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b00060 newbie farming [cleared]lv

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Re: b00060

Postby MrPanzerGeneral on Fri Jun 25, 2010 1:40 am


perhaps you could accomadate b00's wishes....
you could join up and play against him :)
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Re: b00060

Postby chemefreak on Fri Jun 25, 2010 2:10 am

ljex wrote:This case is related it provides president that players can be held accountable for creating games that attract ?'s...

Oh, for f*ck's sake...learn how to spell "precedent"! Jesus, you would think that mods that go witch hunting would at least have the fucking courtesy to be able to spell correctly!

On point, this opens the whole discussion as to "what is farming"? I strongly believe that farming is inviting low ranked players to a game. By pm or by other means. Setting up a game that just happens to be joined by lower ranked players is not farming. If they shouldn't be joining, CC should do something to prevent them from joining.
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Re: b00060

Postby jefjef on Fri Jun 25, 2010 2:25 am

ljex wrote:
MrPanzerGeneral wrote:Quite a laughable accusation, ijex

Well lets start with the basics that farming is playing a very large # of ?'s on specific "farm" maps with settings KNOWN to attract ? for points so one may increase rank and most ?'s aren't premium thus they cant play speed.


BTW. Nuclear spoils have never been KNOWN to or declared to be a setting that attracts ?.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: b00060

Postby MrPanzerGeneral on Fri Jun 25, 2010 2:39 am

LOL. The spelling and grammar police strike back :lol: :lol: :lol:

Honestly this a case of sour grapes :lol: :lol:
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Re: b00060

Postby ljex on Fri Jun 25, 2010 2:43 am

chemefreak wrote:
ljex wrote:This case is related it provides president that players can be held accountable for creating games that attract ?'s...

Oh, for f*ck's sake...learn how to spell "precedent"! Jesus, you would think that mods that go witch hunting would at least have the fucking courtesy to be able to spell correctly!

I cant spell for my life, no reason to jump on top of me...

chemefreak wrote:On point, this opens the whole discussion as to "what is farming"? I strongly believe that farming is inviting low ranked players to a game. By pm or by other means. Setting up a game that just happens to be joined by lower ranked players is not farming. If they shouldn't be joining, CC should do something to prevent them from joining.

I am going with the current CC definition that farming is playing against ?'s

jefjef wrote:
ljex wrote:
MrPanzerGeneral wrote:
Quite a laughable accusation, ijex

Well lets start with the basics that farming is playing a very large # of ?'s on specific "farm" maps with settings KNOWN to attract ? for points so one may increase rank and most ?'s aren't premium thus they cant play speed.


BTW. Nuclear spoils have never been KNOWN to or declared to be a setting that attracts ?.

Clearly these settings attract ?'s to join the games and after creating the first 50 b00060 should know they do and thus not create the other 150 or so.
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Re: b00060

Postby MrPanzerGeneral on Fri Jun 25, 2010 2:49 am

Look mate.
You're barking way up against the wrong tree here.

We (and the powers that be) might have to have a little look about what you've gotten up to, instead :lol: :lol:
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Re: b00060

Postby chemefreak on Fri Jun 25, 2010 3:46 am

ljex wrote:Clearly these settings attract ?'s to join the games and after creating the first 50 b00060 should know they do and thus not create the other 150 or so.

I think joining games with ?s or inviting them to games is despicable conduct. But that is not what is going on here. Perhaps we should wait a few weeks and then look at the same games and see which ones are still ?s. If CC doesn't want ?s joining these games then CC should figure out a filter to block them from these types of games. I know there is precedent that setting up a particular game type that is highly populated by ?s is an offense, but I don't think it should be. What if b00060 was a cook himself? Would anyone give a shit about this?

