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Secert alliance MathiasJack & Tisha

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Postby AAFitz on Mon Feb 26, 2007 1:38 am

Rasengan wrote:now your insinuating that we are Secret alliances which we arent
in those games to have you read the game chat? also i use the exact tactics everytime. also my name isnt anywere on the title of this thread there for im not on trial gotta take a turn ill edit in a moment

on her second page of games one of you wins 14 games in a row of the games you are in together......and then go on to win more....there is no way that happens accidentally....obviously you join fully knowing you are going to help each other....and I or someone else will make up your thread for you tomorrow

and this isnt a posted that Evil Semp was a poor loser....i looked at your games....and found this....simple as that....
Sergeant 1st Class AAFitz
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Postby Rasengan on Mon Feb 26, 2007 1:43 am

AAFitz wrote:
Rasengan wrote:now your insinuating that we are Secret alliances which we arent
in those games to have you read the game chat? also i use the exact tactics everytime. also my name isnt anywere on the title of this thread there for im not on trial gotta take a turn ill edit in a moment

on her second page of games one of you wins 14 games in a row of the games you are in together......and then go on to win more....there is no way that happens accidentally....obviously you join fully knowing you are going to help each other....and I or someone else will make up your thread for you tomorrow

and this isnt a posted that Evil Semp was a poor loser....i looked at your games....and found this....simple as that....

i see only 5 in a row you mean games that EITHER one of us has one won in a row?
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Lieutenant Rasengan
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Postby Tisha on Mon Feb 26, 2007 1:44 am

i don't know where u are looking....but i have NEVER won 14 games in a row...

and out of all the people we have one has said anything about us teaming up on them.....

u won't respond to the post i left about our games rarely coming down to the two of us?
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Major Tisha
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Postby AAFitz on Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:38 am

Im not saying either of you wins many games in a saying that out of the games you play, one of you almost always wins...and there was a stretch where one of you wins almost every some of the games you played together in order...only not counting the ones you played with other players

Game winner
173391 Tisha
177090 Tisha
178766 Rasengan
184834 Rasengan
184996 niether
185932 Rasengan
186724 rasengan
186724 Rasengan
187784 Rasengan
188381 Tisha
189933 niether
196684 Tisha
196883 Tisha
197384 Tisha
197396 Rasengan
197400 Rasengan
199259 Rasengan
199259 Rasengan
199633 niether
200496 Rasengan
201166 Rasengan
203057 Rasengan
203560 Tisha
203672 Tisha
204874 Tisha

thats 25 games in a row you played of you didnt come out on top only 3 times.....

though most of these are private, many are not....there is no question that this shows a pattern of winning that suggests favoritism

The odds of this happening if all players are playing individually is virtually nil If you both won many games when both of you werent present id be more inclined to think you were just great players...but since your win rate drops to a ridiculous degree in the games you dont have one of you in say the reason you are winning has more to do with the probability that you are helping each other win....either subconciously, or purposely

I think it is only fair to show other players that if they join a game with both of you, that there is almost no chance they can win In 25 games 3 other players came out on top, and many of those were 5 or 6 person, which makes the odds of winning in the 1% to 2% range

Also, I will venture to guess that you do know have played some games with him, and a doubles game....I think its fair to say that if you favor one friend in a game you will likely favor another. Semp is an experienced player, and I inherently trust his instincts, but it was your reaction that really got my interest....and now im nearly convinced that you favored your friend in this game, and vice versa....there is no doubt that every other player would have been eliminated in this game first, and then the two of you would just battle it out....

I think there is no question you and Rasangan should be blocked from playing together, because you show repeated and obvious bias towards one another in game after game after game....

you keep mentioning that no one has accused you before when that isnt true...your other friend Riaox and you were suspected by someone else, and you were busted of a multi account before...and now a respected and even handed player is suspicious of your actions in a game also

if you guys want to play like this in all private games, i couldnt care less....but in public ones you are only cheating people out of their points and ruining their games ill post this in your own thread....
Sergeant 1st Class AAFitz
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