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punky206765 + Multi's [busted, Reset]

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Re: punky206765 + Multi's

Postby punky206765 on Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:50 pm

delboy... i will take the score reset if the mods give me one if my friend did multi with my account, but i do not deserve to get my premium revoked because of something i did not do.
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Re: punky206765 + Multi's

Postby delboy01 on Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:27 am

punky206765 wrote:delboy... i will take the score reset if the mods give me one if my friend did multi with my account, but i do not deserve to get my premium revoked because of something i did not do.

I have to say I think that is indeed what happened. And it is very clear that some form of cheating occured. It's just a question of who did it. Have you spoken to him and asked him what the hell he was up to? If so what was the response.

Also, you have played with these guys on and off for some considerable time now. And some of the games in the past also look questionable so you must have known that some of the game play was suspect or were you just happy to take the points?

I think you will only lose premium if you are found to be a multi.

Do you have a response to the secret diplomacy question with alex. At least you are making the effort to discuss this.
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Re: punky206765 + Multi's

Postby Bruceswar on Mon Aug 04, 2008 1:18 pm

punky206765 wrote:delboy... i will take the score reset if the mods give me one if my friend did multi with my account, but i do not deserve to get my premium revoked because of something i did not do.

You are responsible for your account sitter's actions. That is why you choose them wisely. Throw the book at him!
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Re: punky206765 + Multi's

Postby delboy01 on Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:55 am

user tpnxyjr

Another added to the list.

And no response on the secret alliance accusation I see.
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Re: punky206765 + Multi's

Postby punky206765 on Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:15 pm

that day was when alex was being a jackass and rewired my keyboard and mouse so he could win.It was the gayest shit in my life, i pressed auto and he change the territory on my right before so he could win, therefore i screwed up one of his games so i can win... no secret alliance just to ppl screwing with each other
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Re: punky206765 + Multi's

Postby Kemmler on Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:26 pm

hmm, slightly suspocious still.
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Re: punky206765 + Multi's

Postby delboy01 on Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:29 pm

punky206765 wrote:that day was when alex was being a jackass and rewired my keyboard and mouse so he could win.It was the gayest shit in my life, i pressed auto and he change the territory on my right before so he could win, therefore i screwed up one of his games so i can win... no secret alliance just to ppl screwing with each other

So thats an admission that you are friends and were sitting in the same room!!!! That also sounds like crap as you click auto with the mouse not the keyboard. So he would have had to click the mouse as well to change targets. Plus you were both playing freestyle assassin doodle games in the same room!!!!

There are 4 games that I listed but there are a lot more and these 4 games were not all on the same day!!!!

You sound as though you are young and you seem to be digging yourself into a deeper hole with these feeble efforts at explaination.

I would suggest that you come clean if you have been a 'naughty boy' as the hunters will find you out and if you do your punishment maybe reduced.

Was it alex that had your login and controlled the other accounts listed above that seem to have won around 30+ games for you in a week? or have you not actually been away? Some of those accounts were created at the time the games were started as well.
Last edited by delboy01 on Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: punky206765 + Multi's

Postby punky206765 on Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:39 pm

yes and we screw around with each other all the time(i.e. im taking turns for him until wed.and im tempted to change his pass)
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Re: punky206765 + Multi's

Postby delboy01 on Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:07 pm

Another two added to the list as the main two seem to be linked in all this.


I have also note that in both players early games were a number of users with the word 'punky' in them. The accounts seem to have been blocked already.
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Re: punky206765 + Multi's

Postby delboy01 on Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:21 pm

Jackofalltrades wrote:Requested on clan post July 23. The games where i did play i posted saying that i was playing. And i may be mistaken but slightly but i think we only had 1 or 2 games that were not clan private games where the two of us were playing while he was away. I have games last for months sometimes so. Frankly i thought nothing of taking his turns even where i was in an opposing team of a 8 man doubles match with my clan, however i tried to remain respectful and not read their chat log using only clickable maps to take my turn. Occasionally you can't choose all of the circumstances of a particular situation.

In so far as the other person(s) are concerned i can't judge nor have the time to do the research. Any questions or info required will be promptly givin from my corner if asked.

