Night Strike wrote:So now you're saying Masli will just bust people whether they're guilty or not just to gain some points?? Why don't you all stick to your original argument instead of making up crap?
No, I'm talking about incentives.
Concede for a moment to show you what I mean. Concede that Masli wants points so much that he would use his power or privileged information in order to get some. After all, hunting Multis is not established as cheating and he would be doing his job right? Ok, so he looks up a player, he decides he's a multi so he joins the game, he tries to win it by skill alone and when he doesn't, about to lose about 55 points, he kicks him out of the game. THe difference is 55+7 points, 62 points. Right now Masli would have 3541-62= 3479. Not a General, a Brigadier. Not 22th but 27th in the Scoreboard. Perhaps to you this doesn't mean anything but perhaps to players who are very competitive it doesn't mean something.
And that's the only game I checked, I swear. What are the odds??
So, let's assume for the sake of argument again, that Masli is fond of doing this: most of the Multi rule is enforced because people reports suspicious players right? Otherwise why aren't these guys caught before they play a game. So I bet that there a countless cases in which 2 persons play from the same computer, because there's only 1 computer at home, or the other broke, or because it was convinient at the time to take a turn from that computer. Or because they are students that share the computer labs of the school. This is probably not the case but believe in 3rd world countries people don't own as many computers as in first world countries. All that taken into account, it exists the possibility that guy X wasn't a multi, but another player using the same computer lab, but he got in the middle of Maslis ambition.
That is a possibility. Or isn't it Night Strike?
Say achiles was busy packing gifts for this holliday season that he didn't think of this? (Mainly the fact that Masli may have won 1vs1 games knowing that if he was about to lose, he could just bust a Multi). It makes a huge difference, winning 7 instead of losing 55. Whether or not the guy was a Multi, Masli was about to lose 55 points, saved by the fact that he is a Multi hunter. Teylen, the player just below him in the scoreboard wouldn't have had that privilege. So Masli does have an unfair advantage, when competing for high places in the scoreboard. Is this enough to make a fair case or am I being unreasonable Night Strike?
Want me to show you more with easy maths or you can add, substract by yourself?