for nothing.

Thank you,


EDIT: If these three accounts are scanned, I believe they will show up on the same IP. I am not trying to get other people to be banned, but trying to clear my name.

Re: PanzerFist and TechnoFrienzy[pending]es

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 1:09 pm
by Evil Semp
Checking it out.

Re: PanzerFist and TechnoFrienzy[pending]es

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 8:37 pm
by jefjef
patricus joined same time as techno and all 3 games are losses to TechnoFrienzy. No game chat. Some moves exact same time.

Also interesting how sandstorm joined game Game 6215268 AFTER PanzerFist joined.

Very odd. More than meets the eye.

Re: PanzerFist and TechnoFrienzy[pending]es

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:54 pm
by Evil Semp
I have BUSTED Sandstorm1903, PanzerFist and TechnoFrienzy.

It appears Sandstorm was trying to hide in plain sight.