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Tassidar [Busted]

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Re: Tassidar

Postby Darwins_Bane on Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:26 pm

i see a lock in this threads immediate future.
high score : 2294
02:59:29 ‹Khan22› wouldn't you love to have like 5 or 6 girls all giving you attention?
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Re: Tassidar

Postby b00060 on Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:27 pm

You don't know what grease monkey is? You didn't come across that in your in-depth forum research? Why don't you log in with your alias that has a real rank and play me on some maps?
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Re: Tassidar

Postby jrh_cardinal on Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:28 pm

Tassidar wrote:
jrh_cardinal wrote:
Tassidar wrote:
dude, classic 1v1s usually end much quicker than doodle 1v1s. In doodle you never have the game wrapped up even if the opponent is down to 1 or 2 terts because usually you still only get 3 troops per round also. In classic, someone usually gains an advantage pretty much right away and it's over by round 12ish. You've already had an 11, 15, and 28 round game in 8 games. So the bs about "doodle is quicker" is wrong. What is quicker is rt, which is what you've been doing.

Each of those rounds lasted 3-4 seconds...My current classic game has only gone 1 round so far and it's been what? 20 min already?

lmao, what did I say? "What matters is rt". It matters how quickly you start your turns, classic rounds are not that much slower if you both start them rightaway like you did in doodle.

and just to be sure, you're at work right? Since when are people in cubicles
a) old- "I've been playing Risk since before you were alive" - Tassidar
b) smart- "No one around here has common sense/strategy"
c) allowed to download stuff like firefox and ESPECIALLY greasemonkey

I don't even know where to begin....

A) yes cubicles are still around (I will take a picture of it if you want on Monday).
B) You are proving your stupidity with the above statement
C) My computer came with internet explorer on it (and I don't know what greasemonkey even is...)

I know what cubicles are as I stated, I said people that are old AND smart do not work in cubicles. And if you navigate the forums so well and managed to find clickies there's no way you didn't see greasemonkey
Last edited by jrh_cardinal on Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Tassidar

Postby jrh_cardinal on Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:28 pm

Darwins_Bane wrote:i see a lock in this threads immediate future.

agreed lol
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Sergeant 1st Class jrh_cardinal
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Re: Tassidar

Postby Tassidar on Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:29 pm

b00060 wrote:What Tassidar, no reply to my other quote?

Military strategy? Get the hell out of here with that one. If your strategies are so great, why don't you play on a more sophisticated map that actually requires some decent strategy and not one that a third grader can develop a winning (See this map is all Luck) strategy if you are not a moron.

Sorry big guy, I got lots of people flaming me.

First off, I have been around strategy my whole life. Doodle Earth has a lot more strategy than one may think...

And yes, I may eventually move into a new map that requires a different strategy, Doodle Earth is what appeals to me. For the record, put me up against any 3rd grader in Doodle Earth and I will have 100% wins, guarantee it. Oh wait, all of my wins were probably against 3rd graders. The ones who managed to beat me must be as smart/smarter than me.

Another proof I am smarter than you guys

You need add-ons to make clicking 3 buttons easier.
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Re: Tassidar

Postby Darwins_Bane on Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:32 pm

jrh_cardinal wrote:
Darwins_Bane wrote:i see a lock in this threads immediate future.

agreed lol

here it comes. lets check the 8-ball.
8-Ball wrote:Yes, in due time.

for the record, he needs greasemonkey for clickies.
high score : 2294
02:59:29 ‹Khan22› wouldn't you love to have like 5 or 6 girls all giving you attention?
10/11/2010 02:59:39 ‹TheForgivenOne› No.
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Re: Tassidar

Postby jrh_cardinal on Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:33 pm

not on chrome

actually, I don't think there are clickies for IE? Maybe I'm wrong, not really sure

yup- no clickies for IE, he said he's using IE, and said he's using clickies, see ya
Last edited by jrh_cardinal on Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tassidar

Postby b00060 on Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:33 pm

Take care Multi, its been real.
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Re: Tassidar

Postby Tassidar on Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:35 pm

Someone post a screen shot of what these add-ons look like ingame and I can show you what my screen looks like...

I must be a god at clicking buttons fast if you guys don't think its possible to do it as fast as I am!
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Re: Tassidar

Postby jrh_cardinal on Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:35 pm

Tassidar wrote:Someone post a screen shot of what these add-ons look like ingame and I can show you what my screen looks like...

I must be a god at clicking buttons fast if you guys don't think its possible to do it as fast as I am!

lmao, you definitely said you had clickies somewhere, I'll find it again
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Re: Tassidar

Postby lord voldemort on Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:37 pm

if you cant contribute in a constructive way please dont post here at all
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Re: Tassidar

Postby Tassidar on Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:38 pm

jrh_cardinal wrote:
Tassidar wrote:Someone post a screen shot of what these add-ons look like ingame and I can show you what my screen looks like...

I must be a god at clicking buttons fast if you guys don't think its possible to do it as fast as I am!

lmao, you definitely said you had clickies somewhere, I'll find it again

If clicklies refers to what the default stuff looks like in-game, then I guess I have it. I have a "Begin Turn" button, an "Assault" button and end turn reinforce ect...I did not DL any mods, so how can I be using mods?


