I don't see the declared alliance...
2006-12-25 02:07:01 - Spaded: Kato aim?
2006-12-28 17:55:44 - Spaded: Teal
2006-12-28 17:55:55 - Spaded: I just lost 5 guys to your one, for the second time
2006-12-28 17:57:51 - buddy1: I would feel bad for you but to bad yellow and blue don;t pick on each other
2006-12-28 17:58:11 - Spaded: we will, we have alliance from start
2006-12-28 17:59:30 - Spaded: Should have clarified that, if you look at my games Sokan has been in like all of them, i pmed him and he likes to be called kato
2006-12-28 17:59:44 - ab327: wot? u had a secret alliance?
2006-12-28 18:00:00 - buddy1: yeah i can see that just everyone should no that from the start ahole
2006-12-28 18:00:04 - Spaded: it wasnt secret
2006-12-28 18:00:09 - Spaded: i said it in chat
2006-12-28 18:00:13 - ab327: that's against the rules
2006-12-28 18:00:28 - Spaded: I said it in chat.
2006-12-28 18:00:29 - ab327: no, u sed Kato, and no one knew what that meant
2006-12-28 18:00:40 - Spaded: 2006-12-25 02:07:01 - Spaded: Kato aim?
2006-12-28 18:00:53 - Spaded: I just told you what it ment
2006-12-28 18:01:27 - ab327: yes u told us, near the end of the game!
2006-12-28 18:01:39 - ab327: i thought it was some foreign language
2006-12-28 18:07:00 - ab327: reported
2006-12-28 18:09:10 - Spaded: Sore Loser much?
But I do see secret alliance....two more added to IGNORE