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billydigital & Dylan-DeSoto [blocked]

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Re: billydigital & Dylan-DeSoto

Postby FarangDemon on Mon Jul 28, 2008 8:34 am

Although I agree with everything Cisco has said, let's not forget about the cheating.

After looking at assassin game 2683006 where Dylan-DeSoto hit billydigital's target 64% more often than his own, giving him the win, I decided to do some further investigation on their assassin exploits.

In 16 5-player games, they win 56% of games instead of 40% you would normally expect, all players being equal.

In 11 6-player games, they win 74% of games instead of the 33% you would normally expect, all players being equal.

Even more striking, for each of their 6-player assassin "team" wins except one, Dylan-DeSoto got the win.

Dylan won 64% of these "team" 6-player assassin games instead of the 17% you would normally expect, all players being equal!!!

All players are, of course, not equal. But there is no reason to expect these players to do significantly better than the expected percentage on their own, because their opponents were generally of the same rank. This begs the question...

So how does Dylan-DeSoto do in assassin games without billydigital?

Well, in all 3 assassin games that Dylan-DeSoto played without BillyDigital, he lost!
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Re: billydigital & Dylan-DeSoto

Postby alster on Mon Jul 28, 2008 9:36 am

cisco2001 wrote:what gives you the right to make sexually and racially explicit comments to unsuspecting players? What , in your mind, makes you believe that you can say those things to my 10 year old son, my father, my wife, my neighbor or any other innocent player that inadvertently joins one of your games? Because, last time I checked, there is no warning message that pops up, before you join one of your games, that reads: WARNING!!! Do not join this game unless you are amused by homophobic humor and racist insults.

Oh well. Guess that's a price (one of many) people have to pay for freedom. There is no right not to be insulted. On the other hand, which is the flip side, no one forces you to listen either.

Suck it up cupcake.
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Re: billydigital & Dylan-DeSoto

Postby delboy01 on Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:35 am

Robiwan Kenobi wrote:Hey there crybabies......

I thought I would chime in about my role in this thread.....
1) I haven't played in any games because I don't have a regular internet connection and it wouldn't be right to any other player if I happened to deadbeat.
2) I check to see on occasion if my friends are playing.
3) I am curious to see if people (such as yourselves)that are as interesting as the tightly coiled pile of stool that my dog left on the neighbors lawn are crying about my friends "cheating".

When I do get a solid connection I do and/or will take the pleasure stomping on your heads until my feet are covered in brains on the risk boards.


P.S. I hate anyone who uses stupid smilies in posts.......thereby making me the classic case self-loather

So did you all skip the same school and thus have the same (lack of) education?

I have said it before and I'm sure I will say it again. I do hope you talk to people in real life like you do on the net. I doubt it very much though as you would almost certainly pee your pants if someone said BOO to you. You are just keyboard warriors who think they are 'hard men' by calling people names and being obnoxious. In reality you are sad individuals who can only progress in life though cheating.

have a nice day.

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Re: billydigital & Dylan-DeSoto

Postby cisco2001 on Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:52 pm

alstergren wrote:
cisco2001 wrote:what gives you the right to make sexually and racially explicit comments to unsuspecting players? What , in your mind, makes you believe that you can say those things to my 10 year old son, my father, my wife, my neighbor or any other innocent player that inadvertently joins one of your games? Because, last time I checked, there is no warning message that pops up, before you join one of your games, that reads: WARNING!!! Do not join this game unless you are amused by homophobic humor and racist insults.

Oh well. Guess that's a price (one of many) people have to pay for freedom. There is no right not to be insulted. On the other hand, which is the flip side, no one forces you to listen either.

Suck it up cupcake.

To a certain extent, I agree that we are all subjected to a wide variety of comments. However, there are occasions when players are forced to listen to these guys. Which is what I have been trying to point out. A player with no prior knowledge of these guys does not have the choice. Ignoring this TYPE of language is like ignoring cheating. If that logic were applied to every player breaking the rules, then cheaters would roam free. If a player breaks the rules then they will suffer the consequences. If you encounter a cheater in your game and decide to put him on foe and not report them; that is your prerogative. However, it does not negate the fact that the rules were broken.

The bottom line is that there have been prior warnings from the moderators. Warnings have accomplished nothing as you can see from their continued behavior.

Also, don't forget that there is ample evidence of cheating.

The best defense that has been presented by the accused is to put them on foe and ignore it or to f*ck off. Neither of these are acceptable.

