by PaulisatPeace on Fri May 15, 2020 8:57 pm
Greetings CC,
It’s been a while since I’ve visited you. I do have many friends here who keep me posted on what’s happening and the occasional crucifying of innocent players like this newbie. Usually the trolls are expressing their regular nasty rhetoric with carless abandon and absolute disregard for the hurtfulness their vile expressions wreak. But in this case it appears to be a pile on from some prominent players, some whom I once respected, while the decent, respectful players I have known over the 7 ½ years I played on CC choose to remain above the fray and not become involved in this type of lynching.
I would first like to commend Raorvitch who possessed the discretion to remove my RL name and the RL name of the owner of this site from the post extreme ways entered. Most here know my name and the owner’s name, but still it is a matter of protocol and courtesy, which others choose to ignore. His question to this C & A thread is an interesting one.
It is true I used other player’s accounts to defend myself and offer the truth to the CC community after I was gagged and prohibited from doing so from my own account. For the record (and this is the truth) I used no accounts of current TOP members at the time, and only accounts where the players had willingly given me their passwords. I “hacked” no one! To their defense, they did not know what I was doing or give me permission. Many of these players did what I had presumed they would do and explained to CC admins that they knew nothing of my using their accounts. They were reinstated and were no longer banned. Many of the accounts I used were players who had left CC with no intention of ever returning. If their accounts are “Permabanned”, it is because they couldn’t care less.
Regarding accusations made about me concerning “Farming” or “Ranching” king achilles has cleared me of any wrongdoing in his post:
“Re: PaulatPeace - gross abuse
by king achilles on Sun Feb 05, 2017 9:47 pm
No clear rules have been broken here. High ranked players or decent ranked players should know what they are getting into once they get invited. If the invitation was clear enough to tell what is going to happen, then accepting that invite, as a high ranked player, you are also liable for taking it.
Does this practice also involved forcing anyone to play these games with him? I can understand the wrongdoing if the accused is targeting new recruits or low ranked players who will likely lose after the game but if we go further with this guideline in also including high ranked players, we are setting a dangerous precedent in telling everyone not to play and send invites in games or maps that we have grown to like. I agree that this kind of practice looks shady but there is also a point where, as a long time high ranked player, we should also be responsible of our own actions when we accept game invites.
Let's not look at this report as only about the accused. Setting a precedent like this may also mean that any player who gets most of his points from playing a particular map is "on his way" of getting reported in the future. We might as well request the webmaster to put a limit on how many times you can play on each map which is not going to happen and no one would like.”
The only reason I was banned from ever playing on CC again is that like someone in this thread said already … I pissed off the administration. They said I was “taking too much of their valuable time” by posting what I believed to be the honest truth. When they could have easily just ignored my posts or simply stated that they disagreed with me, they chose rather to ban me! What a reason for banning someone? You don’t like the truth they are posting … so you ban them! Wow! People of Integrity and Honor here!
I will ask you one last question in this post because I know the trolls will keep on trolling and the admins will keep on trying to get you to believe the UNTRUTH about me. When they have closed down some innocent player’s account and taken all his $ without a refund and deleted him or her from games he/she was winning ….. don’t you think they should offer some PROOF for why they did this. They never have and they never will. They just lie and know you will accept it.
Be well CC members, and know two things when I come back: A) If I have no access to my account, then I can not come back as a “Mutli”. To be a “Multi” you have to have more than one active account. My current rank when I was banned (even after removing me from games I was winning, thereby making me lose the game and lose a lot of points) was 5639. I would be Conqueror still as no one currently has a higher score than that! B) When I come back as another account, do you really think I am going to play a lot of Antarctica games ……… Really? I may be an idealist and someone who believes in Truth, Honor & Integrity …… but I am not that dumb!