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Should mainlander and meg87 be able to play each other if they know each other in the real world?

Total votes : 104

Postby meg87 on Fri Mar 23, 2007 6:49 pm

yeah i see the point, but I am stressing that we never rigged it or whatever. Believe me, i see it now. But i mean without a warning???
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Postby mainlander on Fri Mar 23, 2007 9:27 pm

meg why try to fight it any more.people here seem to think we are the same person or we dont fight each other. i say let them play there game like its life or something and we go find a site where we can have some fun without all the billshit.what people need to do is learn that its just a damn is hard enough without all this lil bullshit about crying babies cause they lose a game.hate to see some of thses people in real life when work goes bad or school, do they go home and cry to mommy and daddy cause the teacher picked on them? really people just have fun playing the game...
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Postby meg87 on Fri Mar 23, 2007 10:51 pm

sounds good
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Postby podge on Sat Mar 24, 2007 6:32 am

mainlander wrote:meg why try to fight it any more.people here seem to think we are the same person or we dont fight each other. i say let them play there game like its life or something and we go find a site where we can have some fun without all the billshit.what people need to do is learn that its just a damn is hard enough without all this lil bullshit about crying babies cause they lose a game.hate to see some of thses people in real life when work goes bad or school, do they go home and cry to mommy and daddy cause the teacher picked on them? really people just have fun playing the game...

I should imagine the fun for most people in the the game is the challenge, the pitting of your wits against your opponents. When you remove the challenge you remove the fun and your's and megs play removes the challenge because your opponents have little or no chance of winning. That is what people get upset about, it's not the losing but the way they lose. I am sure you realise this and this little outburst of yours is simply a way to justify that what you do is not wrong. if you get your fun by being able to beat a player by teaming up on him/her Then the sooner you leave the better.
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Postby meg87 on Sat Mar 24, 2007 9:15 am

if you insist......but as you see by the games, we never ganged up on the players but you can think as you please. I wont lose any sleep over it
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Postby djak. on Sat Mar 24, 2007 5:28 pm

meg87 wrote:go look at the game stats and then come back and say if we cheat or not

The last 10 three player games with mainlander and meg87:
304347 Risk E. Business eliminated first, meg87 wins.
304253 stang eliminated in same go after mainlander's cards taken by meg87, meg87 wins.
301866 torrmax eliminated 1 round after mainlander's cards taken by meg87, meg87 wins.
301615 Dirty_Stash assassinated by meg87.
301577 valvula eliminated first, meg87 wins.
300914 smwhovthrnb wins!
298837 penguinllama12 eliminated first, meg87 wins.
298098 Homer Simpson eliminated first, mainlander wins.
297874 rye guy eliminated first, meg87 wins.
293591 looks like a fair game, meg87 wins.

mainlander wrote:90%of the games i have played with meg i have been the first player out..

30%, not 90%.

Much worse is that 60% of the time the person playing m&m is the first player out - in fair games it should be half that.

meg87, you have only 1147 points after 110 games despite all the points you get when you eliminate the competitoin in a three way game with mainlander. Wouldn't you have banned two players somehow winning 9 out of 10 three players games (8 out of 10 for you, while when you're not playing with mainlander you win only 2 out of 10)?

While the two of you may not notice that you're weakening the 3rd player in toss up situations, the other players will.
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Postby meg87 on Sun Mar 25, 2007 6:54 pm

ok, whatever. this is getting pointless
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Postby AAFitz on Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:24 am

meg87 wrote:ok, whatever. this is getting pointless

It really has...i mean, its so hard to get points...and so much easier to just join with a friend and wipe out the other players and get them that way....

I just cant believe they wont let you do that...I feel so bad for you
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Postby meg87 on Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:39 am

to me, points dont mean shit. Anyway you can just continue to take it so seriously as if you are really in a war or something.
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Postby mainlander on Mon Mar 26, 2007 4:02 pm

This is bullshit.tried to join a doubles game and we still cant play together.who runs this site? some guy with his thumb up his ass or what..its sad when a site keeps ppl from having fun..who the hell do i email so i can get it so i can play with meg again?..dont care if we cant play 3 player games but hell why cant we play doubles? thats what we are being run through the coals for is ganging up in games..even though we wasnt so why not let us play doubles?
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Postby GimmE China bech on Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:17 pm

Yeah I ran out of the room for the letter a in beach.....I could have said bach but I don't think anyone would understand.
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Postby GimmE China bech on Mon Mar 26, 2007 11:23 pm

b.k. barunt wrote:Well gimmE, the conversation from you is too stupid for 1 person, so where does that leave us.

BK I might be dumb but I'm not banned from playing. You can say what you want but the hosts don't just ban people for fun. I notice I had two friends play them in separate games and they both lost in a three game match. I thought they were cheating so I checked to see if they were here in this forum and to my surprise.....WaLaaaa. This is about as polite as I could get on this subject matter. If your Stephan Hawkins explain to my feeble mind what I don't understand. I hear same the complaints from other people so me addressing this subject matter can't be that dumb. We are all on the same forum so you really can't be that much more intelligent then me. I must say nice quip "two stupid for one person".....good one. I'm not sure where that leaves "us" but I'm still waiting for the next round in my games.
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I vote yes

Postby Gary30060 on Fri Apr 06, 2007 7:51 pm


[b]Players should be able to play family and friends in a public game.....but if caught band for life.

Maybe suggest them creating a private game.....put that doesnt work if there are only 2 of them.....

As long as they are being competitive, I say they can play
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Postby meg87 on Fri Apr 06, 2007 7:53 pm seems like we are banned for life though...oh well, its not the end of the world. ITs just shitty, someone should have ran some sort of scan on us or at least gave us a warning before banning us. We should at least be able to play in doubles
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