I suggest however delboy that you attempt to be a bit more subjective in your reporting. You appear to be drumming this up before the investigation is done. I am not aware of how they fully investigate but i'm sure that the IP addresses will tell a fair story. It is ok to investigate but to presume guilt before proven pisses me off. I have been on the wrong end of court before and frankly an innocent person or even a guilty one is allowed due process. So allow for a bit more respect. Unless your a mod state your suspicions and leave it at that and let the professionals handle it from there.

OK. 23 July eh. I'm sorry jack but I think you are wrong on this one. I have found games dating back to 19 July already and there are others.

I will list all of the games in the report as this is beginning to bug me now. The febble efforts made by punky to explain away all this shows that he does have a case to answer. I have also found a number of users with punky in the name that both punky and alex use when they first joined. The admission by punky that they also play from the same room in freestyle doodle assassin games gives them the advantage they need to be able to eliminate each others targets. It also explains how they are able to play free style games with multi's and themselves.
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Re: punky206765 + Multi's

Postby delboy01 on Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:32 pm

I have updated the list of games and players on the 4th post.

Its getting beyond the original defence that a 3rd party was resposible. Games between most of those listed go back months.
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Re: punky206765 + Multi's

Postby Jackofalltrades on Wed Aug 06, 2008 5:57 am

delboy01 wrote:And no response on the secret alliance accusation I see.

Patience, be fair and allow due process ur tone of agression is offensive equal to that of traffic court where they presume guilt. also just because 2 people play together and know each other doesn't nessassarily mean they are in same room i have 4 computers in my house with technology as it is now any two users could use skype or some other ip phone service and chat during game so why not do ur research in peace and without the tone and let the hunters sort it out.
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Re: punky206765 + Multi's

Postby delboy01 on Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:46 am

Jackofalltrades wrote:
delboy01 wrote:And no response on the secret alliance accusation I see.

Patience, be fair and allow due process ur tone of agression is offensive equal to that of traffic court where they presume guilt. also just because 2 people play together and know each other doesn't nessassarily mean they are in same room i have 4 computers in my house with technology as it is now any two users could use skype or some other ip phone service and chat during game so why not do ur research in peace and without the tone and let the hunters sort it out.

I have not presumed guilt at all. The evidence is there for all to see. 30 wins in a few days with hardly any defeats. Others attacking punky's target in numerous games, games with the others listed going back months. Previous usernames very similar to the current one which were active at the same time. Someone is guilty that is a certainty, it's just a question of who.

And as for 'chatting' during a game. That is not allowed if it is about the game!!!

You also need to start reading all of what has been said and not make assumptions and statements of your own without all of the knowledge that is available. I made an accusation of secret alliance, amongst others, and the secret alliance part was not addressed by punky when he responded. When it was addressed by him after the above post, HE raised the fact that he was in the same room as alex. If he wasn't then his explaination would have made even less sense than it already did.

I made the post re. your defense as you stated that punky had asked for a sitter on 23 July. Well a lot of suspect games were played before that date with the same people and the same result.

You seem to be defending the indefensible. I know that he is in the same clan as you but seriuosly, do you still believe that there is no problem with these games?

I would alos like to point where I think that an injustice has been done in this forum then I will support someone in getting decission overturned. According to your logic I should not post as its up to the hunters/moderators.
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Re: punky206765 + Multi's

Postby punky206765 on Wed Aug 06, 2008 9:48 am

delboy, i believe that there is no such rule against playing in the same room as another person. If that were illegal then skyT would have been busted a long time ago.
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Re: punky206765 + Multi's

Postby Jackofalltrades on Wed Aug 06, 2008 11:25 am

delboy01 wrote:I have not presumed guilt at all. The evidence is there for all to see. 30 wins in a few days with hardly any defeats. Others attacking punky's target in numerous games, games with the others listed going back months. Previous usernames very similar to the current one which were active at the same time. Someone is guilty that is a certainty, it's just a question of who.

And as for 'chatting' during a game. That is not allowed if it is about the game!!!

You also need to start reading all of what has been said and not make assumptions and statements of your own without all of the knowledge that is available.
You seem to be defending the indefensible. I know that he is in the same clan as you but seriuosly, do you still believe that there is no problem with these games?

...According to your logic I should not post as its up to the hunters/moderators.

