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afroaction ratings abuse [noted]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]

re: afroaction rant

Postby citizencane86 on Tue Jun 04, 2013 1:13 am

RE: afroaction ratings abuse
by afroaction on Mon Jun 03, 2013 10:07 am

citizencane86 wrote:
The accused are suspected of:
Other: (Ratings Abuse)
The accused did not like the fact that I joined 4 of his games in a row (casual). As a result, he foed me and gave me 0 ratings with the tags "cheap tactics".

This was a result of me winning 3/4, period. He complained in all games that I started first, therefore, it was cheap.

For the record, the accused has over 16, 000 games played. Someone joining 4 games in a row justifies a foe? Why make 4 games if you did not want someone to join them.

Comment on my wall:

by afroaction
on Sat May 25, 2013 4:52 pm
dude, you joined 5 of my games in row, foed
Game number(s):

Game 12795096
Game 12795094
Game 12795050
Game 12795020

First of all, the only reason a cadet like yourself would join that many games against a higher ranked player at once like you did, was only to be point hunting! You got lucky, in the first 2, won your 60 points against me; then joined another 2 right after. You had 5 stars from me at first, but I changed it right after the "Cheap" stunt you pulled and rated you accordingly of how i felt of your game play and I have the right to foe whoever i want. Glad I did foe you, because the feeling I had about you being a whiny rat was correct. I'm not the only player in this site that has giving you a low rating, why not report them as well!

I do not appreciate a blind slate, nor do I appreciate the inability to defend myself after being openly criticized.

Afroaction appears to be quite the little bitch. I joined his games for one reason: they were all similar style and 1v1. I didn't even look at who hosted, I was looking at map and game-type (trench).

The very fact this guy made blind assumptions without the slightest attempt to confirm any (i.e. an immediate foe) illustrates his true intellect: 0%.

The very fact the moderators closed the thread without allowing me the chance to respond, let alone "resolve" any issues illustrates a total lack of community within the player base. Then again, this entire past thread featured insult after insult: no attempt to absolve differences.

Afroaction, you're a little bitch. +16, 000 games; you leave horrible ratings and feature 1/10 people on your ratings list calling you a "Ratings abuser" speaks volumes about your own gameplay.

On that note, why are the moderators not looking into this? The guy has, literally, 10% of the time a serious issue with ratings abuse.

Afroaction, ...I understand. Life must sick being the only man in America with both an afro and a small dick to not back that "Black repuation" up. Get the surgery; grow a pair of breasts through hormone intake and always go bareback. You're halfway there now, go the distance you fucking twat.
Sergeant 1st Class citizencane86
Posts: 10
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Re: re: afroaction rant

Postby TheForgivenOne on Tue Jun 04, 2013 1:36 am

citizencane86 wrote:
RE: afroaction ratings abuse
by afroaction on Mon Jun 03, 2013 10:07 am

citizencane86 wrote:
The accused are suspected of:
Other: (Ratings Abuse)
The accused did not like the fact that I joined 4 of his games in a row (casual). As a result, he foed me and gave me 0 ratings with the tags "cheap tactics".

This was a result of me winning 3/4, period. He complained in all games that I started first, therefore, it was cheap.

For the record, the accused has over 16, 000 games played. Someone joining 4 games in a row justifies a foe? Why make 4 games if you did not want someone to join them.

Comment on my wall:

by afroaction
on Sat May 25, 2013 4:52 pm
dude, you joined 5 of my games in row, foed
Game number(s):

Game 12795096
Game 12795094
Game 12795050
Game 12795020

First of all, the only reason a cadet like yourself would join that many games against a higher ranked player at once like you did, was only to be point hunting! You got lucky, in the first 2, won your 60 points against me; then joined another 2 right after. You had 5 stars from me at first, but I changed it right after the "Cheap" stunt you pulled and rated you accordingly of how i felt of your game play and I have the right to foe whoever i want. Glad I did foe you, because the feeling I had about you being a whiny rat was correct. I'm not the only player in this site that has giving you a low rating, why not report them as well!

I do not appreciate a blind slate, nor do I appreciate the inability to defend myself after being openly criticized.

Afroaction appears to be quite the little bitch. I joined his games for one reason: they were all similar style and 1v1. I didn't even look at who hosted, I was looking at map and game-type (trench).

The very fact this guy made blind assumptions without the slightest attempt to confirm any (i.e. an immediate foe) illustrates his true intellect: 0%.

The very fact the moderators closed the thread without allowing me the chance to respond, let alone "resolve" any issues illustrates a total lack of community within the player base. Then again, this entire past thread featured insult after insult: no attempt to absolve differences.

Afroaction, you're a little bitch. +16, 000 games; you leave horrible ratings and feature 1/10 people on your ratings list calling you a "Ratings abuser" speaks volumes about your own gameplay.

On that note, why are the moderators not looking into this? The guy has, literally, 10% of the time a serious issue with ratings abuse.

Afroaction, ...I understand. Life must sick being the only man in America with both an afro and a small dick to not back that "Black repuation" up. Get the surgery; grow a pair of breasts through hormone intake and always go bareback. You're halfway there now, go the distance you fucking twat.

When a Mod locks a thread, it is meant to STOP discussion. I am LOCKING this, and if you start a new thread, expect punishment to come your way.
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Re: afroaction ratings abuse [Pending] DCR

Postby king achilles on Tue Jun 04, 2013 1:38 am

Fast posted by TFO. Merged the post with this thread and warning has been sent.
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Re: afroaction ratings abuse [noted]

Postby king achilles on Thu Jun 06, 2013 2:37 am

This ratings report has been noted. Although I agree that citizencane86 got a questionable rating from afroaction, ratings abuse is not about a specific rating. This is noted because I still saw some more questionable ones but not enough yet as of now. For those who are still unaware of how to deal when you receive a bad rating, contact that player and settle it between yourselves. Talk things over peacefully. We do not remove ratings nor punish people just because he gave you a rating that you do not like.
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