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Yomiel-Bigotry/Flaming. [Global Mods]

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Re: Yomiel-Bigotry/Flaming.

Postby Yomiel on Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:13 am

I'm doing no such thing. We've having a disagreement. At the most it is heated, but there was nothing wrong with it.

See? That right there is a perfect example of the false accusations. I am NOT, nor have I ever been Sakura-chan. In fact, she was only banned BECAUSE they mistook her for me, because we apparently live in the same state. I HAVE been a member of that site, but under a completely different username.
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Re: Yomiel-Bigotry/Flaming.

Postby Campin_Killer on Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:14 am

Yomiel wrote:I'm doing no such thing. We've having a disagreement. At the most it is heated, but there was nothing wrong with it.

See? That right there is a perfect example of the false accusations. I am NOT, nor have I ever been Sakura-chan. In fact, she was only banned BECAUSE they mistook her for me, because we apparently live in the same state. I HAVE been a member of that site, but under a completely different username.

...Right, which is why it says: Alias: Yomiel.

Not to mention your behavior is identical to this 'other person'
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Re: Yomiel-Bigotry/Flaming.

Postby Yomiel on Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:19 am

No, it isn't. And you'll find that many people tend to get irritated when people like you and your friends troll them non-stop.
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Re: Yomiel-Bigotry/Flaming.

Postby Campin_Killer on Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:25 am

Yomiel wrote:No, it isn't. And you'll find that many people tend to get irritated when people like you and your friends troll them non-stop.

Oh, WE'RE the trolls? I didn't know the victims were the trolls.

Fucking A, you're making me lose my mind
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Re: Yomiel-Bigotry/Flaming.

Postby jasholz on Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:28 am

eddie2 wrote:hummm just ban yomiel obviously she is just here to annoy people... 12 months on site and not 1 game played..

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and not one actual game played does look fishy
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Re: Yomiel-Bigotry/Flaming.

Postby Yomiel on Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:31 am

Campin, you're not the victim. You and your friends have harassed me repeatedly. I am never the one who starts things. Each time, each game, it's always you guys.

And jas, I have addressed this before. I came here to play Mafia, from another site. But I ended up not playing after seeing how long the deadlines were.
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Re: Yomiel-Bigotry/Flaming.

Postby DiM on Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:34 am

Yomiel wrote:Campin, you're not the victim. You and your friends have harassed me repeatedly. I am never the one who starts things. Each time, each game, it's always you guys.

i get confused here. which one of us raped and murdered your sister?

who was investigated by the police several times?

who are the stalkers that have been following you across several sites for the last few years?

there are ~10 mafia players you've accused of one of the above things. i bet you don't even know which is which.
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Re: Yomiel-Bigotry/Flaming.

Postby Yomiel on Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:36 am

And there you have it. This is what Dim especially loves to do. It's all a big joke to him. He keeps bringing this up all out of the blue. It starts off with him saying I'm lying in a game, then he suddenly brings this up, makes a bunch of claims that aren't true, why bringing up something painful that he shouldn't be bringing up.
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Re: Yomiel-Bigotry/Flaming.

Postby Yomiel on Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:40 am

And you know what started all this? The Joke Vote Phase. My first game here. It was the first Day, so no one had anything to really go on, and we were just waiting for a player to slip up. I noted something suspicious and pointed it out. I was told, after ages of waiting to play, that I was going to be ignored, because for the first month or so, only joke votes are allowed, which everyone else backed up. I was upset, saying that joking around is fine, but telling people they will be ignored and can't play is ridiculous. People got on my case, but things eventually cooled down. Then, out of the blue, Edo goes psychotic. He starts insulting me, posting those links. No provocation or anything. Everyone blindly backs him, and they lynch me. I turn out to be Town. The true irony? The guy I was suspicious of really was Mafia.
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Re: Yomiel-Bigotry/Flaming.

Postby pancakemix on Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:42 am

This thread has truly been a long time in coming. I'll say I have fairly strong opinions on this issue given that my game was affected, but the fact of the matter is that Yomiel is exhibiting a pattern of behavior, not just here but on other sites as well under multiple names and multiple accounts (on other sites, there is no evidence of such an action on CC).

It really is a shame because I don't really think anyone should be excluded from playing mafia, but Yomiel refuses to play by the rules and listen to what the mod has to say. Every time she has a freakout or something.
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Re: Yomiel-Bigotry/Flaming.

Postby Yomiel on Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:45 am

Again, not true. You really just keep lying.-.-
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Re: Yomiel-Bigotry/Flaming.

Postby Yomiel on Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:47 am

This thread should be locked anyway. As much as I want this discussed, threads like this, here, aren't allowed.
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Re: Yomiel-Bigotry/Flaming.

