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hmsps - Trolling, Baiting & Harassment [closed]

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Re: hmsps - Trolling, Baiting & Harassment

Postby hmsps on Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:22 am

I have suggested it and the main man has said it will never happen. Baiting/trolling whatever, I was just highlighting the same situation on Saturday night/Sunday morning, to me its neither baiting or trolling if you are responding to a point. I admit that sometimes it gets a bit like a chatroom and unfortunately thats what happened then which is when you accused me of trolling. I was simply highlighting the fact here that you can have a point without trolling. I don't really care whether he is warned or not but it should not stop/deter anyone from bringing it to peoples attention.
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Re: hmsps - Trolling, Baiting & Harassment

Postby king achilles on Tue Jan 25, 2011 9:21 am

This is borderline in baiting, almost just like what some of us do in some threads from time to time. We try to make a point in our post but we mix it with some unnecessary remarks. I already had a word with hmsps to be more careful with his posts, thus this is considered closed.

And yes, hmsps, please adjust your signature to the appropriate size.
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