Where it says "Action" is where my "Begin Turn" button pops up
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Re: Tassidar

Postby jrh_cardinal on Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:46 pm

ok, you either don't have clickies or disabled them (it would show in game on the left sidebar). I could have sworn you said you had it somewhere :?

and there's not a person on this site who can win 2/3's of 1v1 sequential games, especially on doodle
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Re: Tassidar

Postby Darwins_Bane on Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:47 pm

jrh_cardinal wrote:lmao, you definitely said you had clickies somewhere, I'll find it again

It was me, I said he had clickies after I looked at his games and saw he had several turns where he began deployed and ended in 3-4 seconds.
EDIT: IE doesnt have clickies. but also in this window he has longer turns.
high score : 2294
02:59:29 ‹Khan22› wouldn't you love to have like 5 or 6 girls all giving you attention?
10/11/2010 02:59:39 ‹TheForgivenOne› No.
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Re: Tassidar

Postby jrh_cardinal on Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:50 pm

Darwins_Bane wrote:
jrh_cardinal wrote:lmao, you definitely said you had clickies somewhere, I'll find it again

It was me, I said he had clickies after I looked at his games and saw he had several turns where he began deployed and ended in 3-4 seconds.
EDIT: IE doesnt have clickies. but also in this window he has longer turns.

ah, that would explain it. ok, I was mistaken there, sorry
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Re: Tassidar

Postby b00060 on Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:54 pm

Um still doesn't prove anything. Most vets use Firefox, I can just as easily log into CC using IE and show that I don't use clickies.
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Re: Tassidar

Postby jrh_cardinal on Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:58 pm

b00060 wrote:Um still doesn't prove anything. Most vets use Firefox, I can just as easily log into CC using IE and show that I don't use clickies.

that's true, but I don't think we can prove what browser he's using unless he provides a screenshot
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Re: Tassidar

Postby Tassidar on Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:59 pm

b00060 wrote:Um still doesn't prove anything. Most vets use Firefox, I can just as easily log into CC using IE and show that I don't use clickies.

Why are you out to get me? I will post more proof...

Removed Screen Shots, decided it was not a good idea to put some of the information up...
Last edited by Tassidar on Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Tassidar

Postby trapyoung on Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:05 pm

Adam, why do you think you'd fail an IP scan? And who are these co-workers that were players and got banned?
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Re: Tassidar

Postby Darwins_Bane on Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:05 pm

Tassidar wrote:
b00060 wrote:Um still doesn't prove anything. Most vets use Firefox, I can just as easily log into CC using IE and show that I don't use clickies.

Why are you out to get me? I will post more proof...

did you just post screen shots and then remove them :S
high score : 2294
02:59:29 ‹Khan22› wouldn't you love to have like 5 or 6 girls all giving you attention?
10/11/2010 02:59:39 ‹TheForgivenOne› No.
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Re: Tassidar

Postby Bones2484 on Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:23 pm

jrh_cardinal wrote:and there's not a person on this site who can win 2/3's of 1v1 sequential games, especially on doodle

Apparently you're wrong. I can think of at least one...

Regardless, 9 games is such a HUGE sample size, right?

Just stop, jrh. There are plenty of legitimate things to pick at in this case and you seem to choose to most random/meaningless ways to prove your point. The mods will get to it.
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Re: Tassidar

Postby jrh_cardinal on Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:26 pm

Bones2484 wrote:
jrh_cardinal wrote:and there's not a person on this site who can win 2/3's of 1v1 sequential games, especially on doodle

Apparently you're wrong. I can think of at least one...

Regardless, 9 games is such a HUGE sample size, right?

yes, obviously i mean over a big sample. He's only 5 for 9 anyway on doodle anyway, that's less than 2/3 ;) (one of his 6 wins was on classic)
speaking of, you finished classic pretty quick there, didn't you Tassidar? def faster
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Sergeant 1st Class jrh_cardinal
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Re: Tassidar

Postby Tassidar on Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:28 pm

jrh_cardinal wrote:
Bones2484 wrote:
jrh_cardinal wrote:and there's not a person on this site who can win 2/3's of 1v1 sequential games, especially on doodle

Apparently you're wrong. I can think of at least one...

Regardless, 9 games is such a HUGE sample size, right?

yes, obviously i mean over a big sample. He's only 5 for 9 anyway on doodle anyway, that's less than 2/3 ;) (one of his 6 wins was on classic)
speaking of, you finished classic pretty quick there, didn't you Tassidar? def faster

Took him an hour before he started to play...
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Re: Tassidar

Postby jrh_cardinal on Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:35 pm

what does that have to do with how fast the game goes lol. Of course every map is faster rt, rt has nothing to do with the map
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Re: Tassidar

Postby Tassidar on Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:38 pm

jrh_cardinal wrote:what does that have to do with how fast the game goes lol. Of course every map is faster rt, rt has nothing to do with the map

Ok to answer your was about the same amount of time. NORMALLY, Doodle Earth goes quicker. And I still don't know what rt means...
Private 1st Class Tassidar
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