Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
demonfork wrote:All of these game chat examples PROVE NOTHING!
I could say that I am your dad in game chat... would it make it so?
here ill do it...
Game 10611858
2012-02-22 18:37:21 - demonfork: Hey everyone... I'm not really demonfork...I'm really demonforks dad
Does this statement that I just made prove that I am really someones dad?
Maybe I'm your dad... Ive banged a lot of hoes...its quite possible that one of em was your mom and that you are really my's possible.
demonfork wrote:Maybe I'm your dad... Ive banged a lot of hoes...its quite possible that one of em was your mom and that you are really my's possible.
jefjef wrote:FLAWS:
As much "drama" that has been associated with GLG and his former account a lot of hunters/admins eyes and hands have been on it. Why was he never busted for multi??
A) They never ever ever bothered checking him for multi.
B) He is and they are protecting him.
C) It is a house account.
D) He isn't a multi.
You may have stumbled upon some more sketchy games - possible S/D - probable favoritism and maybe a few game account share.
I do wish you lots of Good luck with your vendettas.
NoSurvivors wrote:I choose... hmmm.... D as the obvious answer here. Why wont people just give up? The man doesnt break any rules (worth punishment, as he is quite the joker in Live Chat) but people can't help but try to find obscure ways to bust him for stuff he doesnt do!My advice to you sir, give er a rest.. please.. dont waste your time on BS threads like this one. If he was He'd be busted by now and YOU KNOW IT.
karel wrote::roll:again...who cares
Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:sorry guys, i cannot stand up right now -- in the middle of gettin hed.
Amazingly, I can say almost ANYTHING to one of The Inner Circle's minions and get THEM to post in Forums so I don't have to. Now don't YOU feel manipulated???
Disinformation: spewing BS to distract opponent. Look at the 3 scams listed on my Profile. People getting too personal about my life. I am entitled to privacy, so instead of answering probing questions I deflect them --as is my right.
What should NOT be in question is whether I play ethically and legally. I play within the rules.
Who was the brain that wondered if the lower scoring person in question took over the higher scoring player? that's sheer stupidity. You guys think like elementary school children. The accumulated intelligence of your band of merry men could fill a gnat's dimple. You look at an Ace of Spades from your angle and are SURE it's solid. . but like your "eveidence" it's paper thin.
Questions have been asked before by multi-hunters and they have been answered. Today I clarified several things proactively to that same group and CC admin. No problem in the past, just someone with (what did they call it?. . .) a vendetta -- because within the rules I asked them to POLITELY stop baiting/flaming/trolling forums about my ID.
My cut at this is: old school inner circle does NOT like:
-someone playing within the rules having the high score
-thick headed players thinking that high score is all about How Great of a Viking/home run hitter you are. it's not, it's about "getting on base or score" and I know how legally take a walk, get hit by a pitch, and beat the throw to first when the catcher drops the ball. I also know how to steal second, third and score on a sacrifice. Not pretty, but totally legal.
-someone standing up to the 20-40 hugely negative people on Forums and calling them out for what they are. Using the baiting/flaming/trolling rules to quiet them.. .nicely.
-one of the nicest clans with some of the best players obtaining a tarnished but capable resource -- and crying about it. Shit, one of the detractor's clans leaders approached me to join them --now a clansman complains?
-shows how totally immature those 20-40 people can be.
Well you've met your match in me. I can be MORE immature than you can. Nanny-nanny-boo-boo I got more points than you do. (.(
oh, and the noise you hear in the dark. . .is ME -- the Boogey Man
TheGeneral2112 wrote:Irish, I was wondering when we would see this. Congratulations. Can we have a medal for being the one to take down a standing conqueror?
Symmetry wrote:Probably the most thorough accumulation of evidence I've ever seen for a C&A thread. Pretty damning in almost every aspect- it should be expected that the mods will take a bit of time to look over this though. That's a hell of a lot of evidence to look through. While it should be true that all complaints be treated equally, this is high profile stuff and I can understand that they would want to get this right.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
jefjef wrote:PLEASE EVERYONE! Let the "eveidence" speek fo itzelf!
karel wrote:just sounds like another witch hunt
owenshooter wrote:karel wrote:just sounds like another witch hunt
that is absolutely HILARIOUS!!! didn't bother to read the first post at all, did you? ha!!!!-el Jesus negro
Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:Who was the brain that wondered if the lower scoring person in question took over the higher scoring player? that's sheer stupidity. You guys think like elementary school children. The accumulated intelligence of your band of merry men could fill a gnat's dimple.
IR1SH ACE wrote:demonfork wrote:Maybe I'm your dad... Ive banged a lot of hoes...its quite possible that one of em was your mom and that you are really my's possible.
nice flame...but to imply that my mother is a whore crosses the line and your post has been reported...I can only concluded that this is a petty attempt at Baiting me into some similar response in the hope of having the thread locked...
demonfork wrote:
If GLG gets busted for this and the bust is made based on this shit that he said in game chat and not on any kind of hard evidence then I am done spending money at this site.
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