catalonian [Foe/Rate Accordingly]
Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 11:35 pm
The accused are suspected of:
Severe PM Abuse
Game number(s):
Comments: If his account isn't removed/blocked by this time tomorrow SHAME ON THE CONQUER CLUB OFFCIALS!!! By looking at his previous ratings this isn't the first time he's acted like this!!
2009-11-16 22:33:28 - catalonian: ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz
2009-11-16 22:33:29 - catalonian: gg
2009-11-16 22:34:07 - Rex Lander: hi gl
2009-11-16 22:34:21 - catalonian: you are a coward
2009-11-16 22:34:27 - catalonian: good move
2009-11-16 22:35:22 - Rex Lander: we'll see ;0)
2009-11-16 22:39:54 - catalonian: zzzzzzzzZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz
2009-11-16 22:41:07 - Rex Lander: if your that tired don't play??
2009-11-16 22:42:29 - catalonian: yestarday I saw your mother in my farm, she was eating with my porks hahha
2009-11-16 22:44:57 - Rex Lander: What ever................i see your ratings match your attitude LOLOLOLOL
2009-11-16 22:45:03 - catalonian: I'm not tired, you are slowly
2009-11-16 22:45:25 - catalonian: hahaha my ratings haha what's is it?
2009-11-16 22:46:13 - catalonian: a mi lo rating me sudan la polla como tu ama
2009-11-16 22:46:19 - catalonian: lolololol
2009-11-16 22:54:00 - Rex Lander: God what's it feel like to be such a TWAT??
2009-11-16 22:56:27 - catalonian: i don understand
2009-11-16 22:56:28 - catalonian: hahah
2009-11-16 22:59:31 - Rex Lander: didn't think you would....................
2009-11-16 23:00:33 - catalonian: ups
2009-11-16 23:00:44 - catalonian: I make an error
2009-11-16 23:00:48 - catalonian: don't worry
2009-11-16 23:01:06 - catalonian: big error haha
2009-11-16 23:01:25 - catalonian: I fuc ing your mother and.... uffff i don't see...
2009-11-16 23:01:29 - catalonian: mmmmm don't worry
2009-11-16 23:02:08 - catalonian: Now I have double adventage
2009-11-16 23:02:30 - catalonian: You was the first and I have a spoil less
2009-11-16 23:03:09 - Rex Lander: the only double you have is 2 dicks coming off your head!!!!
2009-11-16 23:03:31 - catalonian: you win
2009-11-16 23:03:41 - catalonian: coming off?=
2009-11-16 23:03:48 - catalonian: no no i don't understand
2009-11-16 23:04:22 - catalonian: but I remmeber your fathe in those video, when he fucked you brother and your sister
2009-11-16 23:04:30 - catalonian: I'm sorry for you loser
2009-11-16 23:06:05 - catalonian: slowly slowly.... coward
2009-11-16 23:08:49 - catalonian: you are very bad boy
2009-11-16 23:09:11 - catalonian: you need advantaje and so lucky
2009-11-16 23:09:23 - catalonian: more lucky hahah
2009-11-16 23:11:04 - catalonian: now I lose 6 trops in the same torolling, you are lucky
2009-11-16 23:11:06 - catalonian: and then?
2009-11-16 23:12:02 - catalonian: you don't speak, now?
2009-11-16 23:13:09 - Rex Lander: because you're so BOARING!!!!!
2009-11-16 23:14:10 - catalonian: boaring?
2009-11-16 23:14:11 - catalonian: wait
2009-11-16 23:14:49 - catalonian: ohh
2009-11-16 23:14:55 - catalonian: mmm ok boy ok
2009-11-16 23:15:27 - catalonian: I have a spoil less, rememmber haha
2009-11-16 23:17:29 - catalonian: 3 trops
2009-11-16 23:17:31 - catalonian: hahahahhahahahaha
2009-11-16 23:17:39 - catalonian: lololololololololool
2009-11-16 23:17:41 - catalonian: hahahahah
2009-11-16 23:17:42 - catalonian: jajajajaaja
2009-11-16 23:17:44 - catalonian: jejejejej
2009-11-16 23:17:46 - catalonian: jiiiii
2009-11-16 23:18:00 - catalonian: your mother in the bed with my granpa
2009-11-16 23:19:04 - catalonian: uiiiii
2009-11-16 23:19:41 - catalonian: you lose coward
2009-11-16 23:19:53 - catalonian: Sorry my word
2009-11-16 23:19:56 - catalonian: It was a war
2009-11-16 23:20:00 - catalonian: now, I win
2009-11-16 23:20:02 - catalonian: hahah
2009-11-16 23:20:06 - catalonian: good boy
2009-11-16 23:20:08 - catalonian: hahahh
2009-11-16 23:20:23 - catalonian: hhahahah
2009-11-16 23:20:36 - Rex Lander: It's a pitty there's people like you in the world...........................I feel sorry for you, may you rest in peace soon!
