Conquer Club

King and the Dr. [noted]

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Re: King and the Dr.

Postby lancehoch on Tue May 19, 2009 12:52 pm

Ok guys. This topic is now marked [Pending]. The accounts being looked into are King_Shmegmito, DrGrabowski, and c12ax7.

This will also serve as a warning to all the people in this thread, specifically King_Shmegmito and to a lesser extent GENERAL STONEHAM. Flaming, baiting, and trolling are not allowed in the CC forums and some of your posts are stepping on the line if not already over it. Please keep the tempers in check. King, if you are innocent, then we will rule that when we are able to sift through all of the information. Gen., you have been around long enough to know what is allowed and what is not. Also, GENERAL STONEHAM's avatar has been examined on multiple occasions and has been deemed acceptable for CC. If you do not wish to view it, you can use an image blocking software of you can put him on your Foe List. The topic is now unlocked, but I will be keeping a close eye on the posts from here out.
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Re: King and the Dr. [Pending]

Postby c12ax7 on Tue May 19, 2009 1:42 pm

I would also like to say that the specific instance that caused the general to suspect us of a secret alliance is not very suspicious at all. There are many reasons for the King to not break someones bonus: lack of troops, minor threat, another enemy going for a bigger and more important bonus. The reasons go on and on and its something I see in almost every game I play. I would not be surprised to see any player in the Kings situation do the same thing.

I admit I am no tactical genius in this game so if my reasoning is flawed please explain.
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Re: King and the Dr. [Pending]

Postby King_Shmegmito on Tue May 19, 2009 2:13 pm

Thanks for checking into it, and I will apologize only to the moderators for my quick temper, but I'm sure you can see where I am coming from. Thanks, and God's speed to closing this investigation so we can all get on with our lives. Long live America and Free Speech.
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Re: King and the Dr. [Pending]

Postby OddjobNick on Tue May 19, 2009 2:40 pm

I'd like to vouch for all the of these players being accused, as I am the one that introduced them to conquer club. Most of the games that we play are mainly intended for friends only, yet we are all college students and we can't afford a member subscription for the private game functions.

The game question, 4904779, was not watched or played by me but seems unreasonable for they all seem to attack each other fairly often and reasonably. The accusations brought on by GENERAL STONEHAM are contradictory of themselves in the first place.

Being Multis
If this is the case, an IP check will clear that they have played at tons of different IP addresses. Two of the accused are in fact room mates and may share an IP address though. (c12ax7 and King Shmegmito)

Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Secret diplomacy might have been done but this is unavoidable and undetectable. In my games with them though, they all seem to be out for each other more so than the other players. It's a rivalry and competition between friends that is usually more intense than between a stranger on the internet.

Severe PM Abuse
This will be easily checked but I know they never use the PM system on here so this is a silly accusation that conflicts with the accusation of having multiple accounts in the first place.

On the flip side, I am curious whether there is a punishment for wrongful accusations and the wasting of time of these players and the moderators. GENERAL STONEHAM seemed to have a few complaints from other players in his feedback from ill attitudes in game play and chats.

very angry abusive player! Continually berated opponents!

Let's see, what's not wrong with this guy. Well seems like he's perverted and likes little boys, even says so himself in game chat. Avoid.
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Re: King and the Dr. [Pending]

Postby Shicaca2 on Tue May 19, 2009 3:06 pm

Ya, im one of the players that sometimes plays with them. This seems like this General Stoneham is just being a sore loser. Were all a group of friends from tallahassee, FL.
Re: King and the Dr.
by a.sub Ā» Mon May 18, 2009 10:31 pm

og the 30 games u and ur friends played with each other u or one of ur friends have one 16 of them

First of all, in all the games we play its usually at least 4 of us that are in it with one or 2 randoms. S theres a 1/6 chance of anybody winning in a 6player game. Now if 4 of us are n the same game that means theres a 4/6 chance of one of them wining over the 1/6 chance of the random person winning. Its just mathmatical odds, not cheating. And by using that math it just shows thatone of us should of won more of those games than just half so that even shows that were playing fair against each other and not targeting the random player in the game.
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Re: King and the Dr. [Pending]

Postby ratdig04 on Tue May 19, 2009 3:54 pm

Like I mentioned in the game that I played with you guys, you might want to think about playing team games or one of you getting a premium membership to have private games. Otherwise, people(myself included) might think there is some unfair play going on.
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Re: King and the Dr. [Pending]

Postby a.sub on Tue May 19, 2009 6:00 pm

King_Shmegmito wrote:Yes my only other complaint is why are you such a gay fish?
Maturity ftw!

Other than that none really, other than the fact you're a Conquer Club lawyer now
no just trying to help ;)

and also, I have nothing to worry about cause we all have a large number of different IP addresses, obviously showing there are more than just one of me. If I had multiple accounts, i think id be letting one of them win a lot more than the other, at least, that would be the smart thing to do.
im arguing for thrown games, my apology if i wasnt clear

Not to mention i guess id be such a master mind to have game chat back and forth with myself in every game,cause this game and account mean sooooo much to me.
its happened before and i have no reason to believe that you arent one of those people[/color

(sarcasm if you didn't pick that up and your getting behind)
[color=#FF0000]maturity ftw again!

