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दोस्त प्रणाली (Multi) [busted]lv

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Re: दोस्त प्रणाली (Multi)

Postby tdans on Tue Dec 07, 2010 6:50 pm

jefjef wrote:
दोस्त प्रणाली wrote:please explain to me how multis muck up the sight for anyone? especially a multi that is ones only working account.

It fucks up an already fucked up point system. You no rank in and suck 40 + points out of those of us who are trying to play an honest game. The times you lose its worth a whole 8 points. :roll:

Go away cheater, You are not welcome here.

well tell CC to give him his old account back, this Whole episode is a sign of the Management's lack of care for Us, the Paying customers.. someone screws up someone else and then the CC guys jump in and screw the person who got screwed... gotta love the thought process behind these guys.. True, there are rules to be followed, but given the things I have seen the past 2 years Ive been on this site, Ive come to the conclusion that Most of the people actually running this site kinda sorta arent exactly sure what to do, therefore, they bring out that trusty old banhammer and ban the dude cause they don't know what to do... I for one, am sick of this sites hierarchy, their uncaring attitude is a blatant sign of disrespect for anyone but themselves, once My preemi runs out, or before that even, I will leave this site, there are other sites out there with people who actually care..
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Re: दोस्त प्रणाली (Multi)

Postby tdans on Tue Dec 07, 2010 6:51 pm

lord voldemort wrote:Another point is that you are taking up server space every time you create an account.

I have a solution for this.. but ofc, Ya'll know it all.. :roll:
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Re: दोस्त प्रणाली (Multi)

Postby Woodruff on Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:19 pm

basic_man2010_20 wrote:he didn't breakthem who ever was sitting his account did how ever break them, he is not the perpurtartor he is just a victom

It's fine that you're taking his word for that...but his word doesn't prove anything. How do we know it isn't just a story he's concocted?
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Re: दोस्त प्रणाली (Multi)

Postby jefjef on Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:27 pm

tdans wrote:
jefjef wrote:
दोस्त प्रणाली wrote:please explain to me how multis muck up the sight for anyone? especially a multi that is ones only working account.

It fucks up an already fucked up point system. You no rank in and suck 40 + points out of those of us who are trying to play an honest game. The times you lose its worth a whole 8 points. :roll:

Go away cheater, You are not welcome here.

well tell CC to give him his old account back, this Whole episode is a sign of the Management's lack of care for Us, the Paying customers.. someone screws up someone else and then the CC guys jump in and screw the person who got screwed... gotta love the thought process behind these guys.. True, there are rules to be followed, but given the things I have seen the past 2 years Ive been on this site, Ive come to the conclusion that Most of the people actually running this site kinda sorta arent exactly sure what to do, therefore, they bring out that trusty old banhammer and ban the dude cause they don't know what to do... I for one, am sick of this sites hierarchy, their uncaring attitude is a blatant sign of disrespect for anyone but themselves, once My preemi runs out, or before that even, I will leave this site, there are other sites out there with people who actually care..

We all need to assume some responsibility to protect our investment. Our accounts. He carelessly posted/shared his password. That is HIS OWN FAULT. Now as far as that story goes do you honestly believe that CC can not trace who signed into accounts and did what? I'm sure they are able to trace all of that so just maybe the story of his account being hi jacked isn't true... ;)
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: दोस्त प्रणाली (Multi)

Postby tdans on Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:33 pm

jefjef wrote:
tdans wrote:
jefjef wrote:
दोस्त प्रणाली wrote:please explain to me how multis muck up the sight for anyone? especially a multi that is ones only working account.

It fucks up an already fucked up point system. You no rank in and suck 40 + points out of those of us who are trying to play an honest game. The times you lose its worth a whole 8 points. :roll:

Go away cheater, You are not welcome here.

well tell CC to give him his old account back, this Whole episode is a sign of the Management's lack of care for Us, the Paying customers.. someone screws up someone else and then the CC guys jump in and screw the person who got screwed... gotta love the thought process behind these guys.. True, there are rules to be followed, but given the things I have seen the past 2 years Ive been on this site, Ive come to the conclusion that Most of the people actually running this site kinda sorta arent exactly sure what to do, therefore, they bring out that trusty old banhammer and ban the dude cause they don't know what to do... I for one, am sick of this sites hierarchy, their uncaring attitude is a blatant sign of disrespect for anyone but themselves, once My preemi runs out, or before that even, I will leave this site, there are other sites out there with people who actually care..

