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Secret Diplomacy or Multis maybe [Noted]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 6:24 pm
by Can i hear u?
accused : BackFlip and Megafail

Game # : Game 5880783

Secret diplomacy (multi isnt very likely though)

Red attacked green once before the six round and after i was eliminated and left red with two continents he attacked me while red held one in the begging then he got another one and blue continued suiciding on me tryin to kill me so idk what you guys will think but it looks like that to me

P.S comments : They have also played like 29 games together a lot of games 3 players and one vs one so they could in fact be a multi dissorder person too but like i had absolutely no chance to even get anything going in our game

Re: Secret Diplomacy or Multis maybe

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 8:07 pm
by TheForgivenOne
Can i hear u? wrote:accused : BackFlip

Game # :
Game 5880783

Secret diplomacy (multi isnt very likely though)

Red attacked green once before the six round and after i was eliminated and left red with two continents he attacked me while red held one in the begging then he got another one and blue continued suiciding on me tryin to kill me so idk what you guys will think but it looks like that to me

P.S comments : They have also played like 29 games together a lot of games 3 players and one vs one so they could in fact be a multi too but like i had absolutely no chance to even get anything going in our game

I strike once again MUAHAHA, anyways i fixed the links

Re: Secret Diplomacy or Multis maybe

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 10:03 pm
by BackFlip
The only reason red suicided (spelling lol) on you was because you went for his only continent when i had two, at that stage he was fed up as
YOU had pretty much given me the game, leading him and you to fight each other untill i took one of you out.

On a sidenote MegaFail and I do know each other (as well as Dabedee) we usually play 1v1v1's when we are bored and go to the same school,
we are very competitive players and Mega and Myself usually 1v1 each other alot. - (Explaining the 1v1's here) We never team up on a single player by any means,
and if you look at our other 1v1v1 games we usually end up suiciding on each other.

Anyways in this game I had South America and Africa moderatley defended, MegaFail just claimed Auzz so he could stand a chance agaisnt me and you
suicided him taking his chance of winning and the majority of his continent in the process, leading him to return the favor.

as for the multi? accusation: How would i play two accounts simultaneously? I mean making two accounts turns in the same second.

Morale of the story is if you suicide someone expect them to return the favor.

Re: Secret Diplomacy or Multis maybe

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 10:13 pm
by Can i hear u?
thinking someone else reported u bud cause we were playing classic nice one not Us or anything like that so obviously u were thinking someone else was going to report u umm ok so i started out and went for tht continet ? he was mad at me cause i took what i started out for and didnt attack u except a single time until round 6 i dont think so bull**** u can say what u want but it looks bad for u ur reasoning is pretty terrible and so ur saying that red suicided for u? am i correct should i put tht quote in there ( how did i give u the game when he never had the continent i was no where near u on the map he had all the points next to u and did not attack so in fact u r wrong

Re: Secret Diplomacy or Multis maybe

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 10:14 pm
by Can i hear u?
i also saaid in was unlikely u were multiple accounts (read the content next time)

Re: Secret Diplomacy or Multis maybe

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 11:32 pm
by BackFlip
typical american who doesnt know the world...

"AUZZ" = austrailia ok thats bottom right

"Africa" = i know its hard but the middle bottom

and "South America" = i thought you would of guessed but bottom left.

I cant remember the shapes off the top of my head, but the concept is the same as the classic board game me and my friends play.
As you can see its the same shape with a very similar amount of territories per country/region

Re: Secret Diplomacy or Multis maybe

PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:19 am
by BackFlip
red (megafail) suicided at you for you destroying his chances of winning
and to correct you, you did not start out and go for Auzz (Austrailia/Bottom RIGHT) you infact deployed all your starting troops on S2 - South Africa(Bottom LEFT) and your dice were sub par to mine and I took it that turn.
2009-11-05 18:04:20 - Can i hear u? deployed 4 troops on S2
MegaFail was not so lucky not able to take Auzz (The O’s) the first turn. But did manage to take it the second turn. However you breached him straight away.

