alstergren and crash22[cleared]
Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 10:47 am
The accused are suspected of:
Severe PM Abuse
Put all 128 armies on one spot in World map and somehow knew EXACTLY where I placed my troops(i put my soldiers in Mexico, they put everything in Hawaii).
Farming my friend, NPiper5 and I, DarkPhoenix101.
alstergren was entering the games that I started, then reserving one position for his friend.
alstergren also admitted to hacking into my friend NPiper5's screen name, taking a peak where we were placing our armies, and then struck there. (i have the chat screenshotted, and am willing to send it if requested.)
Game number(s):
Game 6055341
Comments: They are both on my foes list, yet they somehow entered my game.
The accused are suspected of:
Severe PM Abuse
Put all 128 armies on one spot in World map and somehow knew EXACTLY where I placed my troops(i put my soldiers in Mexico, they put everything in Hawaii).
Farming my friend, NPiper5 and I, DarkPhoenix101.
alstergren was entering the games that I started, then reserving one position for his friend.
alstergren also admitted to hacking into my friend NPiper5's screen name, taking a peak where we were placing our armies, and then struck there. (i have the chat screenshotted, and am willing to send it if requested.)
Game number(s):
Game 6055341
Comments: They are both on my foes list, yet they somehow entered my game.