king sam wrote:Aright ur story has more holes n it then swiss cheese at the moment, thats why everyone is "attacking" you.
I think the holes you discovered aren't really on...
king sam wrote:1st question is who told you this, cause its no where on your account. And whats your dad's account that your referring to?
Not a hole, but a good question.
king sam wrote:2nd question, you couldn't have been enlisted in the marines with a bachelors degree, so if all that your saying is true then retiring 20 yrs and say at least 2 to complete a degree.. that would put your dad over the usual target age of our members, once again it seems you have left a hard pill to swallow.
My husband earned his degree while enlisted, so this isn't a hole.
king sam wrote:3rd question, what kind of job do you have that after 20 yrs of service and a degree you work in a cubicle?
I have a PhD, and though I rarely go into the office, the office space reserved for me is a cubicle. My husband, who should really log in and post this himself, just visited his PhD professors at his University who are all located in cubicles and most of whom have 20+ years in their professorships.
king sam wrote:4th and last point on this subject above, a marine is always a marine, you shoulda known that.
Could be a hole, could also be a disgruntled dishonorable discharge. If I were booted from the service, I probably would refer to myself as former and (in cases like this) I would mention my service if I felt that it contributed to my understanding of strategy.
I would like to hear from Tassidar about those usernames of players in his office. I think it would help his case and I would like to see him vindicated if he truly isn't a multi.