It's up to the moderators to decide what to do with them. If they think that it's acceptable for them to continue ignoring warnings then there is nothing else that can be done. If the moderators think that the warning have not been enough then they'll take further action.
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Re: billydigital & Dylan-DeSoto

Postby billydigital on Mon Jul 28, 2008 8:38 pm

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Re: billydigital & Dylan-DeSoto

Postby SlayerQC on Tue Jul 29, 2008 4:55 pm

billydigital wrote:welcome to the internet, sometimes bad words are said

Welcome to the internet, where retards are allowed to roam free and express themselves without getting their sissy/wussy/chicken asses handed back to them.
Hats off to you intardnet warrior!
Your mom would be proud.(I really mean it as she's got to be a worst person than you to raise a kid like you)
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Re: billydigital & Dylan-DeSoto

Postby billydigital on Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:50 pm

someone is a sore sport.

already been cleared ladies, and hardly played many games since then. Open and closed case.
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Re: billydigital & Dylan-DeSoto

Postby Dylan-DeSoto on Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:33 pm

and still I wonder, why do you have soooo much time to post such long-winded responses....[mod edit] more projecting [/mod edit] maybe you'll be a little less concerned with out forum.

as for Fang -- please read the above comment this also applies to you, someone who decides to waste his time looking up statistics has way to much time on his hands. How about looking at other stats, like my win percentage without playing games with'll see that I still have an overall win percent of almost 40%... just like everyone else, I have good dice and bad, good position on the board and bad, it's a game get over yourself!
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Re: billydigital & Dylan-DeSoto

Postby cisco2001 on Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:36 pm

billydigital wrote:someone is a sore sport.

already been cleared ladies, and hardly played many games since then. Open and closed case.

Correction: You've been warned and this is a new accusation with detailed evidence. I know that it's easy to lose track of, as this is a regular occurrence for you.
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Re: billydigital & Dylan-DeSoto

Postby lancehoch on Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:56 pm

Since some people did not heed warnings, their posts have been edited.
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Re: billydigital & Dylan-DeSoto

Postby FarangDemon on Tue Jul 29, 2008 11:38 pm

Dylan, you actually have a 0% win rate in assassin games without billydigital. And half of these were only 3 and 4 player games.

Assassin games with Dylan-deSoto, without billydigital

wins: 0

losses: 4

Game 238186
Game 305530
Game 697642
Game 1255562

However, you have a 64% win rate in 6-player assassin games with billydigital. These are harder to win than 3 or 4 player games, because there are 6 players. The expected win rate is 17% for a 6-player game.

6-player Assassin games with both Dylan-deSoto and billydigital

Dylan-deSoto Wins: 7

Game 503783
Game 1129428
Game 1255540
Game 1255543
Game 1421281
Game 1421282
Game 1421283

billydigital wins: 1

Game 1421280

losses: 3

Game 237033
Game 503787
Game 961263

To reiterate, an average player against average opponents would have a 17% shot at winning any 6-player assassin game. But a player like you that only wins 0% of assassin games without billydigital should be expected to do worse than this normal 17%. However, you miraculously win 64% of games with billydigital instead.

The 39% win rate you quote is an aggregate of all your 800+ games, half of which are with billydigital, and is not relevant to 6-player assassin game performance. Your relatively high win rate compared to your score is because so many of your games were 4-player or team games with only two teams. The expected win rate in a game with only two teams is 50%.
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Re: billydigital & Dylan-DeSoto

Postby cisco2001 on Wed Jul 30, 2008 12:03 am

I'm looking forward to a witty reply and/ or explanation....
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Re: billydigital & Dylan-DeSoto

Postby Dylan-DeSoto on Wed Jul 30, 2008 10:12 am

like i said way too much time on you hand.
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Re: billydigital & Dylan-DeSoto

Postby cisco2001 on Wed Jul 30, 2008 10:47 am

Dylan-DeSoto wrote:like i said way too much time on you hand.

Translation: I don't have an explanation or an excuse so my defense it to try to change the subject.

*For such a busy person, you seem to have plenty of time to participate in this forum...
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Re: billydigital & Dylan-DeSoto

Postby billydigital on Wed Jul 30, 2008 5:33 pm

I'm looking forward to reading about how one of you blew your head off after we are cleared.
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Re: billydigital & Dylan-DeSoto

Postby cisco2001 on Wed Jul 30, 2008 5:36 pm

I sure you are. I would not expect any less from somebody of such high moral fiber.
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Re: billydigital & Dylan-DeSoto

Postby Anarkistsdream on Wed Jul 30, 2008 6:47 pm

billydigital wrote:I'm looking forward to reading about how one of you blew your head off after we are cleared.

Says the cadet.... Quit playing with your butt-buddy and look what happens to your rank...


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Re: billydigital & Dylan-DeSoto

Postby SlayerQC on Wed Jul 30, 2008 7:21 pm

SlayerQC wrote:
billydigital wrote:welcome to the internet, sometimes bad words are said

Welcome to the internet, where retards are allowed to roam free and express themselves without getting their sissy/wussy/chicken asses handed back to them.
Hats off to you intardnet warrior!
Your mom would be proud.(I really mean it as she's got to be a worst person than you to raise a kid like you)

Where's your witty reply to that?

