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Proximus Ventor.Threats of violence in his sig [Closed] KRK

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Re: Proximus Ventor.Threats of violence in his sig [Closed]

Postby IcePack on Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:11 pm

Night Strike wrote:People actually think the statement in the signature was meant as an actual threat? :lol: :lol: :roll:

It looked closer to a quote from some movie than a threat of bodily harm to a person. :lol:

That's the general feeling of most of us i think

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Re: Proximus Ventor.Threats of violence in his sig [Closed]

Postby jgordon1111 on Wed Jan 25, 2012 10:50 pm

Really, I mean who could this guy actually cut, what if someone in say australia copied his avatar, does anyone in their right mind think he is going to jump on a plane and go cut them. get real.

again an example: I Cut you.
counterpoint: KILL ON ARRIVAL

1st one generalized statement directed at no one in specific, yet directed at everyone at the same time

2nd one generalized statement directed at everyone, yet no one specific.

Do you really think the members of KOA are going to come to your house and kill you when they get there? Hell NO

So what makes you think in the same terms proximus ventor is coming to your house to cut you. LOL
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