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Postby alster on Sun Jan 09, 2011 10:55 am

HighlanderAttack wrote:I am just wondering when someone is putting theherkman out there for point dumping.

He will be negative if that is possible by the middle of the week.

Well, he has a plausible explantion for why he can't take turns. Don't think it makes sense to see it as point dumping when not on purpose, loosing points/stats seems bad enought in itself.

Not possible to reach a negative score - points calculated as: (loser's score / winner's score) * 20
(but up to a maximum of 100 points).

Guess it's then technically possible to reach 0 (i.e. go from 1 to 0 points) if loosing against a player with a very low score (<20).
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Postby Gypsys Kiss on Sun Jan 09, 2011 12:27 pm

I must admit, I'm a bit seem to be thanking Joshyboy and then 25 minutes later obliquely accusing him. Why not say something in the game chat? Its not that you didnt have time, because you had enough time to post in the forum.

2011-01-07 18:12:51 - JoshyBoy: Good luck with these games and the record man!
2011-01-08 08:26:49 - theherkman: thx

by theherkman on Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:51 am

Thx, made many hundreds of turns over the last few hours. Many more to make. Nice script jig. I like it. Also, if I find out that a certain someone abused my account with creating certain FS games, don't think you won't see a C&A report... But this will have to wait until I am done. Later.
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Postby eddie2 on Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:02 pm

Gypsys Kiss wrote:I must admit, I'm a bit seem to be thanking Joshyboy and then 25 minutes later obliquely accusing him. Why not say something in the game chat? Its not that you didnt have time, because you had enough time to post in the forum.

2011-01-07 18:12:51 - JoshyBoy: Good luck with these games and the record man!
2011-01-08 08:26:49 - theherkman: thx

by theherkman on Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:51 am

Thx, made many hundreds of turns over the last few hours. Many more to make. Nice script jig. I like it. Also, if I find out that a certain someone abused my account with creating certain FS games, don't think you won't see a C&A report... But this will have to wait until I am done. Later.

lol this was my point he cannot get to games because his system crashes but he posted in them. games
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Postby HighlanderAttack on Sun Jan 09, 2011 8:11 pm

alstergren wrote:
HighlanderAttack wrote:I am just wondering when someone is putting theherkman out there for point dumping.

He will be negative if that is possible by the middle of the week.

Well, he has a plausible explantion for why he can't take turns. Don't think it makes sense to see it as point dumping when not on purpose, loosing points/stats seems bad enought in itself.

Not possible to reach a negative score - points calculated as: (loser's score / winner's score) * 20
(but up to a maximum of 100 points).

Guess it's then technically possible to reach 0 (i.e. go from 1 to 0 points) if loosing against a player with a very low score (<20).

I disagree he has a plausible explanation --all he had to do is go to one game--and hit next game--this way ie would never have to pull his whole list of My games up. I even posted in his thread how to do this, but I would think anyone with half of a mind could figure it out.

His explanations include a crashed computer-then a car accident--then an ie failure. All very convenient for someone to come up with. I just think he thought it was easier to dump than play and his excuses could get him out of trouble.
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Postby LFAW on Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:47 pm

Guys, if hes actually been in a car crash give him some slack ffs...
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Postby Army of GOD on Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:55 pm

When I take his turns in our game, it takes a while to load and sometimes Firefox "doesn't respond" (aka it seems like it's going to freeze on me) but it gets better within a minute.
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Postby Uncle Death on Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:23 am

Just curious, if a player is having his account abused by others with his password, joining games and such, might not the abuser also post in the forums?
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Postby Woodruff on Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:29 am

Uncle Death wrote:Just curious, if a player is having his account abused by others with his password, joining games and such, might not the abuser also post in the forums?

I would say it's even "likely", if the abuser had any sense.
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Postby DJPatrick on Mon Jan 17, 2011 5:32 am

I think, Woody, that Uncle Death was inferring that Joshy Boy cld also use the password to post under herks login...agree tho that Josh has been notable by his absense from this thread which has stagnated while the vitriol of the counter-thread against herk continues unabated...horses for courses???
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Postby Woodruff on Mon Jan 17, 2011 7:36 am

DJPatrick wrote:I think, Woody, that Uncle Death was inferring that Joshy Boy cld also use the password to post under herks login...

Yes, I know...I was agreeing with him, saying that it was even likely that was the case.

DJPatrick wrote:agree tho that Josh has been notable by his absense from this thread which has stagnated while the vitriol of the counter-thread against herk continues unabated...horses for courses???

It is interesting.
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Postby Gypsys Kiss on Mon Jan 17, 2011 11:33 am

Woodruff wrote:
DJPatrick wrote:
DJPatrick wrote:agree tho that Josh has been notable by his absense from this thread which has stagnated while the vitriol of the counter-thread against herk continues unabated...horses for courses???

It is interesting.

Why? If he had come in here protesting his innocence, some would have said 'you doth protest too much'. If he does not comment, it is viewed as suspicious. Its a no win situation, especially as his name is green.

