here are some games that he just holds me hostge in:
Game 4411600
here is the game chat with jamarcus
2009-03-07 10:57:27 - JaMarcus: well since ur annoyin n leavin me stuff i hope u enjoy waitin cuz im not takin my turn
2009-03-07 10:57:41 - 40kguy: deadbeeter
2009-03-07 10:57:46 - 40kguy: gl homo
2009-03-07 10:59:33 - 40kguy: atleast i have skill not luck and i dont piss people off and i like to play what is wrong with that faggot
2009-03-07 11:22:00 - JaMarcus: dont get ur panties in a know stupid cunt
2009-03-07 11:22:30 - JaMarcus: knot*
2009-03-07 12:06:22 - 40kguy: at least im not a girl i have a dick and 2 balls u got nutin
2009-03-07 14:03:17 - JaMarcus: ohh big man can name call over the internet where her pussy ass can hide behind a computer screen
2009-03-07 16:59:36 - 40kguy: im not afraid to come out u bet u are tho
2009-03-07 17:31:23 - JaMarcus: then come out of the closet faggot everybody knows anyways
2009-03-07 22:46:13 - 40kguy: What that I'm strait yea thts right maybee you should come out of the closet
2009-03-07 22:46:39 - 40kguy: Y did u not eliminate me
2009-03-08 09:08:41 - 40kguy: have fun watin
2009-03-08 09:12:04 - 40kguy: caue im not making my turn cause ur a priss and wont finish the game
2009-03-08 09:58:23 - 40kguy: were did all ur stuff go
2009-03-08 10:15:07 - JaMarcus: lol i can play was many games as i want dumbass its hurtin u not me
2009-03-08 12:45:50 - Artimis: Just deadbeat out.
2009-03-08 12:46:48 - Artimis: In 72 hours at the very least you'll be free to play another game, or buy premium.
2009-03-08 12:47:28 - Artimis: While you're at it stick him in your foe list and avoid future games with the prick.
2009-03-08 14:24:12 - 40kguy: thx