I have tons 1vs1 (cca. 300 out of 500) games with settings:
Standard /Automatic /Sequential/Random map/No Spoils/ Chained /No Fog .
A lot of NR joined my games, I won some I lost some. Most of them leveled up to Private 1st Class, their NR rank cannot be seen now because their current rank is showed. And I never liked when someone less than 1000 pt joined my game. So , am I a farmer? Would I get noted, if someone reported me? Is my raiting too low to be a farmer? Or, do we all play settings where we belive our chances to win are greater? yes? So, are we all farmers trying to get more points, if noobs (NR, cooks, cadets) join regulary ?
NRs, cooks and Cadets, they are all noobs and shuld be treated same, there is no difference . Farming cooks or cadets should be treated same as farming NR is. No one can say that NR becomes experienced on difficult maps after 5 games(Vaterloo, etc.) . No one. When a noob (NR player) clicks "Join A Game" he usullly joins one of the games listed on the first page and does not care about the settings or map, because he is noob and noobs(NR) don't understand the settings. And if Twin Killer's games are listed on a first page, than god help us all. When I was a NR I joined first game listed after clicking "Join A Game" button, I didn't go trough all the pages searching for the game I want, I didnt understand the settings, I just wanted to test the game. Saying that NR players are attracted to Poison Rome 1vs1 and settings Twin Killer uses, is a wrong conclusions in my opinion . NR players are attracted to whatever games are listed on a first page after clicking "Join A Game".
Gen.LeeGettinhed is obviously farming noobs on a BIG scale and you guys cleared him
viewtopic.php?f=239&t=158738&hilit=Gen.LeeGettinhed+farmHe . Its true that he GLG takes his time after game is finished to explain the map. But his explanation goes like this: "First you take out one region , than you take another region and when you have enough regions to hold a bonus you get more troops and then you can attack more regions and then you win". This is the way he explaind waterloo to me after the
Game 8873623 on chat , guess what? I still dont know how to play Vaterloo.
Saying that Illegal farming ONLY pertains to new recruits(NR), just shows how well you guys are protecting Gen.LeeGettinhel. Cooks and cadets are all easy target on 1vs1 vaterloo game settings that GLG likes to use.
God bless this mess. El Jesus Negro.