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jaimito101 - beatin' a dead horse [warned]

PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:52 pm
by e_i_pi


The accused are suspected of:

Numerous spurious posts
Beatin' a dead horse
Requiring volunteers to spend a disproportionate time responding to exclusively his/her needs

Game number(s):



jaimito101 accused demonfork and King Herpes of abusive language in this thread. A month after it's creation, the thread was marked 'cleared', then later 'noted', and finally locked.

Not 2 hours after that thread was locked, jaimito101 creates this thread accusing demofork and King Herpes of exactly the same thing in exactly the same game.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but one of the reasons mods lock threads is because they are turning into a flame/bait fest, and no longer have relevance to the site or the case at hand. Also, excessively creating threads is a forum-ban punishable offence, as was seen with the multiple threads created by monster10 in General Discussion. Couple this with the fact that owenshooter was banned for (amongst other things), "numerous spurious (...) posts, (...), beatin' a dead horse, and requiring our volunteers to spend a disproportionate time responding to exclusively [his] needs".

Do I need to go on here? There is not one precedent, but several, set that determine this behaviour of jaimito101 to be warning or ban worthy.

Re: jaimito101 - beatin' a dead horse

PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:58 pm
by TheForgivenOne
Mods said that if he could come up with new evidence against demonfork and King_Herpes, that he could open a new topic about it

Re: jaimito101 - beatin' a dead horse

PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:16 pm
by jaimito101
these are new accusations that i am making, after thouroughlly reading the rules. On my first post which was also my first accusation i have ever felt the need to post, i had accused them of "abuse", this can be seen as a large grey area, and can differ from person to person. This has been cleared and noted and now i have discovered that within that chat there where many other concretely stated rules that where abusivelly broken by both.

"jaimito101 accused demonfork and King Herpes of abusive language in this thread. A month after it's creation, the thread was marked 'cleared', then later 'noted', and finally locked."

My first accusation has not been a month ago as you state, but two days ago. during that time it has ammassed more than 800 hits and 4 pages, also i have received support mails form people who also agree with my view, apparently this has hit a cord. seeing these are new accusations i see no reposting but as i said, that was was my last on that thread on this matter, as i cannot make my accusations any more clear than i have done.

Re: jaimito101 - beatin' a dead horse

PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:24 pm
by demonfork
jaimito101 wrote:these are new accusations that i am making, after thouroughlly reading the rules. On my first post i had accused them of abuse, which can be seen as a large grey area, and can differ from person to person. This has been cleared and noted and now i have discovered that within that chat there where many other concretely stated rules that where abusivelly broken by both.

"jaimito101 accused demonfork and King Herpes of abusive language in this thread. A month after it's creation, the thread was marked 'cleared', then later 'noted', and finally locked."

My first accusation has not been a month ago as you state, but two days ago. during that time it has ammassed more than 800 hits and 4 pages, also i have received support mails form people who also agree with my view, apparently this has hit a cord. seeing these are new accusations i see no reposting but as i said, that was was my last on that thread on this matter, as i cannot make my accusations any more clear than i have done.

Wrong, you are not introducing any new evidence, same evidence you are just reworded the charge. Sorry hoe-mito that's not how it works.

Re: jaimito101 - beatin' a dead horse

PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:37 pm
by RedDaysDelight
well theres evidence right there demon baiting in the forums "hoemito" and that is new evidence demon cuz it wasnt in the original scope of things so therefore it is new evidence kind of like a shadown in a video tape

Re: jaimito101 - beatin' a dead horse

PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:52 pm
by e_i_pi
TheForgivenOne wrote:Mods said that if he could come up with new evidence against demonfork and King_Herpes, that he could open a new topic about it

There is no new evidence, the evidence is simply being presented once again, as demonfork stated. jaimito101 said he opened a ticket here, and a few posts later (here), King Achilles cleared them, stating:
King Achilles wrote:This report has already been dealt with. Game chats are not heavily moderated and we do take a liberal stance for it. There are lots of ways on how one can offend a player in the game chat and there are a lot of things that a person can get offended as well but not everything is punishable. Unless what was said has broken the game chat guidelines, then we really advise to make use of the foe list option or have a tougher skin if you want to continue reading the game chat. Still, we do take into consideration repeated reports, and If you can produce more games where the accused has consistently or continually been offending lots of players, then we could look into this matter further. For now, this is noted.

Now I won't presume to state why jaimito101 re-opened it on the forums, but the issue has been cleared, noted, reported via e-ticket, and locked. It's over, and there is no need for yet another mindless report to clog up the forums. The amount of times I come in here and think "if only it were the way it was 12 months ago, when real accusations were made"... now it's a case of people looking for any excuse to report someone. News flash people: it's a competitive gaming site, not a place to share stories of making daisy chains

Re: jaimito101 - beatin' a dead horse

PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:59 pm
by e_i_pi
jaimito101 wrote:these are new accusations that i am making, after thouroughlly reading the rules. On my first post which was also my first accusation i have ever felt the need to post, i had accused them of "abuse", this can be seen as a large grey area, and can differ from person to person. This has been cleared and noted and now i have discovered that within that chat there where many other concretely stated rules that where abusivelly broken by both.

And you think the mods don't have the rules in mind when they make a ruling? To assume that they would look at the game chat, and not have the guidelines in mind is remarkably naive.

"jaimito101 accused demonfork and King Herpes of abusive language in this thread. A month after it's creation, the thread was marked 'cleared', then later 'noted', and finally locked."

My first accusation has not been a month ago as you state, but two days ago.

Apologies, I was looking at a different date

during that time it has ammassed more than 800 hits and 4 pages, also i have received support mails form people who also agree with my view, apparently this has hit a cord.

Because they are high-ranking, and that is it. When Seul was accused of cheating, that thread has 704 views and 29 replies in about a week. When Neoteny was accused, the thread has >1000 views and 60 replies in 12 days. When owenshooter was accused in July, that had >1000 views and 38 replies in 9 days. Whenever a thread about a high profile player is posted, it gets replies and views. "Hitting a cord" is simply another way of saying drawing attention. If you accused lackattack of cheating, I'm sure that would get hits and views as well.

Re: jaimito101 - beatin' a dead horse

PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 9:02 pm
by jefjef

Talk about wasting mods time with FRIVOLOUS C & A complaints. But hardly a surprise coming from....

Warn these people who are only using C & A for their personal agendas.

NOTE: They original case has been re-evaluated and original decision overturned. That makes this complaint completely invalid.

Re: jaimito101 - beatin' a dead horse

PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:29 am
by BoganGod
Nothing new here, same old boring shit, from a boring git.

Sorry if I'm repeating myself here. Proof that demonfork is not homophobic like jaimito101 claims. Demonfork buys premium for Becky the Blondie(commonly held to be the proudest transexual on site). Now why would a homophobic bigot do that?..........

Re: jaimito101 - beatin' a dead horse

PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:54 am
by darkangelsguy205
he will problally be warned

Re: jaimito101 - beatin' a dead horse

PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 3:07 am
by king achilles
Considering that jaimito101 has been reported for this, and he has been made aware of it, I think this case itself already served as a warning for him. To those who may be quite passionate about their C&A reports, there is no need to make a duplicate just because you want to get your message across, or get an immediate resolution for it. Sometimes, cases do take time to get it resolved.