Keefie wrote:Tec805, I swear on the life of everyone who is dear to me that there has been absolutely NO communication between myself and team 1 regarding this game or any other.
You were deploying 13 at a time and breathing down my neck. You were a far bigger danger to me than team 1. Also if you were so worried about team 1 why didn't you deploy on your plane and bomb their bonuses ? You were trying to influence us, through GeneralRisk and not in game chat, to do your dirty work for you. You failed, suck it up like a man and deal with it.
You have two neutral 3's and four 1's stopping you from taking a +9 bonus. Instead you attack 18 troops and bomb 4 to give you nothing.
You have my in game chat:
"2012-02-04 00:01:43 - tec805: team 2 didn't tear me apart on the south shore, they can do as they please unmolested from me"
I was quite happy to have you and GR win the game if team 1 wanted to go toe-to-toe. Unfortunately team 3 continued to threaten my position and I needed to defend against them.
Smegal and I
have deployed on our planes and bombed their bonuses, multiple times. You have not, even once, broken a single bonus of theirs. I never expected team 3 to waste troops on team 1 anymore than I expected you to waste troops on me, the outcome is the same, team 1 getting further ahead each turn.
Keefie wrote:IMHO, this is a nasty, mean spirited and spurious complaint designed to either damage the reputation of HH or more likely, break up the partnership between myself and Generalrisk. A successful team that is seen as a big threat by the OP.
You as well as everyone else who has played me knows I am neither mean spirited nor nasty. I have no interest in HH or GeneralRisk's love life. You two can play another 500 games together and win them all, I will not lose a single wink of sleep. Feel free to use the game finder to see how well I do without GR on my team.
Evolution299 wrote: the game wasnt going his way, and he didnt like it, so he is taking his ball and is going home.
Our drop was good, our start was good, we were in good contention until team 3 made a move on Mameyev Hill/Sheykin. I had good dice and setup pink to be eliminated but no one wanted to spend the troops to do it. When team 1 removed my infantry from the south shore (which was a brilliant move) our chances dropped substantially. Shortly team 1 will control the 15th artillery (and +3 more deploy) and be able to break any of all of our bonuses. As they are obviously in no danger of team 2 attacking them I would expect them to weaken us, allowing team 3 to burn their troops eating us up.
I've invested almost 2 months in this slow moving game against some of the best Stalingrad players on CC. I went into it understanding I had at best a 25% chance of winning. If I had thought in the very slightest there was a chance any of these players would do anything but play their best to win I wouldn't have joined. Having one team scuttle another when both are behind is not common amongst the better teams (though I'm sure your 29% win ratio hasn't helped you play with many good teams Evolution). Keefie had better options for many turns that he never took (thank you for the snapshots Keefie, really brought to light what you were passing up so you could cornhole me). If your intention was strictly to make sure I lost then well done. But if you also intended to have team 1 win while doing so, which I feel is the case, then I call BS.