Is it spam? Yes it is.
But lets get a few things straight, owen is complaining not because this annoyed him (just read his OP) but instead because he is seeking attention, well here ya go pal have a healthy dose.
These "attacks" barely qualify as anything, although admittedly we went to far with lack. I will remove them comments upon request.
Now a few more things:
Lekegolo wrote:I would like to state that I was not involved in the "lack attack" also I would like to state that I was drunk, this wont be happening again. I offer my apologies to all involved.
Lekegolo wrote:Once I had some time to reflect I decided against that course of action and withdrew my post. I think I made the right choice, only time I did that night lol.
You were involved and the only reason you never continued to post was because you weren't able to keep with it. Don't lie, man up and except the no doubt minor yet unjustified punishment.
BoganGod wrote:Intentionally annoying..... Proven.
The Bogan Divinity has spoken.
On the contrary annoyance was not the intended goal. Attentional annoyance is all over the forums and much higher levels usually including personal attacks and clear disrespect. I would like to think that there is some consistancy from the mods and in this case "Intentionally annoyance" is not applicable.
jpcloet wrote:Not sure if this is abuse, but certainly appears to be immaturity at its finest. Ii wish some of these kids would refrain from posting.
I am not a kid. I have contributed a significant amount of time to CC in order to help in many ways but your right I should refrain from posting at all costs cause I am simply not mature enough.
In sumamry yes it was spam, I admit that. But I would also like to see a consistancy in the moderators and as I have no previous warnings, I can't see any justification in punsihment.