Incorrect u are not reading proper. I am merely stating 1. It is not illegal to share a room or computer, 2. It is not for you to pass judgement by which u phrase your words your all to well condemning, and 3. I defend my clanmate true enough because he is a good person from what i have found. And if some things or people are indefensible lawyers would be broke by now. Everyone is defendable. IF not then perhaps we should go back to firing squads and do away with the judicial system. However, i am not placing blinders on myself i merely believe as stated before the truth will come out, i don't have time to fully research it myself, and that we should be subjective and impartial until a verdict has been handed down from the hunters/mods. You tend toward using aggressive words then claim your not being aggressive. Research and post all you want, i have nothing against u doing so merely how u are doing it. Read my words CAREFULLY. I am a teacher and must choose my words with great care, i suggest u do the same. However don't presume anything. Occasionally you will find some people have more honor than others. Oh and above where 2 people chat doesn't have to be about the game....if two people mutually respect the rules then they will not talk about the game if it isn't allowed. But, true enough there isn't a way to enforce or to check this.
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Re: punky206765 + Multi's

Postby Curmudgeonx on Wed Aug 06, 2008 11:30 am

Jackofalltrades wrote:
delboy01 wrote:I have not presumed guilt at all. The evidence is there for all to see. 30 wins in a few days with hardly any defeats. Others attacking punky's target in numerous games, games with the others listed going back months. Previous usernames very similar to the current one which were active at the same time. Someone is guilty that is a certainty, it's just a question of who.

And as for 'chatting' during a game. That is not allowed if it is about the game!!!

You also need to start reading all of what has been said and not make assumptions and statements of your own without all of the knowledge that is available.
You seem to be defending the indefensible. I know that he is in the same clan as you but seriuosly, do you still believe that there is no problem with these games?

...According to your logic I should not post as its up to the hunters/moderators.

Everyone is defendable. IF not then perhaps we should go back to firing squads and do away with the judicial system. However, i am not placing blinders on myself i merely believe as stated before the truth will come out, . . . I am a teacher and must choose my words with great care, . . .

A slippery slope argument combined with a straw man. Logical fallacies for everyone!

And as to the second part, if you could only choose your punctuation with equal care as your words.
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Re: punky206765 + Multi's

Postby punky206765 on Wed Aug 06, 2008 11:48 am

delboy, u are basically accusing everyone i have played a private game with that is either not in my clan or speed. The point of a private game is either to play with friends or ppl of the same rank. If we are not allowed to play with friends, then what is the point of private games? If i was truly a multi, i would just create accounts and play private games with them, and making me win all of them, but that is not the case as u realize. I have lost a fair amount of points to the people i have played with and if i were a true multi would i rig an account to lose to me? i do not believe that this is true. As for the alexpwnsnoobs case, we have already been cleared of any connection between us two. That was already reported and now we cant play with each other. In addition, why would i pay two have two premium accounts? Both of them are of good rank and there is not point of having two. Moreover, if i was a multi i would just have the other accounts play with him and take his points and then donate them to me, but alexpwnsnoobs has not played with any of those accounts since we were banned. If we were multi then shouldn't we have every game together? This is not the case and so, this proves me innocent to a certain degree.
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Re: punky206765 + Multi's

Postby Hoosiers21 on Wed Aug 06, 2008 12:12 pm

this is comical...the evidence is out there and you both continue to try and defend him

just the fact that there has been a punky206, funkypunky206, and punky206765 is almost enough to show he's a multi. then you add everything else. i can't wait to see the verdict passed on this one because a lot of work has been done here to cheat...not to mention a long time
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Re: punky206765 + Multi's

Postby punky206765 on Wed Aug 06, 2008 12:25 pm

ur funny, those accounts have been long dead
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Re: punky206765 + Multi's

Postby Hoosiers21 on Wed Aug 06, 2008 12:33 pm

punky206765 wrote:ur funny, those accounts have been long dead

ok then how do you explain them??

i realize they've been deleted, but the fact remains...
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Re: punky206765 + Multi's

Postby Frop on Wed Aug 06, 2008 12:37 pm

Hoosiers21 wrote:
punky206765 wrote:ur funny, those accounts have been long dead

ok then how do you explain them??

i realize they've been deleted, but the fact remains...

