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Extreme racist language - David Staten [closed]

PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 1:52 pm
by obliterationX
David Staten

The accused are suspected of:
Extremely threateningly racist language
Intentional deadbeating

Game number(s):
Game 6214199

2010-01-03 18:45:15 - David Staten: ti is not fucking fair it is cheating and you are cheating you fucking nigger charet ass hole

2010-01-03 18:45:45 - David Staten: f*ck off

2010-01-03 18:46:43 - David Staten: you fucking nigger

2010-01-03 18:47:46 - David Staten: jsut like the black man feels the world owes them something the worldowes then nothing at all

2010-01-03 18:53:27 - David Staten missed a turn
2010-01-03 18:58:27 - David Staten missed a turn

Thankfully, he unleashed this on someone who isn't offended by such remarks. Secondly, I feel the CC administration needs to know about this racist little character before he says it to someone who could take offence -- this is totally out of order if you ask me.

PS: I'm sure owen would be proud of me. :)

Re: Extreme racist language - David Staten

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:53 am
by BigBallinStalin
Well, what if he's as black as this David Staten?


What then?

Re: Extreme racist language - David Staten

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:55 pm
by lord voldemort
This has been dealt with.

Re: Extreme racist language - David Staten

PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 12:06 am
by Queen_Herpes
lord voldemort wrote:This has been dealt with.

Let me guess, after two warnings, he gets another warning? i thought I should jump in here consdiering the harassment this player gave to me just a few weeks ago.

I think I deserve and the community deserves some information about what exactly was done to deal with {player]David Staten[/player].

Here are his TWO Previous warnings, all within 3 months:



As I am one of the many offended by this player, I think a public description of what is being done this time is in order.

Re: Extreme racist language - David Staten [closed]

PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 12:17 am
by lord voldemort
His punishment is between cc and himself. He has received the correct level according to the escalating scale of major infractions.

Re: Extreme racist language - David Staten [closed]

PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 12:27 am
by Queen_Herpes
lord voldemort wrote:His punishment is between cc and himself. He has received the correct level according to the escalating scale of major infractions.

This guy blitzkrieged my games, my wall and my inbox. I deserve to know. The community deserves to know what is happening to a player who has already been warned twice about the exact same thing.

Re: Extreme racist language - David Staten [closed]

PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 12:58 am
by king sam
Queen_Herpes wrote:This guy blitzkrieged my games, my wall and my inbox. I deserve to know. The community deserves to know what is happening to a player who has already been warned twice about the exact same thing.

Is it that hard to click on his account and see he is a "Guest" right now.

We don't have to discuss the procedures at all, we choose to do so to keep the public alert on what is happening. If you were to go to the community guidelines it spells out exactly what the punishment was.

The 1st offense against you was his 1st Warning for Game Trolling/Harassing (back in September)

The other thread you sited was his 1st Warning for Bigotry (back in November)

And this one was his 2nd infraction of Bigotry (Major Infraction), his punishment is the same course we take for everyone on their 2nd infraction of this such, and is outlined in the guidelines.