Postby Campin_Killer on Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:50 am

If you vote her, or accuse her of anything, you're suddenly bullying her,

This Post shows her trolling with links provided. She accused anyone and everyone of bullying and instigating, and I am suddenly stalking her in every game.


Yomiel wrote:This thread should be locked anyway. As much as I want this discussed, threads like this, here, aren't allowed.

Who died and made you a C&A mod?
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Re: Yomiel-Bigotry/Flaming.

Postby DiM on Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:52 am

Yomiel wrote:Then, out of the blue, Edo goes psychotic.

right.... and that's when you told everybody that Edocsil is actually the guy that raped and murdered your sister and he's been stalking you for years. then you started adding various people to your conspiracy theory claiming we have some sort of a secret vow to stalk you all over the internet and get you banned on all the mafia sites. :lol:
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Re: Yomiel-Bigotry/Flaming.

Postby Yomiel on Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:54 am

I made a thread just like this, and the MODS said it wasn't allowed. This section is for reports relating to this Risk-type game you all play.

Campin, you just give another example of a lie you guys like to tell.

I made the mistake of mentioning how the people over at MafiaScum trolled me by dismissing my opinion. My very first game, ignoring all evidence to the contrary, they would always claim I was only targeting people who targeted me, and stuff like that. Now Campin and his friends love to do the same thing. I repeatedly tell them this is false and show how, while also telling them this is rude. They don't care. They just keep doing it to harass me. They will not let me play the game, because they just say things like that.

Dim, you need to stop. That lie is getting really old, as are all the others ones in your post, and I'm sick of you using my sister like that. For the millionth time, STOP. I swear, you are unbelievable. You make offensive comments and think they are funny. You are the only bigot I know of on this forum.
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Re: Yomiel-Bigotry/Flaming.

Postby pancakemix on Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:55 am

Yomiel wrote:Again, not true. You really just keep lying.-.-

Are you saying you aren't exhibiting a pattern of freakouts? Because that's a lie. There are several threads in here already as examples. And I haven't read this thread too carefully, but I sure there are a few missing.
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Re: Yomiel-Bigotry/Flaming.

Postby Campin_Killer on Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:55 am

Yomiel wrote:I made a thread just like this, and the MODS said it wasn't allowed. This section is for reports relating to this Risk-type game you all play.

Campin, you just give another example of a lie you guys like to tell.

I made the mistake of mentioning how the people over at MafiaScum trolled me by dismissing my opinion. My very first game, ignoring all evidence to the contrary, they would always claim I was only targeting people who targeted me, and stuff like that. Now Campin and his friends love to do the same thing. I repeatedly tell them this is false and show how, while also telling them this is rude. They don't care. They just keep doing it to harass me. They will not let me play the game, because they just say things like that.

Dim, you need to stop. That lie is getting really old, as are all the others ones in your post, and I'm sick of you using my sister like that. For the millionth time, STOP. I swear, you are unbelievable. You make offensive comments and think they are funny. You are the only bigot I know of on this forum.

Please, point me to where a mod has said we cannot file a C&A report?

Yes, a complete lie. With links.

Jesus Christ, I am about to go insane
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Re: Yomiel-Bigotry/Flaming.

Postby Yomiel on Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:56 am

You are lying. In EVERY single game, I have to put up with people dismissing me and insulting me, with Dim and Campin being among the worst. I get ganged up on no matter what I say, lies are told, personal matters are brought's ridiculous.
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Re: Yomiel-Bigotry/Flaming.

Postby Yomiel on Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:59 am

The thread got DELETED. Because it was not allowed. You all already know this.-.-
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Re: Yomiel-Bigotry/Flaming.

Postby Campin_Killer on Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:59 am

Yomiel wrote:The thread got DELETED. Because it was not allowed. You all already know this.-.-

Threads aren't deleted, they are locked...
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Re: Yomiel-Bigotry/Flaming.

Postby Yomiel on Thu Jul 26, 2012 11:00 am

It was even said in that thread I linked, where / suggested i post a report. It's NOT ALLOWED.

Seriously, you guys just don't quit.
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Re: Yomiel-Bigotry/Flaming.

Postby Campin_Killer on Thu Jul 26, 2012 11:03 am

It IS ALLOWED, to report people.

You are not a mod, stop trying to act like you are and get this thread closed
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Re: Yomiel-Bigotry/Flaming.

Postby Yomiel on Thu Jul 26, 2012 11:07 am

They told me it was.-.-
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Re: Yomiel-Bigotry/Flaming.

Postby Campin_Killer on Thu Jul 26, 2012 11:08 am

Who is they?

Mind listing some usernames?
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Re: Yomiel-Bigotry/Flaming.

Postby Yomiel on Thu Jul 26, 2012 11:13 am

From the deleted thread?-.-

Ask them yourself or look in the linked thread I mentioned.
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