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dbyron SEVERE RATINGS ABUSE [Cleared/Noted]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 9:05 am
by HaireWolf1


The accused are suspected of:

Severe Ratings Abuse

Game number(s):

#6052532...check his ratings given for all games though

Comments: This player gave me ratings that made no sense whatsoever. I thought it was a mistake so I reviewed it. He has ticked off a high percentage of players that he has played against for the same reason. I have an excellent reputation on this site and it's ridiculous to have a moron like this post untrue ratings about so many good players. Right after he gave me poor marks he foed me. I'm sure he's done this to the other players he has screwed as well. Please see to it he gets what he deserves.


PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 9:10 am
by colton24
HaireWolf1 wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:

Severe Ratings Abuse

Game number(s):

Game 6052532 check his ratings given for all games though

Comments: This player gave me ratings that made no sense whatsoever. I thought it was a mistake so I reviewed it. He has ticked off a high percentage of players that he has played against for the same reason. I have an excellent reputation on this site and it's ridiculous to have a moron like this post untrue ratings about so many good players. Right after he gave me poor marks he foed me. I'm sure he's done this to the other players he has screwed as well. Please see to it he gets what he deserves.


PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 9:12 am
by colton24
TAGS: Uncooperative

He left that for hailfire and there were 2 games. Assassin and Terminator. I don't see any team games...


PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 2:23 pm
by dbyron
All the good players I routinely play private games against have already gotten positive feedback. It's unfortunate that my current first couple pages of feedback given is largely negative but sadly I've been playing public games against a variety of players and some of those have deserved medium to poor feedback. I don't give good feedback simply for winning a game but if they are friendly in chat, have said gl and/or gg and have played a good I'm more than happy to leave positive feedback. If you were to look at page 6, 7 and farther back of my feedback given it's largely positive. I keep a lot of private notes in the game chat and any player who has gotten bad feedback I'm more than happy to discuss it with them and even try to get their side of things if they can't understand why I felt they deserved that feedback.

Actually looking at that first page the feedback ranges from 12/23 to 10/02 so almost three months worth of games which would probably put the game count well into the hundreds. Of those 50 feedbacks, 18 were all 4s/5s, 18 were 2s/3s/4s and 14 had 1s or higher in them. It'd be great to have 40 4s/5s and 6 2s/3s/4s and 4 with 1s or higher but after playing over 4700 games here most of my positive feedback was done early on and recently it's been the poor players that stand out more.

That's my side of the story anyways. The player who brought on the response was given a 3/2/3 feedback with tags Silent, Clueless, Poor Strategy. The game in question is 6052532 in which he had a small run going but then left silver with only one region which was away from his other armies and thus he had no chance of killing him. Also he was attacking yellow and silver at the same time thining them both and leaving me with the easy win. And he said nothing in the chat.


PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 2:26 pm
by dbyron
colton24 wrote:TAGS: Uncooperative

He left that for hailfire and there were 2 games. Assassin and Terminator. I don't see any team games...

Read the game chat. After the two messages I typed I also have these private notes.

2009-12-08 17:59:35 - dbyron [self]: 10 on a12, 6 on s1...R had 6 on a106 on e1,
2009-12-09 16:26:31 - dbyron [self]: Y attacked a big R stack on e6, would have been 6 or 8 give or take
2009-12-10 19:34:23 - dbyron [self]: had 9 n1, 8 s1 and 6 e1....Y had 6,6,4,2,1,1,1, and 4 cards
2009-12-11 17:41:52 - dbyron [self]: Y cahsed in, attacked my 9 on n1 and didnt even go for the bonus....


PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:52 pm
by HaireWolf1
I don't think they'll buy your cheap story...You have blasted many good players by your poor ratings and most of them gave you good marks...I was shocked when you rated me what I consider poorly. You're just a poor sport and a total misrepresentation of what this good site is all about...Grow up!


PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 4:08 pm
by Bones2484
HaireWolf1 wrote:I don't think they'll buy your cheap story...You have blasted many good players by your poor ratings and most of them gave you good marks...I was shocked when you rated me what I consider poorly. You're just a poor sport and a total misrepresentation of what this good site is all about...Grow up!

Actually, 3/2/3 is supposed to be JUST under average.


PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 4:17 pm
by HaireWolf1
It's poor when you consider his unfounded comments he put with it and the fact that my rating is 4.8


PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 5:31 pm
by colton24
dbyron wrote:
colton24 wrote:TAGS: Uncooperative

He left that for hailfire and there were 2 games. Assassin and Terminator. I don't see any team games...

Read the game chat. After the two messages I typed I also have these private notes.