We all need to assume some responsibility to protect our investment. Our accounts. He carelessly posted/shared his password. That is HIS OWN FAULT. Now as far as that story goes do you honestly believe that CC can not trace who signed into accounts and did what? I'm sure they are able to trace all of that so just maybe the story of his account being hi jacked isn't true... ;)

perhaps you should read back farther in the threads? one of the admin kinda hinted that another account was responsible for this act.. as for him posting his password.. true, it was reckless and dumb, but for one mistake, he gets perma-banned from cc? apparently 2nd chances do NOT exist in the CC world..
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Re: दोस्त प्रणाली (Multi) [busted]lv

Postby b00060 on Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:53 pm

40kguy you are the exact reason i don't spend more time busting these multis. I have played over 20 thousand games and see an obvious one at least once a day, yet i don't have time to report it because building a case is a huge waste of time and would consume all of my time here on CC. The fact that you are defending this sickens me, especially since he is or (was) in your clan. Playing feud adjacent freestyle right out of the gates flawlessly? Get real! I am 5 and 2 against you all time and you are just bitter that I beat your a@@.
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Re: दोस्त प्रणाली (Multi) [busted]lv

Postby tdans on Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:55 pm

b00060 wrote:40kguy you are the exact reason i don't spend more time busting these multis. I have played over 20 thousand games and see an obvious one at least once a day, yet i don't have time to report it because building a case is a huge waste of time and would consume all of my time here on CC. The fact that you are defending this sickens me, especially since he is or (was) in your clan. Playing feud adjacent freestyle right out of the gates flawlessly? Get real! I am 5 and 2 against you all time and you are just bitter that I beat your a@@.

ok, SO I must join in. I'm 9 out of 11 against you B000 :) but hey!! whose counting :roll:
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Re: दोस्त प्रणाली (Multi) [busted]lv

Postby b00060 on Tue Dec 07, 2010 8:53 pm

look again, we are both 4 and 4 heads up.
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Re: दोस्त प्रणाली (Multi) [busted]lv

Postby 40kguy on Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:07 pm

b00060 wrote:40kguy you are the exact reason i don't spend more time busting these multis. I have played over 20 thousand games and see an obvious one at least once a day, yet i don't have time to report it because building a case is a huge waste of time and would consume all of my time here on CC. The fact that you are defending this sickens me, especially since he is or (was) in your clan. Playing feud adjacent freestyle right out of the gates flawlessly? Get real! I am 5 and 2 against you all time and you are just bitter that I beat your a@@.

ok lets play speed city moual on my home map lets see who wins.
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Re: दोस्त प्रणाली (Multi) [busted]lv

Postby Evil Semp on Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:13 pm

Put them back in your pants guys, this isn't a pissing contest.
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Re: दोस्त प्रणाली (Multi) [busted]lv

Postby tdans on Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:19 pm

Evil Semp wrote:Put them back in your pants guys, this isn't a pissing contest.

I suggest you go find yours man..
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Re: दोस्त प्रणाली (Multi) [busted]lv

Postby basic_man2010_20 on Wed Dec 08, 2010 12:27 am

I would suggest that the admins stop pissing thier time away and figure out who fucked with his origonal account... the i think it was either lovo, or king A... (the one who posted the final ruleing on the point droppingcase) who had said that if he was playing that it was not only him, meaning yes they admitted to someone abuseing the account sitting.... that person needs to get banned as well.... hey also how would you feel if you left a person or clan to sit ur games for u and you come back and see that ur a pvt and that u have been permma banned??? well this could happen to anyone and I think it WILL happen again if you let who ever did this get away with it, as he/she knows they got away with it once....
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Re: दोस्त प्रणाली (Multi) [busted]lv

Postby lord voldemort on Wed Dec 08, 2010 12:38 am

just to clear it up...he was not perma banned for the point dumping..
the permanent nature of it came about when he decided to make multiple accounts.
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Re: दोस्त प्रणाली (Multi) [busted]lv

Postby TheForgivenOne on Wed Dec 08, 2010 12:40 am

basic_man2010_20 wrote:I would suggest that the admins stop pissing thier time away and figure out who fucked with his origonal account... the i think it was either lovo, or king A... (the one who posted the final ruleing on the point droppingcase) who had said that if he was playing that it was not only him, meaning yes they admitted to someone abuseing the account sitting.... that person needs to get banned as well.... hey also how would you feel if you left a person or clan to sit ur games for u and you come back and see that ur a pvt and that u have been permma banned??? well this could happen to anyone and I think it WILL happen again if you let who ever did this get away with it, as he/she knows they got away with it once....

