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Tranzic - Farming New Recruits[NOTED]ES

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Re: Tranzic - Farming New Recruits[NOTED]ES

Postby Tranzic on Fri Mar 25, 2011 1:47 pm

TheForgivenOne wrote:Let me ask you this.

If you had joined this website, and were forced to only play New Recruits, would you have stayed? Considering that a majority of New Recruits join this site, join 4 games, realize that this isn't fast paced, and leave. You would have probably had to deal with only getting a turn every once in a couple days, because you are in 4 games, where at least 2-4 players are deadbeating.

I'm pretty sure if CC did that, the retention rate of New Recruits would drop, significantly.

I'd like to point out that if what you're saying is true (i.e. it's in the site's interest that new recruits play against more advance player), it more or less drops the ground beneath the entire "farming" issue.

I'm sure you understand that these two viewpoint form a contradiction – if you want new recruits to be exposed to experienced players that are more responsive, don't harass (not you personally, I'm referring to the website) those experienced players (who, I remind you again, have no control in the first place over who joins their games). If you feel that experienced players are "farming" new recruits, you should limit new recruits from playing against them. Trying to juggle these two contradictions is basically trying to eat the cake and leave it whole.
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Re: Tranzic - Farming New Recruits[NOTED]ES

Postby TheForgivenOne on Fri Mar 25, 2011 9:32 pm

Tranzic wrote:
TheForgivenOne wrote:Let me ask you this.

If you had joined this website, and were forced to only play New Recruits, would you have stayed? Considering that a majority of New Recruits join this site, join 4 games, realize that this isn't fast paced, and leave. You would have probably had to deal with only getting a turn every once in a couple days, because you are in 4 games, where at least 2-4 players are deadbeating.

I'm pretty sure if CC did that, the retention rate of New Recruits would drop, significantly.

I'd like to point out that if what you're saying is true (i.e. it's in the site's interest that new recruits play against more advance player), it more or less drops the ground beneath the entire "farming" issue.

Did I ever say that in my post? No. You didn't even answer my question I proposed to you.

Right now on this site there is no restriction on who can play against who (Unless you are on someone's foe list). Also, you do realize how little farming ever occurs on this website? I've been here since May of 09, and started browsing the forums in about August of that year. From what I can remember, there have only been a handful of legitimate farming issues that have come up. So it is not like the Multi Hunters are harassing every player about it, they are only asking that players who seem to be in a lot of games against New Recruits, to switch up the map/settings a bit. There are over 170 maps on this site right now, it's not like you are vastly being limited by it.
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Re: Tranzic - Farming New Recruits[NOTED]ES

Postby CavTrooper on Sat Mar 26, 2011 7:31 am

Wow, I am new to the site...only played 2 [i]rounds[i] so far, not games...and I almost joined a game with tranzic, and I am glad I didn't. Not that I think he is farming, but I would hate to give the guy a bad rep just because I joined a game with him as the host. There seems to be, from this rookies view point, that there needs to be a little more evidence in regard to his intent before we can can pass any sort of judgment. I didn't notice anything in particular about his game that made me more 'attracted' to his game other than his rank. I wanted to play with a skilled player whom I hoped might answer questions I might have during the game. But, this discussion is good. Its the best way to see the possibilities, maybe someone has noticed something else in a game they have played with him. Does he only fight active players at first leaving borders wide open to inactive recruits?...for example. Although I guess if I would have notice an inactive player I would use him as a neutral as just seems logical and reasonable, hell that happens in the real world too. So, I don't know what to really look for in a farmer, probably because I am a rookie. But if he is a farmer, wouldn't that make him a bit of a paper tiger? Not able to win against a real, active, experienced player? If he is this, how does it affect the game? Just asking, love to read a thoughtful response.
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Re: Tranzic - Farming New Recruits[NOTED]ES

Postby Tranzic on Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:43 pm

1. Interesting post - sounds like although you're just a rookie, you gave it some all around thought. I'll leave it to others to answer your questions.
2. Note that instead of joining "my" game, you ended up joining an alternative game (8738868) on a different type of map and settings, which (surprise surprise) is a 5 player game with a non-rookie host (not myself) and 4 new recruits. Sounds familiar?
Last edited by Tranzic on Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tranzic - Farming New Recruits[NOTED]ES

Postby eddie2 on Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:45 pm

Tranzic wrote:CavTrooper:
1. Interesting post - sounds like although you're just a rookie, you gave it some all around thought. I'll leave it to others to answer your questions.
2. Note that instead of joining "my" game, you ended up joined an alternative game (Game 8738868) on a different type of map and settings, which (surprise surprise) is a 5 player game with a non-rookie host (not myself) and 4 new recruits. Sounds familiar?

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Re: Tranzic - Farming New Recruits[NOTED]ES

Postby CavTrooper on Sun Mar 27, 2011 11:35 pm

I am actually on two games now. The first one, world map, was my first game and really there was very little rhyme or reason to joining that game, it was virtually random...I just wanted to play something. After two rounds, I decided to search for a second game, the 'experienced' player there didn't respond to my inquiry on the game mechanics. So...I was decided to look for a much more experienced player when I found your game. But I didn't join for the fore explained reason. I did join another game, Europe map, but I think I was like the second or third player, so had no idea that it would fill up with rookies such as myself...of course no one has control of that.
On basic maps, there seems to be very little advantage to being experienced. So much will come down to randoms and planning. I don't expect to win right out, just looking a people's win records I can tell that even the best made plans face destruction at the hands of the enemy. Which is to say that even a rookie can beat someone who has played for years. Albeit, the experienced player will have some advantage in the outcome, especially in maps involving special rules some of which I don't even understand fully.
On a short thought, what if the point system were based on who you beat? Someone near your rank would return average points, someone below lesser, someone above superior. Of course it could also be adjusted by how badly they were beaten (1st of 2 wouldn't be worth as much as say 1st of 6 with the 6th place being the most experienced). Would make it much tougher as you went higher in rank without a doubt as 'rookies' might gang up on you, and true rookies would have nothing to lose. Ok, long post...will stop on details of my idea, such as they are.
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Re: Tranzic - Farming New Recruits[NOTED]ES

Postby Delf on Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:34 pm

I have played against Tranzic a few times, and I willingly join his games. Rather than discriminate against this player, he should be complemented on setting up so many games and his ability to win. Yes they do attract new players, but how can this be his fault! If he is so gifted in assessing future needs and determining such benefits, perhaps he should be offered a marketing job - lol.

I do not believe for one minute that Tranzic intends directly or otherwise to lure unsuspecting recruits into games. I believe, he like myself enjoy to specialise on a couple of boards and chooses to limit the games to what is reasonable to the size of the board. More than 6 players on the Texan Wars board reduces the chances of players setting up early and the game goes to the first player able to successfully gain a decent bonus. Taking out the cards and adding fog makes the game not only enjoyable but challenging, limiting the game to less than the bonuses ensures that players can expand and battle for the remaining bonuses.

In my opinion - well played Tranzic...
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