Conquer Club

Gordito and Snakedoctor - Secret Alliance [Cleared]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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Re: Gordito and Snakedoctor - Secret Alliance [pending]

Postby BBoz on Sun Oct 19, 2008 10:53 pm

1 person on the fence means he doesn't believe it either way it went down - his vote is a nullified - they don't count
- This person isn't sure. Could be yes, could be no. It appears the person thinks your play was at least a little odd.
1(3) in favor of ME - yeah (actually 3 people - whomever that is, myself and snake since we both say we didn't cheat)
- You and Snake don't count. You are the ones accused of working together. Whether you did or not, you will say you didn't. So we will call this 1 supporting you.
1 besides you thought there was something suspect - who ever he, he never said anything in chat or has backed you up in this forum - sorry you have no support
- 1 Agreed with me. As hostile as you were to me in chat, it's no wonder he didn't speak up.
2 with no comment - which as yeti_c says are in favor of me (his commentary not mine) meaning that I did not cheat
- Just because Yeti allowed you to proceed in the tournament because 2 people didn't reply doesn't mean they don't think you played it fairly. They just didn't reply.

I don't believe your math either. In any event. I made my point. I think you guys have a bias in games you play in. The examples I have given show this.

Since you disclaim responsibility for your subconscious, perhaps the best solution is just for you and Snakedoctor not to be able to play in the same public games. That would solve the problem and your subconscious could rest easy knowing it wouldn't be inadvertently playing less than a fully competitive game.
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Re: Gordito and Snakedoctor - Secret Alliance [pending]

Postby Fireside Poet on Mon Oct 20, 2008 4:46 am


Verdict: Cleared of secret alliance.
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