But yeah, even if they do decide to ban me or what not, Im sure its going to be so hard to make a brand new account, named King Shemgmito
threatening to break the rules hasnt helped anyone so far, just fyi

if you want to add me to your foes list ahead of time to save yourself the domination id release on you.
ive never foed anyone for more than a week actually, and it was just to get new ppl in my ass doodle games, my foe list as of now is a whopping nada

Get a life,
nah CC is too much fun and waaaaaay to addicting to get a real life

mind your own damn business
but i like stalking Gen Stoney!!! not to mention i agree with him for once

and play your 4 games at a time dude,seriously.
us paying member dont have to worry about having only 4 games ;)

Now, and Forever,
unless you get busted

The King
Which one? Shmegmito or Shemgmito? or have you not made this multi yet?
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Re: King and the Dr. [Pending]

Postby apb23 on Tue May 19, 2009 7:34 pm

Lmao a.sub...very nice research by the way in previous posts. King (feels weird calling you this as you are a noobe and corporal), many people make multiple accounts and talk in the gamechat to each other to get rid of suspicion. Also, the accusation is not necessarily multiple accounts, but also secret diplomacy. If you and Dr. have ever made truces without announcing them in the gamechat, you are using secret diplomacy, unwillingly or not, it doesn't matter. So keep that in mind when you respond as seriously as you did. Once again, I applaud your effort a.sub, and hopefully this is resolved quick before it becomes all about flames and trolls.

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Re: King and the Dr. [Pending]

Postby a.sub on Tue May 19, 2009 7:38 pm

thx apb
its called havign no life :lol:
dead serious this is my SAT study time :roll: 8-[ :mrgreen: :lol: :P
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Re: King and the Dr. [Pending]

Postby apb23 on Tue May 19, 2009 7:40 pm

Ha...well good luck.
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Re: King and the Dr. [Pending]

Postby the.killing.44 on Tue May 19, 2009 7:41 pm

I don't really have a side on this issue, but sub, when you say that he's oh-so-much better vs. his friends than his win % against others, it's probably the level of opponent skills. I mean, not to dis on those guys, but it's probable (and likely, tbh) that the "randoms" that joined his game were just of better quality than his friends that he normally plays, of which he is the best (by record). In fact, the game someone referenced where he lost was won by a Sgt. 1st Class ā€” a rank higher than any of the Tallahassee group.

I'm not sayin' their innocent or guilty, just stating a fact ā€¦
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Re: King and the Dr. [Pending]

Postby apb23 on Tue May 19, 2009 7:47 pm

Killing may be right, but if he joined when his friends did and play together, they would have the same amount of experience. Let's get back to the secret alliance point though, I think that this is actually the issue. I do not think that they are multis (but they could be), but instead just conduct secret alliances.

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Re: King and the Dr. [Pending]

Postby a.sub on Tue May 19, 2009 7:55 pm

apb23 wrote:Ha...well good luck.

thx :D

the.killing.44 wrote:I don't really have a side on this issue, but sub, when you say that he's oh-so-much better vs. his friends than his win % against others, it's probably the level of opponent skills. I mean, not to dis on those guys, but it's probable (and likely, tbh) that the "randoms" that joined his game were just of better quality than his friends that he normally plays, of which he is the best (by record). In fact, the game someone referenced where he lost was won by a Sgt. 1st Class ā€” a rank higher than any of the Tallahassee group.

I'm not sayin' their innocent or guilty, just stating a fact ā€¦

i see your point but i think that (as far as probability goes) the chance that they happen to get better opponents when not playing against each other is unlikely. However i do see your point that this fact does give them some defense

apb23 wrote:Killing may be right, but if he joined when his friends did and play together, they would have the same
amount of experience. Let's get back to the secret alliance point though, I think that this is actually the issue. I do not think that they are multis (but they could be), but instead just conduct secret alliances.


i too think they are not multis but just rude and destructive* players who are conducting secret alliances

*not a flame, he said he would make multis and his posts are all just blatant flames, "gay fish"
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Re: King and the Dr. [Pending]

Postby OddjobNick on Tue May 19, 2009 9:05 pm

You guys have no valid evidence of anything except speculation upon speculation. The argument the.killing.44 makes is the most reasonable and from personal observation seems almost factual and from my playing with them I would say this is the case.
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Re: King and the Dr. [Pending]

Postby a.sub on Tue May 19, 2009 10:16 pm

OddjobNick wrote:You guys have no valid evidence of anything except speculation upon speculation. The argument the.killing.44 makes is the most reasonable and from personal observation seems almost factual and from my playing with them I would say this is the case.

without the ppl ur supporting your win rate is 20.4%
with the ppl ur supporting in your games your win rate is 50.0%
how ever thats only barely over double, which is insignificant to luck, versus 5 times which isnt
especially since the games you played with them tend to be more towards the end so it can be explained with "you are improving over time"
how ever his games were randomly places and lack any order or pattern
i have provided quantitative evidence that suggests that there is foul play involved in games where he is with his buddies
so before saying there is "no valid evidence" please give me a reason why my numbers are insignificant
and dont say luck or probability
5 fold improvement doesnt just happen randomly :roll:
so, what do have to say that could show my number inconclusive? 8-)
im waiting :twisted:
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Re: King and the Dr. [Pending]

Postby the.killing.44 on Tue May 19, 2009 10:25 pm

You're right, 5 fold doesn't happen randomly. It happens because his opposition was worse.

