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Masli [closed]

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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby nietzsche on Sat Dec 24, 2011 4:36 pm

Night Strike wrote:So now you're saying Masli will just bust people whether they're guilty or not just to gain some points?? Why don't you all stick to your original argument instead of making up crap?

No, I'm talking about incentives.

Concede for a moment to show you what I mean. Concede that Masli wants points so much that he would use his power or privileged information in order to get some. After all, hunting Multis is not established as cheating and he would be doing his job right? Ok, so he looks up a player, he decides he's a multi so he joins the game, he tries to win it by skill alone and when he doesn't, about to lose about 55 points, he kicks him out of the game. THe difference is 55+7 points, 62 points. Right now Masli would have 3541-62= 3479. Not a General, a Brigadier. Not 22th but 27th in the Scoreboard. Perhaps to you this doesn't mean anything but perhaps to players who are very competitive it doesn't mean something.

And that's the only game I checked, I swear. What are the odds??

So, let's assume for the sake of argument again, that Masli is fond of doing this: most of the Multi rule is enforced because people reports suspicious players right? Otherwise why aren't these guys caught before they play a game. So I bet that there a countless cases in which 2 persons play from the same computer, because there's only 1 computer at home, or the other broke, or because it was convinient at the time to take a turn from that computer. Or because they are students that share the computer labs of the school. This is probably not the case but believe in 3rd world countries people don't own as many computers as in first world countries. All that taken into account, it exists the possibility that guy X wasn't a multi, but another player using the same computer lab, but he got in the middle of Maslis ambition.

That is a possibility. Or isn't it Night Strike?

Say achiles was busy packing gifts for this holliday season that he didn't think of this? (Mainly the fact that Masli may have won 1vs1 games knowing that if he was about to lose, he could just bust a Multi). It makes a huge difference, winning 7 instead of losing 55. Whether or not the guy was a Multi, Masli was about to lose 55 points, saved by the fact that he is a Multi hunter. Teylen, the player just below him in the scoreboard wouldn't have had that privilege. So Masli does have an unfair advantage, when competing for high places in the scoreboard. Is this enough to make a fair case or am I being unreasonable Night Strike?

Want me to show you more with easy maths or you can add, substract by yourself?
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby nietzsche on Sat Dec 24, 2011 4:38 pm

GoranZ wrote:Masli has 1686 that last 24 hours, public, 1v1 games

Stats for last 86 game, 25 games(29 %) ended with ban because of violation of the rules.
25 * 6 points average = 150 points.
Does someone want to calculate for all his 1686 games(we might get four digit number of points)

Exactly. Now you we have to also substract those points he would've lost if he was clearly going to lose and suddenly he busted a Multi.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby eddie2 on Sat Dec 24, 2011 4:40 pm

GoranZ wrote:Masli has 1686 that last 24 hours, public, 1v1 games

Stats for last 86 game, 25 games(29 %) ended with ban because of violation of the rules.
25 * 6 points average = 150 points.
Does someone want to calculate for all his 1686 games(we might get four digit number of points)

Game 9092918
Game 9093515
Game 9527148
Game 9721786
Game 9748435
Game 9751134
Game 9793671
Game 9793929
Game 9794099
Game 9794110
Game 9816640
Game 9816645
Game 9948953
Game 9966234
Game 9966329
Game 10006837
Game 10031056
Game 10097643
Game 10131725
Game 10181979
Game 10182022
Game 10205201
Game 10207142
Game 10207451
Game 10252517

P.S. I think I haven't made a mistake and included some game with missing too many turns.

eddie2 wrote:FOR FLUCK SAKE. give it a rest i am expecting you to get a warning now because king a locked the thread and what you have done is classed as trolling. did you actually read what king a said. masli did not bust all these players but you are classing it as he did.also it is getting looked at behind the scenes like with the joshy case. where joshy was revoked mod powers. if masli has acted outside of site rules then he will be busted like us all.

I don't thinks so... this will not go away, this can not be ignored.

plz show me where it says masli busted these players. then i will be on your side. i class masli as a fair mod. even though he has busted me for petty things before. but he follows the rules, so like i said you show me one post that states he busted them as multis. you are all acting on what it looks like and not the facts.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby GoranZ on Sat Dec 24, 2011 4:48 pm

eddie2 wrote:plz show me where it says masli busted these players. then i will be on your side. i class masli as a fair mod. even though he has busted me for petty things before. but he follows the rules, so like i said you show me one post that states he busted them as multis. you are all acting on what it looks like and not the facts.

1. Look at my post and quote where I said that Masli banned all those players. Can u?
2. U know which players were banned by Masli as much as I.
3. Who cares on which side u are on... I'm on a correct side.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby John Deere on Sat Dec 24, 2011 5:23 pm

So out of the last 16 - 1 v 1 Masli has played in 2 months, 11 have been busted for multi's. So one of a couple things have happened. Since they say he didnt bust them all, so he either has someone else helping him bust these guys at the right time, or i want the winning lotto #'s for the next 2 days. Hell hes 50%+ joining games with multis so I may be rich in a couple days :? , Anybody that sees this any other way is foolish at BEST!! What about eye84 doing the same? So are they tag teaming these multis?
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby hmsps on Sat Dec 24, 2011 5:33 pm

Surely as a mod he should try and stay away from these 1 v 1's which are low rank. Maybe he should check them before he joins. If you have these multi hunter tools at your disposal you should be beyond reproach.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby yazoochick on Sat Dec 24, 2011 5:49 pm

People, give it a rest. Whether Masli is guilty or not will be decided by the mods.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby firth4eva on Sat Dec 24, 2011 5:52 pm

How about we just say multi hunters can't bust players they are in a game with? The game must finish first
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby gradybridges on Sat Dec 24, 2011 5:57 pm

hmsps wrote:Surely as a mod he should try and stay away from these 1 v 1's which are low rank. Maybe he should check them before he joins. If you have these multi hunter tools at your disposal you should be beyond reproach.

why would you want a 1 v 1 against a newbie/private. Nothing but a few points to gain, 60 to 100 to lose. bad odds unless you know it's a sure thing.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby Master Bush on Sat Dec 24, 2011 6:18 pm

I bet you anything that the ones masli didn't bust himself, were all busted by the same multi-hunter.

If you people don't think this place is corrupt than you are naive. So much goes on behind the scenes it's not even funny. Dice codes, multi-hunters abusing power, to name a few. This will be swept away, and mods and mod wannabes will come in here and call us conspiracy theorist because we question what goes on here. This thread will be locked and some might receive "warnings" if they keep making a stink about it.

When I think about how this place is run, Richard Nixon and his people come to mind. Meh not much can be done though, so we might as well just enjoy the games and the banter with friends here. May god have mercy on us all.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby greenoaks on Sat Dec 24, 2011 6:24 pm

Master Bush wrote:I bet you anything that the ones masli didn't bust himself, were all busted by the same multi-hunter.

If you people don't think this place is corrupt than you are naive. So much goes on behind the scenes it's not even funny. Dice codes, multi-hunters abusing power, to name a few. This will be swept away, and mods and mod wannabes will come in here and call us conspiracy theorist because we question what goes on here. This thread will be locked and some might receive "warnings" if they keep making a stink about it.

When I think about how this place is run, Richard Nixon and his people come to mind. Meh not much can be done though, so we might as well just enjoy the games and the banter with friends here. May god have mercy on us all.

why don't you leave and play on on a site that isn't corrupt?
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby TeeGee on Sat Dec 24, 2011 6:31 pm

Don't think for a second that the admins will let this slip. If Masli is in fact guilty he WILL be punished.

what ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Looks like you guys are more after a lynching, mafia style. Be careful, don't lynch the wrong guy ;)
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby betiko on Sat Dec 24, 2011 6:52 pm

jefjef wrote:
eddie2 wrote:give it a rest i am expecting you to get a warning now because king a locked the thread and what you have done is classed as trolling.

I 100% agree with eddie here. The specific game that the OP has "added to the case" is one that was listed in the ORIGINAL complaint.

This thread is purely baiting and trolling...

Lock the thread and Bust the OP.

each time you speak i think of this character in lord of the rings, merry chrstmas!


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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby eddie2 on Sat Dec 24, 2011 7:30 pm

well ok then super mods (meaning players calling for masli to be punished.) have any of you gone back to his games before he was a multi hunter. i am guessing not. if you do you will see the same game styles against the same kind of opponant only this time round he is a mod that can stop the abuse of multis. are we really gonna linch a player for doing his volantary job.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby betiko on Sat Dec 24, 2011 7:44 pm

Eddie, I think there are a few people here that are not asking for a lynch but just asking for this to be looked into seriously. If it's true, I do think it's more ofensive than being a multi or a farmer. What could be more offensive than using priviledges for personal benefits?? How hypocritical would it be to be a bigger cheater than the cheaters you catch?
Our clan didn't get a second chance by clan mods after a first warning because of a spicy war thread. A lot of misconducts don't get a second chances on this site should be the same for all. IF Masli did something wrong, which is still being looked into. The very least would be to revoke multi hunter priviledges.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby grifftron on Sat Dec 24, 2011 7:59 pm

DUDE!!! Can we all have this kick a multi button>!?!?! It would come in handy for keeping our ranks up when playing against 1 bars!
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby TheForgivenOne on Sat Dec 24, 2011 8:09 pm

Did you not read what King achilles wrote in the other thread before it was locked? He already said that he was looking at it internally, just because you shout louder how he is wrong, won't sway the decision that ka will come up with. And really Master Bush? Do you have any proof about Dice codes? Besides the regular "THESE DICE ARE BULLSHIT D:< HOW COULD I LOSE A 7v1"?
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby eddie2 on Sat Dec 24, 2011 8:18 pm

betiko wrote:Eddie, I think there are a few people here that are not asking for a lynch but just asking for this to be looked into seriously. If it's true, I do think it's more ofensive than being a multi or a farmer. What could be more offensive than using priviledges for personal benefits?? How hypocritical would it be to be a bigger cheater than the cheaters you catch?
Our clan didn't get a second chance by clan mods after a first warning because of a spicy war thread. A lot of misconducts don't get a second chances on this site should be the same for all. IF Masli did something wrong, which is still being looked into. The very least would be to revoke multi hunter priviledges.

if masli wasnt the head clan mod you would not be shouting all of this. if a farmer plays his normal settings do we not all say it should be allowed. well masli is playing what he did before he was a c and a mod. if he comes across multis then fair play he busts them. what you also need to take into account is that the xmas holidays is proberly the worst time for multis so his tally would look high. it is winter younger players who cant afford premium open multi accounts because they are stuck inside due to bad weather and no school.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby blakebowling on Sat Dec 24, 2011 8:19 pm

As stated in the other thread, king achilles is looking into it. If there is anything to be found, he will find it.

I'll also tell you right now, even if Masli is found to have been doing this intentionally, there won't be the upscale ban you are asking for as that doesn't serve much of a purpose.

The bottom line is everyone is human, and while I don't agree with some of the things done, they are applied in the best interest of the site, and not to create a spectacle for the trolls to feed on. If any member of the team does something that goes against their duties, they will be reprimanded. While required on occasion to maintain integrity, the "Death Sentence" can't be enforced at the communities whim as we wouldn't have a squad of trustworthy volunteers.

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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby EagleofGreenErth on Sat Dec 24, 2011 8:30 pm

Game 9748435

2011-09-14 02:11:22 - Game has been initialized
2011-09-14 02:12:42 - schriber97 received 4 troops for 14 regions

2011-09-14 02:12:50 - Masli: Hmmmm, having fun with creating new accounts all the time ?

2011-09-14 02:16:48 - schriber97 was kicked out for violating the rules
2011-09-14 02:16:48 - Masli won the game
2011-09-14 02:16:48 - schriber97 lost 6 points
2011-09-14 02:16:48 - Masli gained 6 points

Within 2 minutes of the game having started, only 8 seconds after the guy took his first turn he knew it was a multi.

Game is over within 6 minutes... I have nothing against Masli but even I can see when something is fishy.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby nietzsche on Sat Dec 24, 2011 8:42 pm

So blakebowling you mean all we want is spectacle, we have no other reasons? We are simpletons?

The apparent tone of almost every mod participant in this case is: "Ohh chillaaaaaax will ya?, don't make a scandal out of it"

jefjef called me trash yesterday after my posts in the original thread. I was about to respond when I realized it might be a trap. I reported it instead, only to be told by king achilles to chillax. Might it be that jefjef was on king achilles side and against mine? So I proceeded to answer jefjef, I won't be surprised his report do gets me banned.

So this is much like it happens in real life, those who have the power want nothing bad to appear in the paper, would do anything to tone it down. And the whistleblowers will always be called crazy.

All we want is this to be taken seriously, with an exemplar punishment so we trust the Multi Hunter team again. We don't want to chillax. I'll be getting drunk later but I wont chillax.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby White Buffalo on Sat Dec 24, 2011 8:47 pm

blakebowling wrote:
To address Master Bush's concerns:

Is this for real?
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby jgordon1111 on Sat Dec 24, 2011 8:55 pm

And so it continues,have any of you bothered to read what achilles wrote about masli not being the person who busted all those players? Or again I ask you to bring forth to this forum the specific (black and white) rule masli broke.No you are not going to do that it is very easy to ignore that to keep harping on the mob justice you desire.This is an internal affair,it involves admin let them do what they are going to do. These guys were cheaters CHEATERS you did not lose points,if one of these players was in the scenario suggested family members,dorm room mates They could have come forward to say hey we are not multis,but they didn't and now days most people have their own computers so that doesn't wash either.So for goodness sake let it go you guys are starting to look bad continuing with this after it was closed. And I am not a wanna be nor friends with any of the mods,just someone who after the first report you turned completely against your cause by the demand for mob justice that you tried to insist on.If admin handling this in house bothers you so bad start your own sites and then you can get any kind of justice on anyone you want.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby betiko on Sat Dec 24, 2011 9:00 pm

eddie2 wrote:
betiko wrote:Eddie, I think there are a few people here that are not asking for a lynch but just asking for this to be looked into seriously. If it's true, I do think it's more ofensive than being a multi or a farmer. What could be more offensive than using priviledges for personal benefits?? How hypocritical would it be to be a bigger cheater than the cheaters you catch?
Our clan didn't get a second chance by clan mods after a first warning because of a spicy war thread. A lot of misconducts don't get a second chances on this site should be the same for all. IF Masli did something wrong, which is still being looked into. The very least would be to revoke multi hunter priviledges.

if masli wasnt the head clan mod you would not be shouting all of this. if a farmer plays his normal settings do we not all say it should be allowed. well masli is playing what he did before he was a c and a mod. if he comes across multis then fair play he busts them. what you also need to take into account is that the xmas holidays is proberly the worst time for multis so his tally would look high. it is winter younger players who cant afford premium open multi accounts because they are stuck inside due to bad weather and no school.

nope. I never had any interactions with masly on this matter, nor any other pack member, it was between us and chemefreak (even if masli approved cheme's decisions). I just brought this up to show that some are taken as examples. I do bring my 2 cents once in a while in C&A, and I have no personal vendetta with masli.

I just find that sometimes there are some multi cases in here where the guy comes and defends himself, and you see that it's obvious he didn't mean to do anything wrong (old account with forgotten password or stuff like that; yes I know there is a button to contact mods to get the 3yo old PW or whatever, still you don't always take the time to look at these things up). People that are obviously being honest and don't have a second chance. If giving directly a red card is the rule, I don't think it's fair to give a yellow card to other guys that have powers.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby betiko on Sat Dec 24, 2011 9:03 pm

White Buffalo wrote:
blakebowling wrote:
To address Master Bush's concerns:

Is this for real?

are YOU for real? :roll:
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