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Postby jefjef on Mon Jan 17, 2011 11:43 am

Woodruff wrote:
DJPatrick wrote:
DJPatrick wrote:agree tho that Josh has been notable by his absense from this thread which has stagnated while the vitriol of the counter-thread against herk continues unabated...horses for courses???

It is interesting.

Well joshy deff created those private games specifically for herkman to play them. I do not think it was done maliciously. His only intent was to assist with the record but it does sure look like herk was joined into them without his knowledge. That is a rules violation and CC should not let it slide.

As far as the theory of joshy posting as herkman that is just grasping at air. If that had happened you can be sure herkman would have filed a complaint and I'm sure he checked his post history to make sure.

As for joshy staying out of this thread. His silence tells his side of the story.
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Postby greenoaks on Mon Jan 17, 2011 5:24 pm

jefjef wrote:
Woodruff wrote:
DJPatrick wrote:
DJPatrick wrote:agree tho that Josh has been notable by his absense from this thread which has stagnated while the vitriol of the counter-thread against herk continues unabated...horses for courses???

It is interesting.

Well joshy deff created those private games specifically for herkman to play them. I do not think it was done maliciously. His only intent was to assist with the record but it does sure look like herk was joined into them without his knowledge. That is a rules violation and CC should not let it slide.

As far as the theory of joshy posting as herkman that is just grasping at air. If that had happened you can be sure herkman would have filed a complaint and I'm sure he checked his post history to make sure.

As for joshy staying out of this thread. His silence tells his side of the story.

VioIet stayed out of the recent thread about her actions, eventually things settled down there

it might also be wise for JoshyBoy to wait for the anger on both sides to abate before speaking about it publicly, if at all
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Postby notyou2 on Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:22 am

What news on Herk's e-ticket? It seems he is out of the loop and requested I make an inquiry on his behalf. He is indicating he has never received any sort of response from his e-ticket.
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Postby owenshooter on Thu Jan 20, 2011 12:46 am

it is just sad when someone that is supposed to set an example for the community is continually having his actions called into question... right or wrong, just the accusation of joshy doing this further tarnishes his image. it is hard to watch members of the jr. mint mod squad continually cross the lines/rules in questionable ways and then have them be responsible for policing the rest of us. i hope this isn't true. he has had a tough go as a new member of the jr. mint's...-the black jesus
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Postby notyou2 on Fri Jan 21, 2011 11:36 am

Silence speaks volumes.
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Postby Darkended Blade on Fri Jan 21, 2011 12:12 pm

Denial speaks volumes.
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Postby DJPatrick on Sat Jan 22, 2011 8:13 am

and this vacuum speaks not at all...
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Postby notyou2 on Sat Jan 22, 2011 11:12 am

Is this like the police covering up the police?
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Postby trapyoung on Sat Jan 22, 2011 11:26 am

Could it not be that herk had millions of people watching him and when they logged in they saw the invites to the games that Joshy had private made, and agreed to by herk, and the sitters joined them for him (it is the first screen that pops up)

Joshy wasn't the only sitter, I don't see how you can prove it was him that accepted those invites
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Postby Juan_Bottom on Sat Jan 22, 2011 2:36 pm

Ah. So what's going on with the other sitter's then? Do we have a list so that we can be sure that they know this list exists?

jefjef wrote:Well joshy deff created those private games specifically for herkman to play them. I do not think it was done maliciously. His only intent was to assist with the record but it does sure look like herk was joined into them without his knowledge.

That sounds legit to me.

greenoaks wrote:VioIet stayed out of the recent thread about her actions, eventually things settled down there

Herk is probably the only one who's mad here. And I'll reserve my rage until I here some form of rebuttal. It's impossible to automatically take sides with such a murky situation. We can't see anything as black and white yet.
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Postby Woodruff on Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:09 pm

Juan_Bottom wrote:Herk is probably the only one who's mad here. And I'll reserve my rage until I here some form of rebuttal. It's impossible to automatically take sides with such a murky situation. We can't see anything as black and white yet.

Why would the Herk be mad at anyone but his own dumbass self?
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Postby Gypsys Kiss on Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:42 pm

Woodruff wrote:
Juan_Bottom wrote:Herk is probably the only one who's mad here. And I'll reserve my rage until I here some form of rebuttal. It's impossible to automatically take sides with such a murky situation. We can't see anything as black and white yet.

Why would the Herk be mad at anyone but his own dumbass self?

Because he is never in the wrong, its always someone else's fault.
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Postby Juan_Bottom on Sat Jan 22, 2011 5:05 pm

Well he's mad enough to call out a MOD, who's help he previously accepted, for cheating. That's kind of a big deal.
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Postby Woodruff on Sat Jan 22, 2011 5:33 pm

Juan_Bottom wrote:Well he's mad enough to call out a MOD, who's help he previously accepted, for cheating. That's kind of a big deal.

In some circles, that's called "trying to cover your ass" too.
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