I had a very large and thoroughly researched post but alas I had to force quit and lose the post :( In a bottle, I found that, by using the list put forth by Oddjobnick, the average number of points in games with his friends (excluding King himself) was under 1000, and in the Pvt. range. However, in games in which the majority of players were not in the Tallahasee group, the average was just around 1200, in the Cpl-Cpl 1st range.

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Re: King and the Dr. [Pending]

Postby king sam on Tue May 19, 2009 10:29 pm

this is escalating to that borderline flaming / flame baiting again in which lance already warned posters in this thread about. The mods are aware of this case and the situation and stated that they are doing the research.

Let it die until they come back with a conclusion and then at that time voice your opinion / concerns for the ruling in a kind manner in here or via an E-ticket

Or continue on this course and get this locked.. up to you

the one and only,
King Sam
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Re: King and the Dr. [Pending]

Postby a.sub on Tue May 19, 2009 10:45 pm

king sam wrote:this is escalating to that borderline flaming / flame baiting again in which lance already warned posters in this thread about. The mods are aware of this case and the situation and stated that they are doing the research.

Let it die until they come back with a conclusion and then at that time voice your opinion / concerns for the ruling in a kind manner in here or via an E-ticket

Or continue on this course and get this locked.. up to you

the one and only,
King Sam

youre right i should have stopped :oops:
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Re: King and the Dr. [Pending]

Postby DrGrabowski on Tue May 19, 2009 11:53 pm

I just bought a premium account so hopefully these accusations shouldn't happen again.
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Re: King and the Dr. [Pending]

Postby a.sub on Tue May 19, 2009 11:58 pm

DrGrabowski wrote:I just bought a premium account so hopefully these accusations shouldn't happen again.

here at CC money has nothing to do with your service in these matter :)

EDIT: i removed near baiting, need to watch my tongue more
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Re: King and the Dr. [Pending]

Postby DrGrabowski on Wed May 20, 2009 12:38 am

a.sub wrote:
DrGrabowski wrote:I just bought a premium account so hopefully these accusations shouldn't happen again.

here at CC money has nothing to do with your service in these matter :)

Quit acting like you're somehow above me because you play a little more online risk than I do, dick.
I decided to purchase an account because I felt it would be easier to coordinate games between my friends and I.
And what do I have in this matter? Being falsely accused of secret diplomacy and account sharing because I play with friends on CC and one user I was lumped in a game with decided to be a sore loser and accuse a random person of plotting against him? No one in that game was plotting against him. Did you see how he originally accused c12ax7 with being in secret diplomacy with King Shmegmito and then changed his mind to me after I wiped him out? I have complete faith that I'm not going to be found guilty in this at all because none of it happened.
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Re: King and the Dr. [Pending]

Postby a.sub on Wed May 20, 2009 12:52 am

DrGrabowski wrote:Quit acting like you're somehow above me because you play a little more online risk than I do, dick.
I decided to purchase an account because I felt it would be easier to coordinate games between my friends and I.
And what do I have in this matter? Being falsely accused of secret diplomacy and account sharing because I play with friends on CC and one user I was lumped in a game with decided to be a sore loser and accuse a random person of plotting against him? No one in that game was plotting against him. Did you see how he originally accused c12ax7 with being in secret diplomacy with King Shmegmito and then changed his mind to me after I wiped him out? I have complete faith that I'm not going to be found guilty in this at all because none of it happened.

please tell me how i "act like im above you"?

and ur opinions are nice and all but i have quantitative evidence supporting the theory that you and your friends are throwing games towards each other even if unintentional
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Re: King and the Dr. [Pending]

Postby OddjobNick on Wed May 20, 2009 10:32 am

a.sub wrote:you and your friends are throwing games towards each other even if unintentional

We are not throwing games. Get over it.
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Re: King and the Dr. [Pending]

Postby apb23 on Wed May 20, 2009 8:26 pm

But you are conducting numerous secret diplomacies...I don't think you guys completely understand the accusation. If you are in a six player game, and you guys make up 4 out of the 6 spots, and then while your playing right next to each other, one of you says, "Hey Dr., don't attack at me at (blank) and I won't attack you at (blank)." Just this is not allowed. If you guys come out and say you unknewlingly (meaning you did not know it was illegal) did this, than a gracious warning [b]might[b] by given.


I have no power at all in the matter, but I am just trying to say that it would be wise of you to do so and move on in ur CC careers.
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Re: King and the Dr. [Pending]

Postby GENERAL STONEHAM on Wed May 20, 2009 9:26 pm

The evidence is overwhelmingly against you guys. Don't play together or act as if your innocent of these charges.
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