2009-12-08 17:59:35 - dbyron [self]: 10 on a12, 6 on s1...R had 6 on a106 on e1,
2009-12-09 16:26:31 - dbyron [self]: Y attacked a big R stack on e6, would have been 6 or 8 give or take
2009-12-10 19:34:23 - dbyron [self]: had 9 n1, 8 s1 and 6 e1....Y had 6,6,4,2,1,1,1, and 4 cards
2009-12-11 17:41:52 - dbyron [self]: Y cahsed in, attacked my 9 on n1 and didnt even go for the bonus....

Uncooroperative is for team games when they don't do what you say. Poor excuse...


PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 6:05 pm
by jpcloet
colton24 wrote:Uncooroperative is for team games when they don't do what you say. Poor excuse...

As usual Colton, you are out to lunch, and that is your interpretation of that tag. Uncooperative means different things to different people. I've used it on players who drag games out for no reason. And if you are telling your teammates what to do and expect them to follow your orders, then you are a bad teammate (there's a tag for that too). You can suggest what you think they should do, but it's up to the players to make the moves and use their judgement.

As for the complaint, not enough evidence IMO. Dbyron uses the ratings appropriately, although they do tend to be more negative than positive.


PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 7:25 pm
by max is gr8
Uncooperative can be used in assassins and terminators. One player in an assassin preventing another being eliminated despite being asked to is uncooperative.

On Fairplay he marked everyone down in total by 95...

Across 50 people a page... he is still overmarking people as if he marked people at average the marking down would be by a total of 100.

Therefore this is an incorrect accusation.

Remember 1 = Bad, 2 = Below Average, 3 = Average, 4 = Above Average, 5 = Excellent.
maximum distribution would be 250... the best distribution for giving a true representation of all players is 150. He is above that by 5.

Tags are the issue here, like the quitter who won. But ratings itself. They're fine infact he's being marginally generous, he's using them more accurate than most people


PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:08 pm
by dbyron
I appreciate the support against the accuser's claim. I try to be careful using the tags but sometimes might not quite choose the correct tag to fit the situation. The tags are fairly general and don't necessarily apply properly to every situation but there still may have been better choices of tags that I could have used in certain instances.

If the quitter tag reference was for the feedback I left unknownhero it was from Game 5848081 which was played in Nov 2009 and obviously not related to the single heads up game we played Jan 2008. We've played in 5 multiplayer games since the heads up game and in said game it was an 8 player fog game on the Canada map and a player went looking for unknownhero's finally regions and ended up leaving him with one territory which was 6 armies on Churchill protected by my 9 armies on Thompson. unknownhero then took his turn after the player who missed eliminating him and he dropped on Churchill and attacked my Thompson guys which allowed the next player to take his turn and attack Thompson, attack Churchill and win the game. Had unknownhero dropped and stopped his turn the game outcome would have been different but he chose to drop and attack the armies i had hiding him and gifted the game to another player. In my eyes dropping and attacking was unecessary and had the player before not left him with one territory he wouldn't have made that move but he quit and took his frustrations out on me. I guess maybe Suicider sorta could work or Sore Loser however I elected to go with Quitter. I don't think Vindictive would apply since I wasn't the one who left him hanging.

*edt*...You probably just noticed his response to my feedback while you were collecting the data for your reply to this thread and assumed he was responding with the truth. Which I wish was a fair assumption but unfortunately some players respond with unjust words that aren't a true representation of what happened. So I probably didn't need the detailed repsonse but just in case I'll leave it...


PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:14 pm
by The Neon Peon
This guy is one of the few that actually uses the ratings system correctly. I glanced through his ratings left and it looks like they average out at 3 starts.

Great job for doing this. I'm on my third attempt to do so right now (I stopped rating people the previous two times because I was getting annoyed of answering PM's of why I gave someone 2 starts attitude when the didn't say anything)


PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:04 pm
by Mustapha Mond
3 may be supposed to be "average", but against what scale? I'd be curious to see what the average across the site is.

Among established players, in practice, it's extremely rare for people to give/receive 3's. Most people rate more like grading -- start with a 5 and take off for people doing things badly. It's extremely rare to see anyone with an overall rating below 4. If they do, you know they're either so new they haven't averaged out 1 or 2 bad ratings, or they really are such an ass you probably don't want to play with them.

Furthermore, knowing that a lot of players foe people who give them 3's, if you actually try to use the ratings "correctly" and give 3's, you end up screwing yourself -- getting foed by "average" players.

Regardless of what the ratings actually say, it seems like the de facto community standards are to rate much higher than 3's. Seems like "average" is more like 4.5.


PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 12:28 am
by guinniboy
i try to be a positive person on this site. i will rate others after playing them more than once generally unless game was played well and friendly then the rating may come earlier, i will usually keep the rating at 5 across and take down if rude or very stupid play , especially suiciding, i will give more than a chance for moment of stupidity, i dont like to gouge needlessly. i rather like the old ratings better, easier to judge ppl from. as i see haire wolfe u have rated low many many cooks and new recruits, that seems unfair as some are still learning, some are actually players starting life on a new account, i have rated i few low because of thier gameplay and poor attitude, but only a few, i believe there are a few brigadeers or colonels in there as well as noobs, but they surely deserved it, i dont see everyone rating the same way which is the problem with the system., for the record i have been rated 5 stars by dbron and i barely know him, seems we played good games together : )


PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 12:34 am
by rutherfoo
I can't believe this whiney crap. Average is average, not "poor" and people complaining every time they get less than all 5's are really pathetic.


PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:08 am
by HaireWolf1
The only time I have rated players poorly is when they are deadbeats and just do not show up for games..There have been a few times when opps have displayed extremely poor sportsmanship and I have rated them poorly for that...For the most part though I give 5 stars across the board for most of my ratings...You start out with a 5 until you lose it.


PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:14 am
by HaireWolf1
As for rutherpoo it wasn't even as much the number rating as it was the tags he put on his rating. Your rating may not mean anything to you but my reputation does mean a lot to me.


PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 8:10 pm
by rutherfoo
If you automatically give everyone 5's unless they do something to piss you off, then YOU are the one ABUSING the rating system. As for his tags, he already justified why he labeled you that way earlier in this thread. And if an online gaming site "reputation" means "a lot" to you, then you really need to grow up.


PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:23 pm
by HaireWolf1
rutherfoo you make no sense when you comment on anything...give me some of that so I can be naive as well. And you're on here an awful lot sitting and watching things that don't even concern you...I'd say you're due for a paci.


PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:35 pm
by king sam
dbyron's ratings do tend to be more on the lower side then you would usually see around here in CC. But the points that have been made that reflect the scale and the way he is using it is correct.

1= Way Below Average
2= Below Average
3 = Average
4= Above Average
5= Way Above Average
Nothing = N/A

Tags can be very subjective much like the rest of the rating system, and mean different things to different people. "Quitter" could mean someone to deadbeats to you but could also mean someone who gave up on a game (like in the rating of uknownhero)

In short, yes he is using the scale and tags correct, however I am sending him a PM to be careful with some of the tags he does decide to go with in the future, as some that he has left that I checked on are on sketchy. Ratings abuse is something we do monitor here, and only step in when its gross abuse, this is an example of a player that is using the ratings as the median scale in which it was intended for.

Cleared / Noted


Mustapha Mond wrote:Among established players, in practice, it's extremely rare for people to give/receive 3's. Most people rate more like grading -- start with a 5 and take off for people doing things badly. It's extremely rare to see anyone with an overall rating below 4. If they do, you know they're either so new they haven't averaged out 1 or 2 bad ratings, or they really are such an ass you probably don't want to play with them.

Furthermore, knowing that a lot of players foe people who give them 3's, if you actually try to use the ratings "correctly" and give 3's, you end up screwing yourself -- getting foed by "average" players.

Regardless of what the ratings actually say, it seems like the de facto community standards are to rate much higher than 3's. Seems like "average" is more like 4.5.

I agree

Re: dbyron SEVERE RATINGS ABUSE [Cleared/Noted]

PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:48 pm
by hahaha3hahaha
Mustapha is correct. If you saw a player with 3 stars overall ratings, would YOU want to play a team game with him? 3 stars isn't average. Even 4 stars (which is supposedly 'good'), you would be hesitent to play with them.

Re: dbyron SEVERE RATINGS ABUSE [Cleared/Noted]

PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:50 pm
by hahaha3hahaha
There many people like this twat who have been cleared when it is obviously gross abuse of the system. So I'd be curious to know, King Sam, what is gross abuse of the ratings system to you? Give me a random sampling of what a gross abuse of the ratings system would look like.

Re: dbyron SEVERE RATINGS ABUSE [Cleared/Noted]

PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:52 pm
by jefjef
hahaha3hahaha wrote:There many people like this twat who have been cleared when it is obviously gross abuse of the system. So I'd be curious to know, King Sam, what is gross abuse of the ratings system to you? Give me a random sampling of what a gross abuse of the ratings system would look like.

Look at the closed report on Police Boy. Perfect example.

Re: dbyron SEVERE RATINGS ABUSE [Cleared/Noted]

PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:56 pm
by king sam
Ratings Abuse is where a user or group of users rates their opponents unjustifiably, haphazardly, and systematically, using the Ratings Tool in a destructive or inappropriate manner. Ratings Abuse will primarily come in the form of unusually Poor Ratings, though Ratings Abuse may also come in the form of unusually Excellent Ratings as well. Though we do not moderate Ratings generally, extreme abusive cases will be dealt with.

I already stated the scale. 0 (Not Rated) through 5.
And explained the tag situation can be viewed subjectively as well.

However gross abuse would be as jefjef said in policeboy who rated (prior to his 1 month reprisal from ratings) rating only 1's / 2's across the board without just cause, and leaving tags in the same manner.

leaving a deadbeat tag for someone who in every game they were involved with you in didn't miss a turn is a good example of misuse of tags.