I guess I mustve been right!
You know, most crack baby have behavior problems in their teen years.
Last edited by SlayerQC on Wed Jul 30, 2008 7:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: billydigital & Dylan-DeSoto

Postby Dylan-DeSoto on Wed Jul 30, 2008 7:40 pm

no slayer,

some of us have real jobs and have to work for a living. most normal people don't have time to run statistical analysis on gaming sites using the new formulas that you just learned in your 8th grade beginner stats class. but I'm sure that you are the same type of person that has joined online role-playing games and is part of a guild, owns his own virtual house with virtual gold. not to mention plays dungeons and dragons on the weekends with his geek friends.

[mod edit] still more projecting [/mod edit]
and go run down to the dinner your mommy just made for you.
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Re: billydigital & Dylan-DeSoto

Postby Dylan-DeSoto on Wed Jul 30, 2008 7:42 pm

why am i not suprised that [mod edit] Anarkistsdream [/mod edit] has chimmed in with nothing intelligible to say.
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Re: billydigital & Dylan-DeSoto

Postby SlayerQC on Wed Jul 30, 2008 7:48 pm

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Re: billydigital & Dylan-DeSoto

Postby cisco2001 on Wed Jul 30, 2008 9:38 pm

I've said it before; dylan and billy are incredibly arrogant. Their names are always being brought up in this forum for one of two things: cheating and/or offensive behavior.

This particular thread has shown concrete evidence that they have worked together to win games. The numbers do not lie. They have incredibly high winning %'s together and below average winning %'s apart. I didn't graduate from MIT but these numbers are indisputable.

The language they use in games AND in this forum is beyond acceptable by anyone's standard. Correction: Unless, of course, you are a member of the KKK or Nazi party.

I understand that CC encourages an open, fair and competitive environment that we can all enjoy. However, cheating is not conducive to fairness and competition.

The racist and homophobic language which they find so delightful is disturbing and disgusting to the extreme. I'm all about freedom of speech but this hate filled rhetoric transcends the purpose of the 1st Amendment. Any institution, both private and public, in this country reserves the right to monitor and regulate what can be said within it's community. In order to protect the sensibilities of all of it's members. Which is why we have the choice of choosing whether or not we want to hear this type of language by the websites we visit. If CC is a website that is tolerant of racism and homophobia then let these two vulgarians continue with their rants. However, since they have been warned before, if CC is not tolerant of this language then permaban them. This would demonstrate, to the members and visitors of this site, that ignorant and intolerant behavior is unacceptable...period!

Finally, if you look back at the comments that have been made by dylan and billy in this thread, you will notice that not once are they able to explain or defend their behavior. There have been a couple of weak excuses but even those have been easily dismantled by further evidence from members of this site. Their insults and profanity in this forum is a perfect example of what they do in real games.

I look forward to the moderator's decision.
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Re: billydigital & Dylan-DeSoto

Postby Dylan-DeSoto on Wed Jul 30, 2008 10:07 pm

yet again Cisco spews [mod edit] cow pies [/mod edit] from his mouth....are you a politician because you're just as long winded as most of those [mod edit] rectal cavities [/mod edit].

As to your accusation that we have not defended ourselves in this forum, we don't need to. There has been no cheating in any of our games. I frequently aim to kill digital because I feel he is generally the greater threat. I attempt to consistently keep my rank above his because I believe that I am a better player. We follow the rules and if we have a common boarder set up we either attack each other or sign a truce within the game forum for all to see, usually a two or three round truce. most of the time the truce is broken even before the deadline is up.

As for statistics you can basically stick those up your [mod edit] backside [/mod edit]...because they're just that statistics. I bet you would tell a general that he is cheating because he has a 65% win average where statistically he should only have won 25-30% because that is what the "statistics" should produce on any given day. Have you ever seen a bell curve? or have you not goten to that part of your text book yet? there are always given circumstances where people either excel or fall short, hence why we have really good players and really bad players, it's not all skill, it's luck of the dice too, mixed with stragety and board placement, card draw and what type of game you're playing.
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Re: billydigital & Dylan-DeSoto

Postby cisco2001 on Wed Jul 30, 2008 10:34 pm

Quoted from dylan:

How about looking at other stats, like my win percentage without playing games with'll see that I still have an overall win percent of almost 40%... just like everyone else, I have good dice and bad, good position on the board and bad, it's a game get over yourself!

Quoted from dylan...a few posts later:

"As for statistics you can basically stick those up your ass...because they're just that statistics."

The problem with cheaters and liars is that they can't stick to the same version of THEIR own story. These two are a joke. The more rope you give them, the farther they stick their own necks in the noose.

The floor is yours gentlemen.....
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Re: billydigital & Dylan-DeSoto

Postby billydigital on Thu Jul 31, 2008 5:45 am

gentlemen? Plural? I thought we were one person?
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