2009-11-16 23:20:58 - catalonian: I will to kill you tomorrow
2009-11-16 23:21:01 - catalonian: now
2009-11-16 23:21:28 - catalonian: Suck the hugo chavez dick
The accused are suspected of:
Severe PM Abuse
Game number(s):
Comments: If his account isn't removed/blocked by this time tomorrow SHAME ON THE CONQUER CLUB OFFCIALS!!! By looking at his previous ratings this isn't the first time he's acted like this!!
2009-11-16 22:33:28 - catalonian: ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz
2009-11-16 22:33:29 - catalonian: gg
2009-11-16 22:34:07 - Rex Lander: hi gl
2009-11-16 22:34:21 - catalonian: you are a coward
2009-11-16 22:34:27 - catalonian: good move
2009-11-16 22:35:22 - Rex Lander: we'll see ;0)
2009-11-16 22:39:54 - catalonian: zzzzzzzzZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz
2009-11-16 22:41:07 - Rex Lander: if your that tired don't play??
2009-11-16 22:42:29 - catalonian: yestarday I saw your mother in my farm, she was eating with my porks hahha
2009-11-16 22:44:57 - Rex Lander: What ever................i see your ratings match your attitude LOLOLOLOL
2009-11-16 22:45:03 - catalonian: I'm not tired, you are slowly
2009-11-16 22:45:25 - catalonian: hahaha my ratings haha what's is it?
2009-11-16 22:46:13 - catalonian: a mi lo rating me sudan la polla como tu ama
2009-11-16 22:46:19 - catalonian: lolololol
2009-11-16 22:54:00 - Rex Lander: God what's it feel like to be such a TWAT??
2009-11-16 22:56:27 - catalonian: i don understand
2009-11-16 22:56:28 - catalonian: hahah
2009-11-16 22:59:31 - Rex Lander: didn't think you would....................
2009-11-16 23:00:33 - catalonian: ups
2009-11-16 23:00:44 - catalonian: I make an error
2009-11-16 23:00:48 - catalonian: don't worry
2009-11-16 23:01:06 - catalonian: big error haha
2009-11-16 23:01:25 - catalonian: I fuc ing your mother and.... uffff i don't see...
2009-11-16 23:01:29 - catalonian: mmmmm don't worry
2009-11-16 23:02:08 - catalonian: Now I have double adventage
2009-11-16 23:02:30 - catalonian: You was the first and I have a spoil less
2009-11-16 23:03:09 - Rex Lander: the only double you have is 2 dicks coming off your head!!!!
2009-11-16 23:03:31 - catalonian: you win
2009-11-16 23:03:41 - catalonian: coming off?=
2009-11-16 23:03:48 - catalonian: no no i don't understand
2009-11-16 23:04:22 - catalonian: but I remmeber your fathe in those video, when he fucked you brother and your sister
2009-11-16 23:04:30 - catalonian: I'm sorry for you loser
2009-11-16 23:06:05 - catalonian: slowly slowly.... coward
2009-11-16 23:08:49 - catalonian: you are very bad boy
2009-11-16 23:09:11 - catalonian: you need advantaje and so lucky
2009-11-16 23:09:23 - catalonian: more lucky hahah
2009-11-16 23:11:04 - catalonian: now I lose 6 trops in the same torolling, you are lucky
2009-11-16 23:11:06 - catalonian: and then?
2009-11-16 23:12:02 - catalonian: you don't speak, now?
2009-11-16 23:13:09 - Rex Lander: because you're so BOARING!!!!!
2009-11-16 23:14:10 - catalonian: boaring?
2009-11-16 23:14:11 - catalonian: wait
2009-11-16 23:14:49 - catalonian: ohh
2009-11-16 23:14:55 - catalonian: mmm ok boy ok
2009-11-16 23:15:27 - catalonian: I have a spoil less, rememmber haha
2009-11-16 23:17:29 - catalonian: 3 trops
2009-11-16 23:17:31 - catalonian: hahahahhahahahaha
2009-11-16 23:17:39 - catalonian: lololololololololool
2009-11-16 23:17:41 - catalonian: hahahahah
2009-11-16 23:17:42 - catalonian: jajajajaaja
2009-11-16 23:17:44 - catalonian: jejejejej
2009-11-16 23:17:46 - catalonian: jiiiii
2009-11-16 23:18:00 - catalonian: your mother in the bed with my granpa
2009-11-16 23:19:04 - catalonian: uiiiii
2009-11-16 23:19:41 - catalonian: you lose coward
2009-11-16 23:19:53 - catalonian: Sorry my word
2009-11-16 23:19:56 - catalonian: It was a war
2009-11-16 23:20:00 - catalonian: now, I win
2009-11-16 23:20:02 - catalonian: hahah
2009-11-16 23:20:06 - catalonian: good boy
2009-11-16 23:20:08 - catalonian: hahahh
2009-11-16 23:20:23 - catalonian: hhahahah
2009-11-16 23:20:36 - Rex Lander: It's a pitty there's people like you in the world...........................I feel sorry for you, may you rest in peace soon!
2009-11-16 23:20:58 - catalonian: I will to kill you tomorrow
2009-11-16 23:21:01 - catalonian: now
2009-11-16 23:21:28 - catalonian: Suck the hugo chavez dick