On a case as BIG as this, it wouldn't be 1 multi hunter who came to a decision. All the multi hunters review the case, and come to a decision. You really think they didn't do an IP check for when the account was logged on during the point dumping? Trusting a persons word isn't the smartest choice. If the multi hunters did that, then basically no multi's would ever be busted, because they would all say "But it was my brother/sister/mom/dad/son/daughter".
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Re: दोस्त प्रणाली (Multi) [busted]lv

Postby thebest712 on Wed Dec 08, 2010 4:26 am

lord voldemort wrote:just to clear it up...he was not perma banned for the point dumping..
the permanent nature of it came about when he decided to make multiple accounts.

but he had no clue what was happening, E-tickets don't work (fast), so I find it a normal reaction to do that
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Re: दोस्त प्रणाली (Multi) [busted]lv

Postby b00060 on Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:20 am

40k, we did play that Once. Here it is Game 4678988. You went first and still lost. Ask anyone that knows City, you go first in sequential on that map and you should win. Try again loser!
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Re: दोस्त प्रणाली (Multi) [busted]lv

Postby basic_man2010_20 on Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:25 am

it was king A himself who said that if he was on that he WASN'T the only one..... He preatymuch said yah there was someone else on teh account but oh well were gonna let the one who was on his account get off free

here is the DIRECT QUOTE

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Re: Buddysystem[vacationed]es

Postby king achilles on Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:14 am
Let's just say, if he is using his account, it's not only him. He point dumped and did not specifically designated an account sitter for his account.
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Re: दोस्त प्रणाली (Multi) [busted]lv

Postby JoelNRob on Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:50 am

lord voldemort wrote:just to clear it up...he was not perma banned for the point dumping..
the permanent nature of it came about when he decided to make multiple accounts.

just for the publics record samuel recieved a perma ban before he created any 2nd account
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Re: दोस्त प्रणाली (Multi) [busted]lv

Postby thebest712 on Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:54 am

b00060 wrote:40k, we did play that Once. Here it is Game 4678988. You went first and still lost. Ask anyone that knows City, you go first in sequential on that map and you should win. Try again loser!

:roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: दोस्त प्रणाली (Multi) [busted]lv

Postby jefjef on Wed Dec 08, 2010 12:54 pm

thebest712 wrote:
lord voldemort wrote:just to clear it up...he was not perma banned for the point dumping..
the permanent nature of it came about when he decided to make multiple accounts.

but he had no clue what was happening, E-tickets don't work (fast), so I find it a normal reaction to do that

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He was here a long time. He knew exactly what he was doing. The forums are also viewable without even logging in. He knew what he was doing and what was going on. He chose to break more rules.

Job well done hunters! =D>
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: दोस्त प्रणाली (Multi) [busted]lv

Postby ljex on Wed Dec 08, 2010 1:17 pm

b00060 wrote:40k, we did play that Once. Here it is Game 4678988. You went first and still lost. Ask anyone that knows City, you go first in sequential on that map and you should win. Try again loser!

with fog you can get unlucky so that argument is not really valid. Also he was talking about fs speed which is a way different ball game. Further that game is from a year and a half ago, and it was when 40k was on the site for 4 months. It might be prudent to provide relevant examples.
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Re: दोस्त प्रणाली (Multi) [busted]lv

Postby RedFlyingGolf on Wed Dec 08, 2010 2:31 pm

He probably made a multi because the mods original ruling was outright horrible.
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Re: दोस्त प्रणाली (Multi) [busted]lv

Postby basic_man2010_20 on Wed Dec 08, 2010 3:01 pm

I see that noone is trying to argue with my point now
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Re: दोस्त प्रणाली (Multi) [busted]lv

Postby 40kguy on Wed Dec 08, 2010 3:08 pm

RedFlyingGolf wrote:He probably made a multi because the mods original ruling was outright horrible.

and he made it obvious that he was a multi i think he just wanted to give his side of the story to all of cc.
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Re: दोस्त प्रणाली (Multi) [busted]lv

Postby jefjef on Wed Dec 08, 2010 3:17 pm

40kguy wrote:
RedFlyingGolf wrote:He probably made a multi because the mods original ruling was outright horrible.

and he made it obvious that he was a multi i think he just wanted to give his side of the story to all of cc.

Yeah. And play 36 games while doing it. ;)

Not surprised that 40k is in here defending a cheater... :roll:
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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