Conquer Club

bjc23 [noted]

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Re: bjc23

Postby Skittles! on Thu Jul 16, 2009 3:40 am

stahrgazer wrote:
Skittles! wrote:
king achilles wrote:Checking the games he has right now, I see a lot of Classic Freestyle games with new recruits in them.

So creating 5-player Classic Freestyle games seem to attract a lot of new recruits? Yes, we can suspect you of newbie farming if you continue to restrict yourself in creating these kind of games. We suggest that you diverse your choice of creating games from time to time and hopefully, you won't be plague with new recruits constantly. We can not control new recruits from joining games they would like to try, but as a veteran player, if you already know the rules, you know the type that which attracts the new recruits, then make some adjustments with your choices as it can be an issue if most of your games consists of new recruits all the time.

I don't know why someone who enjoys a specific map has to change their preferences. It's not their fault most people join because of the classic map, they just enjoy that map the most.

Um.. because admin achilles said that if new recruits like your PUBLIC setting you have to stop playing it. Well, he said, stop creating. But if all non-recruits stop creating, but only join, it's long been considered farming for non-recruits to JOIN a game a new recruit started, so essentially that's saying, "CC says that if New Recruits like your public setting you must stop playing it."

:lol: remember "If you don't like it, leave!"

There is always landgrab :|
KraphtOne wrote:when you sign up a new account one of the check boxes should be "do you want to foe colton24 (it is highly recommended) "
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Private Skittles!
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