Re: Secret Diplomacy or Multis maybe [Pending]

PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 10:50 am
by king sam
This is being looked into at this time. Marking Pending

Re: Secret Diplomacy or Multis maybe [pending]

PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 2:56 pm
by darkangelsguy205
i think it might be because they atacked you alot

Re: Secret Diplomacy or Multis maybe [pending]

PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 4:52 pm
by king sam
the 2 accused are Cleared of being multis and the diplomacy case will be ruled upon here shortly.

Re: Secret Diplomacy or Multis maybe [pending]

PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:42 pm
by Can i hear u?
ok i didnt really suspect multiple personality disorder but u know what its ok i dont rlly know what anything looks like there was a lot of attacking me and idk i guess i just dont know a lot so u should prob trust them if no one else has made a complaint

Re: Secret Diplomacy or Multis maybe [pending]

PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 10:45 pm
by HaireWolf1
Backflip I was sorta with you until you made the typical American who doesn't know the world comment...You may not want to call Americans stupid on here which is pretty much what you did...Not sure what that falls under but slam this punk on that one as well! I'm proud to be an American!

Re: Secret Diplomacy or Multis maybe [pending]

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:55 am
by natty dread
I'm proud to be an American!


/me runs away laughing

Re: Secret Diplomacy or Multis maybe [pending]

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:39 am
by HaireWolf1
same reason you're probably proud to be

Re: Secret Diplomacy or Multis maybe

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 11:20 am
by 72o
BackFlip wrote:Image

This map is awesome. Can we replace classic art with this?

North Texas.


Re: Secret Diplomacy or Multis maybe [pending]

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 7:09 pm
by BackFlip
Re: Secret Diplomacy or Multis maybe [pending]
by HaireWolf1 on Mon Nov 09, 2009 10:45 pm

HaireWolf1 wrote:Backflip I was sorta with you until you made the typical American who doesn't know the world comment...You may not want to call Americans stupid on here which is pretty much what you did...Not sure what that falls under but slam this punk on that one as well! I'm proud to be an American!

sorry about the hard feelings mate but he was starting to imply that I have had a series of games with secret diplomacy's, which is cruel and an entirley false statement, as I have never called a truce or participated in a diplomacy. I know now that not all people notice the resemblance the classic map shares with the orignal board game.

Can i hear u? wrote:by Can i hear u? » Thu Nov 05, 2009 10:13 pm
thinking someone else reported u bud cause we were playing classic nice one not Us or anything like that so obviously u were thinking someone else was going to report u

I was just angry that he thought Africa and Austrailia were part of a USA map thus making the enraged statement

Re: Secret Diplomacy or Multis maybe [pending]

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 7:20 pm
by Can i hear u?
haha i was typing fast and wasnt paying attention cuz i was in a usa map game haha sorry ;) US does suck pretty bad though i do love a lot of the people here

Re: Secret Diplomacy or Multis maybe [pending]

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 9:57 pm
by king sam
It is obvious these 2 users are friends and enjoy playing in games together. Out of the 43 games that MegaFail has completed 32 of them have had BackFlip in them.

Looking over a vast majority of these games I have came to the conclusion that attacks in them are evenly throughout. There just isn't enough evidence showing an unsaid alliance to warrant a Block.

The game in question is a 3 player game, in a 3 player game more then ever the moves made by one user can sometimes exhibit reasoning to think that one is throwing it for the other. My advice to you would be to Foe and or Rate these users accordingly.

This is being Noted for future cases that could involve these 2 should they start going down the road of unsaid alliances.

King Sam

Re: Secret Diplomacy or Multis maybe

PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 7:43 pm
by Hoagy
72o wrote:
BackFlip wrote:Image

This map is awesome. Can we replace classic art with this?

North Texas.


I'll second that. Especially having New Zealand as Middle Earth :lol: