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Saxitoxin. [On a Forum Vacation]

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Re: Saxitoxin.

Postby BigBallinStalin on Sun Jul 12, 2009 9:50 am

Please note: I flew through most of this thread because it's getting very childish. I'm sure some of the things that I am about to mention have most likely been brought up, but please bear with me:

Before I begin, I'd like to mention that I've never really known either of these gentlemen; therefore, I feel very impartial towards of them. However, I must admit that I have frequently enjoyed Strife's responses in the C&A, and I have had a pleasant conversation via pm's with Saxitoxin concerning the Caratacas accusation.

What caught my attention is Saxitoxin's attitude in Game 5235839. He then accuses another player of abusive chat and what not, but in the game chat they're both way into it. Saxitoxin simply speaks in a pretentious and belittling tone, so they're both equally at fault with the abusive chat. The accused was quickly cleared. The fact that Saxitoxin engages in that kind of behavior and then posts a C&A thread against his fellow player says much about his character.

He does things like this many times according to jefjef. He has wrongly accused Woodruff. Although it is in his right to use the C&A to his advantage, he has a history of always being wrong. That may be from the mods disliking him, but I highly doubt it since he hardly provides sufficient evidence.

As we can see in the past C&A thread, Voyagers05, and others, that saxitoxin takes a very strong stance against abusive language, yet he himself engages in it on a regular basis.

More examples like this can be found in viewtopic.php?f=6&t=91783 :
"Thanks, colton. Until we have a culling of abusive players I'm hoping this can be a last-ditch self-defense option for those of us who want a civil, tempered and moderate gameplay experience. "

And throughout viewtopic.php?f=6&t=91783&start=15

But he can be funny at times:
[Game]5241422 [/Game] (with PKough and PatriceB)
2009-07-11 21:39:22 - saxitoxin: Green, I regret to inform you my Parliament has abrogated our truce. I tried to convince them not to but they wouldn't listen. Sorry.

In that game he's a bit of backstabber, but that's all fair to me. :D

Although Saxitoxin does say some very abusive, undermining things while speaking in a condescending manner, I have yet to see him initiate it. However, his pretentious posts like "Idea for New Way to Deal with Players Abusive in Chat" "Creating a Culture of Tolerance and Diversity on CC" are certainly intended to provoke people to respond in a certain manner, which he'll immediately attack. That's his shtick; that's how he operates on a everyday basis with people on the CC community. He'll also says such nice things like, ā€œI friended him because I believe a foe is just a friend you don't know well enough yet.ā€ It's sweet, but don't be fooled; it's insincere. If it's not insincere, then the man is constantly suffering with some internal battle between good and evil within his head. I wouldn't go so far as to say he has a split-personality disorder, but it's just interesting to note how this man acts on a regular basis.

He speaks to Mr. Changsha in a condescending and abusive manner.


And more and more and more, just scroll through his responses within threads and several of his games where he acts to calm down the other aggravated player while really egging him on the whole time.

I do appreciate some great BS'ing, so hats off to Saxitoxin. He lies on a regular basis through supposedly kind words. It's impressive work for him to be so calm and collected while insulting others. In fact, the man fuels hate and anger by responding in such a manner, and I may go so far as to say that he thoroughly enjoys it, which is a bit unsettling and twisted. But a good number of people do derive pleasure from such amusements.

What I found very startling is this:

"I have a new policy where, if I'm subject to in-game chat abuse that another player instigated, I simply respond by cyber-sexing them. As long as we are promoting anarchy in in-game chat and anyone can say anything they feel like saying I reserve the right to respond to abuse in the most abusive way possible, provided it is in compliance with the rules."
ā€“ viewtopic.php?f=5&t=91777&p=2112531#p2112531

This: Game 5241259

And, viewtopic.php?f=6&t=91146&p=2106541#p2106541 :

"Sometimes I work with patients on an involuntary basis (that is, the patients don't want to see me, not visa versa - lol). When I see one of these folks I just tell them that I want to put some rainbow sprinkles on their cupcake and then give them a great big bear hug. Sometimes I need to ask a nurse to give them a shot (or a "prickly pete" as I prefer to call them ["shot" is a negative word]) of delvinal-sodium before they'll let me give them a big ol' bear hug, but they always appreciate it in the end and it tears down walls. "

As for the general. General - I'd like to put some rainbow sprinkles on your cupcake. Will you let me sprinkle on your cupcake?

And finally, viewtopic.php?f=6&t=91512&start=15 :
Revealing his large stack and what not.

Although there are no rules that explicitly prohibit sexual assault in this website, one must understand that this website is open to all ages and that it is based in the United States. Although sexual assault on the internet isn't too alarming; engaging in Saxitoxin's method of sexual assault can be a serious matter if he's caught doing that toward a minor. He also compromises the safety and security of this gaming site with his method of sexually insulting others--it is possible that this man could inadvertently bring the owner's into trouble. Suppose a case comes out and evidence is found here. It's highly unlikely, but if CC is found to have merely slapped this guy on the wrists, then CC could suffer as a result for not properly handling this situation. My good friend is a lawyer who regularly prosecutes sex offenders and based on the many conversations I've had about her cases, Saxitoxin exhibits many behavioral similarities to the common sex offenders for minors. I'm considering sending this to the FBI, so they can find out who he is and collect further information on him; perhaps they'll have enough to build a case on him. This website does save all posts, does it not? If not, I've saved all his responses from the forum.

He's a mean-spirited player of the CC community, a hypocrite, an outrageous liar, and a possible sex offender. Well, judging from previous cases on abusive language, he can't be punished for it. He could be guilty of creating multiple accounts, but I haven't seen much evidence on that.

As far as flaming is considered... Possibly.

His constant false accusations can be taken into account.

I'd like to mention that he seems to have by far incited the most anger I've ever seen on this website. Perhaps, the mods will make an exception for such an extreme case as his. A temporary ban might be sufficient.

As for multis, I'd look into colton24. A supposed 11 year old recently created that types and reasons pretty well, especially on Saxitoxin's behalf. But that's merely a suspicion, a hunch.
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Re: Saxitoxin.

Postby jefjef on Sun Jul 12, 2009 10:11 am

HAHAHA IM GONNA PWN U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways comeon write on my wall

by colton24
on Mon Jun 22, 2009 4:21 pm ............................................................. interesting thing to be posted on an 11 year olds wall.....................................Postby colton24 on Sun Jul 12, 2009 10:11 am
true im just wondering why the mods havent chacked out Voyagers05 topic i made i mean damn that was fast..................................................................... another interesting post by an 11 year old...................................................
Last edited by jefjef on Sun Jul 12, 2009 10:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Saxitoxin.

Postby colton24 on Sun Jul 12, 2009 10:17 am

hehe yeah i just got bored got on this and wrote that on my own wall :mrgreen:
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Re: Saxitoxin.

Postby colton24 on Sun Jul 12, 2009 10:19 am

BigBallinStalin wrote:Please note: I flew through most of this thread because it's getting very childish. I'm sure some of the things that I am about to mention have most likely been brought up, but please bear with me:

Before I begin, I'd like to mention that I've never really known either of these gentlemen; therefore, I feel very impartial towards of them. However, I must admit that I have frequently enjoyed Strife's responses in the C&A, and I have had a pleasant conversation via pm's with Saxitoxin concerning the Caratacas accusation.

What caught my attention is Saxitoxin's attitude in Game 5235839. He then accuses another player of abusive chat and what not, but in the game chat they're both way into it. Saxitoxin simply speaks in a pretentious and belittling tone, so they're both equally at fault with the abusive chat. The accused was quickly cleared. The fact that Saxitoxin engages in that kind of behavior and then posts a C&A thread against his fellow player says much about his character.

He does things like this many times according to jefjef. He has wrongly accused Woodruff. Although it is in his right to use the C&A to his advantage, he has a history of always being wrong. That may be from the mods disliking him, but I highly doubt it since he hardly provides sufficient evidence.

As we can see in the past C&A thread, Voyagers05, and others, that saxitoxin takes a very strong stance against abusive language, yet he himself engages in it on a regular basis.

More examples like this can be found in viewtopic.php?f=6&t=91783 :
"Thanks, colton. Until we have a culling of abusive players I'm hoping this can be a last-ditch self-defense option for those of us who want a civil, tempered and moderate gameplay experience. "

And throughout viewtopic.php?f=6&t=91783&start=15

But he can be funny at times:
[Game]5241422 [/Game] (with PKough and PatriceB)
2009-07-11 21:39:22 - saxitoxin: Green, I regret to inform you my Parliament has abrogated our truce. I tried to convince them not to but they wouldn't listen. Sorry.

In that game he's a bit of backstabber, but that's all fair to me. :D

Although Saxitoxin does say some very abusive, undermining things while speaking in a condescending manner, I have yet to see him initiate it. However, his pretentious posts like "Idea for New Way to Deal with Players Abusive in Chat" "Creating a Culture of Tolerance and Diversity on CC" are certainly intended to provoke people to respond in a certain manner, which he'll immediately attack. That's his shtick; that's how he operates on a everyday basis with people on the CC community. He'll also says such nice things like, ā€œI friended him because I believe a foe is just a friend you don't know well enough yet.ā€ It's sweet, but don't be fooled; it's insincere. If it's not insincere, then the man is constantly suffering with some internal battle between good and evil within his head. I wouldn't go so far as to say he has a split-personality disorder, but it's just interesting to note how this man acts on a regular basis.

He speaks to Mr. Changsha in a condescending and abusive manner.


And more and more and more, just scroll through his responses within threads and several of his games where he acts to calm down the other aggravated player while really egging him on the whole time.

I do appreciate some great BS'ing, so hats off to Saxitoxin. He lies on a regular basis through supposedly kind words. It's impressive work for him to be so calm and collected while insulting others. In fact, the man fuels hate and anger by responding in such a manner, and I may go so far as to say that he thoroughly enjoys it, which is a bit unsettling and twisted. But a good number of people do derive pleasure from such amusements.

What I found very startling is this:

"I have a new policy where, if I'm subject to in-game chat abuse that another player instigated, I simply respond by cyber-sexing them. As long as we are promoting anarchy in in-game chat and anyone can say anything they feel like saying I reserve the right to respond to abuse in the most abusive way possible, provided it is in compliance with the rules."
ā€“ viewtopic.php?f=5&t=91777&p=2112531#p2112531

This: Game 5241259

And, viewtopic.php?f=6&t=91146&p=2106541#p2106541 :

"Sometimes I work with patients on an involuntary basis (that is, the patients don't want to see me, not visa versa - lol). When I see one of these folks I just tell them that I want to put some rainbow sprinkles on their cupcake and then give them a great big bear hug. Sometimes I need to ask a nurse to give them a shot (or a "prickly pete" as I prefer to call them ["shot" is a negative word]) of delvinal-sodium before they'll let me give them a big ol' bear hug, but they always appreciate it in the end and it tears down walls. "

As for the general. General - I'd like to put some rainbow sprinkles on your cupcake. Will you let me sprinkle on your cupcake?

And finally, viewtopic.php?f=6&t=91512&start=15 :
Revealing his large stack and what not.

Although there are no rules that explicitly prohibit sexual assault in this website, one must understand that this website is open to all ages and that it is based in the United States. Although sexual assault on the internet isn't too alarming; engaging in Saxitoxin's method of sexual assault can be a serious matter if he's caught doing that toward a minor. He also compromises the safety and security of this gaming site with his method of sexually insulting others--it is possible that this man could inadvertently bring the owner's into trouble. Suppose a case comes out and evidence is found here. It's highly unlikely, but if CC is found to have merely slapped this guy on the wrists, then CC could suffer as a result for not properly handling this situation. My good friend is a lawyer who regularly prosecutes sex offenders and based on the many conversations I've had about her cases, Saxitoxin exhibits many behavioral similarities to the common sex offenders for minors. I'm considering sending this to the FBI, so they can find out who he is and collect further information on him; perhaps they'll have enough to build a case on him. This website does save all posts, does it not? If not, I've saved all his responses from the forum.

He's a mean-spirited player of the CC community, a hypocrite, an outrageous liar, and a possible sex offender. Well, judging from previous cases on abusive language, he can't be punished for it. He could be guilty of creating multiple accounts, but I haven't seen much evidence on that.

As far as flaming is considered... Possibly.

His constant false accusations can be taken into account.

I'd like to mention that he seems to have by far incited the most anger I've ever seen on this website. Perhaps, the mods will make an exception for such an extreme case as his. A temporary ban might be sufficient.

As for multis, I'd look into colton24. A supposed 11 year old recently created that types and reasons pretty well, especially on Saxitoxin's behalf. But that's merely a suspicion, a hunch.

WHAT?!!? i am really not on either side i said some stuff for him because he stood up and supported my issue on Voyagers05. Oh and btw the reason for the reasoning very well is cause sure yeah im eleven but i keep straight A's and stuff
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Re: Saxitoxin.

Postby BoganGod on Sun Jul 12, 2009 12:28 pm

Strife, just admit that your cut up, and hurting inside a bigger troll than you and dancing mustard has appeared. Tis sad though, that Saxitoxin isn't half as smart as yourself or mustard. At least you have a valid point one out of 20posts strife. Keep on fighting the good fight sunshine
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Re: Saxitoxin.

Postby PLAYER57832 on Sun Jul 12, 2009 12:34 pm

I usually avoid this forum, but someone suggested I needed to take a peek, so I did

Game 5241259

Only one comment. Doesn't seem either party has acted wonderfully in this game. I mean, you start by insulting your oppenent for poor play, then it just degrades.

To then complain about it ... seems more than childish. Put each other on your foe lists, be nicer next time and let it drop!

(oh, yes, I am pming the person who told me to look a similar comment)
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Re: Saxitoxin.

Postby Strife on Sun Jul 12, 2009 3:18 pm

PLAYER57832 wrote:I usually avoid this forum, but someone suggested I needed to take a peek, so I did

Game 5241259

Only one comment. Doesn't seem either party has acted wonderfully in this game. I mean, you start by insulting your oppenent for poor play, then it just degrades.

To then complain about it ... seems more than childish. Put each other on your foe lists, be nicer next time and let it drop!

(oh, yes, I am pming the person who told me to look a similar comment)

Please read the thread, the person in the game isn't complaining. I am, I got fed up with that hypocrite of a troll, trying to rid our community of what is left of our freedom of speech, and decided if they wouldn't stop when I asked nicely then maybe someone else could shut them up.
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Re: Saxitoxin.

Postby colton24 on Sun Jul 12, 2009 3:20 pm

dont blame you at times.......
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Re: Saxitoxin.

Postby lanyards on Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:31 pm

4 pages and not a single Hunter has posted yet. Please hurry up modzies
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Re: Saxitoxin.

Postby Timminz on Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:33 pm

I'm guessing it's that "sisters" who was recently banned.
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Re: Saxitoxin.

Postby Night Strike on Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:38 pm

lanyards wrote:4 pages and not a single Hunter has posted yet. Please hurry up modzies

Not hard to get to 4 pages when you have people that wish to complain about everybody's posts. This thread was started less than 20 hours ago.
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Re: Saxitoxin.

Postby saxitoxin on Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:39 pm

BBS I think you should do that! In fact I very much encourage you to do that. To save you the time and energy, you actually need to contact the US Postal Inspection Service which has jurisdiction over crimes involving wires and electronic communication. Their national contact hotline for crimes of this type is:


Once again, I encourage you in the strongest possible terms to do this.

I've already noted that I'm concerned about under-18s participating on this site at all and I've encouraged site participants to report players like Timminz and colton24 to the FTC out of concern over potential violations of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (USC s.1301) of 1998 due to their stated under-13 ages so if you want to tackle that end of the issue someone else can take the other end and the site will be holistically safe in no time at all.

Again, though, that whole issue aside I very strongly encourage you to call about my in-game chat specifically.
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Re: Saxitoxin.

Postby colton24 on Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:41 pm

wtf? wha wha hey wtf? report me for what?
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Re: Saxitoxin.

Postby saxitoxin on Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:55 pm

lanyards wrote:4 pages and not a single Hunter has posted yet. Please hurry up modzies

A moderator (clapper011) already privately responded to me with a written warning which I accepted with graciousness and humility.

Said moderator instructed me to file abuse reports regarding any future abuse or flames to which I'm subjected, and they would monitor, instead of responding in-kind and I intend to do that. I'm not going to let some of the bad seeds here provoke me into stooping to their level anymore and intend to conduct myself with a spirit of tolerance, moderation and temperment.
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Re: Saxitoxin.

Postby Darwins_Bane on Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:56 pm

saxitoxin wrote:BBS I think you should do that! In fact I very much encourage you to do that. To save you the time and energy, you actually need to contact the US Postal Inspection Service which has jurisdiction over crimes involving wires and electronic communication. Their national contact hotline for crimes of this type is:


Once again, I encourage you in the strongest possible terms to do this.

I've already noted that I'm concerned about under-18s participating on this site at all and I've encouraged site participants to report players like Timminz and colton24 to the FTC out of concern over potential violations of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (USC s.1301) of 1998 due to their stated under-13 ages so if you want to tackle that end of the issue someone else can take the other end and the site will be holistically safe in no time at all.

Again, though, that whole issue aside I very strongly encourage you to call about my in-game chat specifically.

You realize that people here are not just from the United States...right? Perhaps you found two people that are, but I'm sure that given the law of averages they aren't the only two. But that is besides the point. This thread should really be locked as it is full of flames and baiting. You have been baiting almost every single time you post in this thread, or flaming in response to someone biting on your bait. I have not taken the time to read this entire thread, nor do i care to. This is a family friendly site as has been stated in many places. As well, The fact that the site actual rests on Canadian soil means that certain of the same laws you enjoy quoting don't actually apply. You should really just stop posting and see the outcome. what you post will not change it, except perhaps to make it worse. I see a forum ban in your future.
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Re: Saxitoxin.

Postby Strife on Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:59 pm

Darwins_Bane wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:BBS I think you should do that! In fact I very much encourage you to do that. To save you the time and energy, you actually need to contact the US Postal Inspection Service which has jurisdiction over crimes involving wires and electronic communication. Their national contact hotline for crimes of this type is:


Once again, I encourage you in the strongest possible terms to do this.

I've already noted that I'm concerned about under-18s participating on this site at all and I've encouraged site participants to report players like Timminz and colton24 to the FTC out of concern over potential violations of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (USC s.1301) of 1998 due to their stated under-13 ages so if you want to tackle that end of the issue someone else can take the other end and the site will be holistically safe in no time at all.

Again, though, that whole issue aside I very strongly encourage you to call about my in-game chat specifically.

You realize that people here are not just from the United States...right? Perhaps you found two people that are, but I'm sure that given the law of averages they aren't the only two. But that is besides the point. This thread should really be locked as it is full of flames and baiting. You have been baiting almost every single time you post in this thread, or flaming in response to someone biting on your bait. I have not taken the time to read this entire thread, nor do i care to. This is a family friendly site as has been stated in many places. As well, The fact that the site actual rests on Canadian soil means that certain of the same laws you enjoy quoting don't actually apply. You should really just stop posting and see the outcome. what you post will not change it, except perhaps to make it worse. I see a forum ban in your future.

I highly agree with you. The sexual laws that I brought up were there because they were telling other persons from the U.S. sexual things that may or may not have been wanted to be heard.
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Re: Saxitoxin.

Postby colton24 on Sun Jul 12, 2009 5:00 pm

case and point case is done

and btw i am in the US
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Re: Saxitoxin.

Postby saxitoxin on Sun Jul 12, 2009 5:03 pm

Darwins_Bane wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:BBS I think you should do that! In fact I very much encourage you to do that. To save you the time and energy, you actually need to contact the US Postal Inspection Service which has jurisdiction over crimes involving wires and electronic communication. Their national contact hotline for crimes of this type is:


Once again, I encourage you in the strongest possible terms to do this.

I've already noted that I'm concerned about under-18s participating on this site at all and I've encouraged site participants to report players like Timminz and colton24 to the FTC out of concern over potential violations of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (USC s.1301) of 1998 due to their stated under-13 ages so if you want to tackle that end of the issue someone else can take the other end and the site will be holistically safe in no time at all.

Again, though, that whole issue aside I very strongly encourage you to call about my in-game chat specifically.

You realize that people here are not just from the United States...right? Perhaps you found two people that are, but I'm sure that given the law of averages they aren't the only two. But that is besides the point. This thread should really be locked as it is full of flames and baiting. You have been baiting almost every single time you post in this thread, or flaming in response to someone biting on your bait. I have not taken the time to read this entire thread, nor do i care to. This is a family friendly site as has been stated in many places. As well, The fact that the site actual rests on Canadian soil means that certain of the same laws you enjoy quoting don't actually apply. You should really just stop posting and see the outcome. what you post will not change it, except perhaps to make it worse. I see a forum ban in your future.

(1) you should address your first question to BBS as it was his assertion of reportage, I only am encouraging him to pursue it and attempting to facilitate it in a helpful way

(2) [a] the U.S. has asserted universal jursidiction in U.S.C. s.1301 enforcement and [b] similar legislation exists in Canada in form of the parliamentary COPA resolution

I think if everyone just reported everything, instead of trying to argue it out in the forums, we'd find a more satisfactory and judicial conclusion.
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Re: Saxitoxin.

Postby colton24 on Sun Jul 12, 2009 5:05 pm

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Re: Saxitoxin.

Postby saxitoxin on Sun Jul 12, 2009 5:07 pm


The FTC is the Federal Trade Commission, its Canadian equivalent is the OCA.

I'm not going to get into why's and how's, I've cited appropriate statute law. Please research the topic if you need additional clarification; this is a Cheating & Abuse Forum, not a legal self-help forum.
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Re: Saxitoxin.

Postby colton24 on Sun Jul 12, 2009 5:09 pm

federal trade commision? that doesnt have do do with us being under 13
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Re: Saxitoxin.

Postby saxitoxin on Sun Jul 12, 2009 5:11 pm

colton24 wrote:federal trade commision? that doesnt have do do with us being under 13

I'm not going to get into why's and how's, I've cited appropriate statute law. Please research the topic if you need additional clarification; this is a Cheating & Abuse Forum, not a legal self-help forum.
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Re: Saxitoxin.

Postby colton24 on Sun Jul 12, 2009 5:13 pm

1.) im 11 i dont like to reaserch BS
2.) putting the same two posts ( well close enough ) is SPAMMING
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Re: Saxitoxin.

Postby Incandenza on Sun Jul 12, 2009 6:35 pm

I just find it astonishing that no one has yet noticed the eerie similarity in overall tone between saxitonin and a certain CCer whose name rhymes with slobber...
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Re: Saxitoxin.

Postby Darwins_Bane on Sun Jul 12, 2009 6:46 pm

Incandenza wrote:I just find it astonishing that no one has yet noticed the eerie similarity in overall tone between saxitonin and a certain CCer whose name rhymes with slobber...

I never noticed that before.

saxitoxin wrote:(1) you should address your first question to BBS as it was his assertion of reportage, I only am encouraging him to pursue it and attempting to facilitate it in a helpful way

(2) [a] the U.S. has asserted universal jursidiction in U.S.C. s.1301 enforcement and [b] similar legislation exists in Canada in form of the parliamentary COPA resolution

I think if everyone just reported everything, instead of trying to argue it out in the forums, we'd find a more satisfactory and judicial conclusion.

The fact remains that you are trying to derail this thread from its original purpose in any way possible. There is almost not a single post of yours that remains the actual topic and instead it is just to either derail the thread or to help others to do so. It takes 2 people to bicker. If you stop posting because you want to improve the forum as you say, then no one else can argue with the empty space that would be occupied by ur posts in another situation.
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