Why are you trying to argue with him? He doesn't realize how ridiculously obvious the punky accounts seem and moreover he has been trying (with emphasis on 'trying') to reason his way out of this like any other dimwitted multi, only further implying his guilt.
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Re: punky206765 + Multi's

Postby Hoosiers21 on Wed Aug 06, 2008 12:44 pm

Frop wrote:
Hoosiers21 wrote:
punky206765 wrote:ur funny, those accounts have been long dead

ok then how do you explain them??

i realize they've been deleted, but the fact remains...

Why are you trying to argue with him? He doesn't realize how ridiculously obvious the punky accounts seem and moreover he has been trying (with emphasis on 'trying') to reason his way out of this like any other dimwitted multi, only further implying his guilt.

because it's fun to see what kind of answers multis like to come up with
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Re: punky206765 + Multi's

Postby punky206765 on Wed Aug 06, 2008 1:00 pm

thats all? so once a multi always a multi? is that ur point?
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Re: punky206765 + Multi's

Postby delboy01 on Wed Aug 06, 2008 2:50 pm

punky206765 wrote:thats all? so once a multi always a multi? is that ur point?

So having been busted as a multi with funkypunky206 and punky206, who both played with alexpwnsnoobs, you create another account called punky206765. OK, not got a problem with that. You have been found out and punished and so will be allowed to play as you wont cheat anymore.......... You then get busted, by your own addmission, for secret diplomacy with alexpwnsnoobs................... So didn't learn your lesson then!!!

So once a multi always a multi you ask. Well maybe not but a cheat yes!!

As yet you have not offered a reasonable explaination as to how you won 30 games with the same players attacking and eliminating your targets. OK, you say a sitter was making the moves for you. Who was it? Have you sent a message to the hunters about that? Or are you just sitting on your hands hoping that it will all blow over.
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Re: punky206765 + Multi's

Postby delboy01 on Wed Aug 06, 2008 3:22 pm

punky206765 wrote:delboy, u are basically accusing everyone i have played a private game with that is either not in my clan or speed. The point of a private game is either to play with friends or ppl of the same rank. If we are not allowed to play with friends, then what is the point of private games? If i was truly a multi, i would just create accounts and play private games with them, and making me win all of them, but that is not the case as u realize. I have lost a fair amount of points to the people i have played with and if i were a true multi would i rig an account to lose to me? i do not believe that this is true. As for the alexpwnsnoobs case, we have already been cleared of any connection between us two. That was already reported and now we cant play with each other. In addition, why would i pay two have two premium accounts? Both of them are of good rank and there is not point of having two. Moreover, if i was a multi i would just have the other accounts play with him and take his points and then donate them to me, but alexpwnsnoobs has not played with any of those accounts since we were banned. If we were multi then shouldn't we have every game together? This is not the case and so, this proves me innocent to a certain degree.

I don't think anyone has a problem with you and your 'friends' playing private games together and I have NOT listed those games, of which there are many. The games I have listed are those where you and your mates play games with others and basically take them out and then continue with your private battle. That is underhand to say the least.

The players I have listed include only those that played in the 30 odd games played in the space of two weeks when you won 28 of those games and one of the others listed won the others. Or players that you have had a long association with who you have also played games with that include other players, and again you have eliminated those players before continuing your private battle. Some of those players were created during those two weeks and only played in games with you that you won!!! ALL of those listed attacked your targets during a number of those games.

I NEVER said that you and alex were multi's just that you were conducting a secret alliance. All of the other accounts however i'm not so sure about.

Amazingly, earlier in the thread you denied that you and alex had conducted a secret alliance giving a weak excuse that he had clicked on his target without your knowledge and then you had auto attacked and accidentally elimanted his target!!!! And now you admit that, well actually, that was a lie as well and you and alex have in fact already been blocked for it!!!!

And although alex has not played with 'those' accounts you certainly have!!! With the already admitted associations it is becoming more and more clear that these additional accounts are yours and alex's.

With all of these constant lies is it small wonder we don't believe you. Since the start of the thread when you were accused you have:

1/ Said a sitter did it but wont say who.
2/ Denied conducting a secret alliance and then admitted it and that in fact you have been blocked for it.
3/ Been found to have previously been busted for multi's when previously having said you would never do it.

Do you honestly expect us to believe that someone else started all of these games and won 28 out of 30 of them without your knowledge and you don't know who it is?
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