Meh, I am just having trouble seeing the line. Just seems unfair to experienced players who set up a game hoping to get some good competition, but instead get noobs...and then get penalized for it. I don't know b00060, so I don't know what he was trying to accomplish. If we don't want ?s joining these types of games, then surely there is a way to block them from doing so.
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Re: b00060

Postby eddie2 on Fri Jun 25, 2010 4:10 am

but at the same time was there not a case 2 or 3 weeks back where it was brought into question that ?'s should not be able 2 join freestyle games ok there are at present 19721 players on the scoreboard (not including new recruits)so what are the odds that new recruits are going to join these games.

also there has been many sugs for rank choice when setting up games.all denied so so even if this is found as farming who is at fault for it. the people who run the site for not blocking new recruits from doing this. or allowing us to have a minimum rank when setting up games.

so in real looking at this he has set up a board that is his (favorite)a setting that is his favorate(freestyle) and a spoil choice(nuclear)that he wants the medal in. so where is the farming in that like i said if new recruits are going to join them it is there fault especially when people are saying play higher ranks for experiance in this thread
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Re: b00060

Postby MrPanzerGeneral on Fri Jun 25, 2010 4:16 am

F.F.S Nuclear medal........

Good on him !

if you want to take a bite, go for it.
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Re: b00060

Postby Agent 86 on Fri Jun 25, 2010 5:00 am

No farming here, move on..go get them b00060

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Re: b00060

Postby b00060 on Fri Jun 25, 2010 6:39 am

As I said earlier, I set up nuke games that I could play fast and enjoy the map. I have not pmed or invited in any chat room or by any other means anyone to any game and I am sure that the powers that be can verify this. I would love to be able to disallow any ? from joining my games and would more than welcome an option to do so. In fact, I would wager that more than half of these ? are in fact multis and after 16,000 games, it is getting easier and easier to spot them. I don't know how many people are trying to get a gold medal on this setting, but it is not easy to get 400 unique users to join your games. In fact, I have found that most maps, if I make multiple games, get joined by the same person and I wind up playing a dozen games for one unique win and usually risk twice as many points to do so. I am not a farmer, plain and simple. I do not condone cheating of any kind whatsoever.
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Re: b00060

Postby eddie2 on Fri Jun 25, 2010 7:28 am

well said b00060
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Re: b00060

Postby lord voldemort on Fri Jun 25, 2010 7:56 am

how very interesting...
lets get off baiting ljex all...this hasnt been spoken about behind the scenes at all. We do indeed encourage other mods to make posts in public. it is more transparent then. Obviously multi checks are different as they usually take a few minutes....And we bust many multies daily. anyway...
My first thoughts is that he is just hunting his nuclear medal. And it does again bring up the maps blocked to nr's problem. I know last i spoke to lack about it he hadnt updated it in a while. Pelo wars is an obvious block. Atm I believe that b00060 didnt set out to farm new recruits. Medal hunting and farming is completely different. Unless you actually start inviting new recuits into your medal hunting games.
I will still leave this as pending....see what the other hunters think.

On a last night...any further baiting towards ljex gets the thread locked...and disciplinary action.
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Re: b00060

Postby eddie2 on Fri Jun 25, 2010 8:13 am

lord voldemort wrote:My first thoughts is that he is just hunting his nuclear medal. And it does again bring up the maps blocked to nr's problem. I know last i spoke to lack about it he hadnt updated it in a while. Pelo wars is an obvious block. Atm I believe that b00060 didnt set out to farm new recruits. Medal hunting and farming is completely different. Unless you actually start inviting new recuits into your medal hunting games.

very well said lv
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Re: b00060

Postby hmsps on Fri Jun 25, 2010 1:52 pm

i made a suggestion some time ago and i think it would benefit some from stopping lower tanks or indeed higher ranks joing games depending on your experience level. Say for instance i could set it so no one below x number and/or higher than x number join. This would also stop the high ranks joining the cooks games for easy pts and you all know who you are!!
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Re: b00060

Postby Darwins_Bane on Fri Jun 25, 2010 2:02 pm

hmsps wrote:i made a suggestion some time ago and i think it would benefit some from stopping lower tanks or indeed higher ranks joing games depending on your experience level. Say for instance i could set it so no one below x number and/or higher than x number join. This would also stop the high ranks joining the cooks games for easy pts and you all know who you are!!

the prob is it can be abused just as easily
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Re: b00060

Postby hmsps on Fri Jun 25, 2010 2:34 pm

easier to monitor though
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Re: b00060

Postby slowreactor on Fri Jun 25, 2010 10:32 pm

hmsps wrote:i made a suggestion some time ago and i think it would benefit some from stopping lower tanks or indeed higher ranks joing games depending on your experience level. Say for instance i could set it so no one below x number and/or higher than x number join. This would also stop the high ranks joining the cooks games for easy pts and you all know who you are!!

The reason that this has never passed despite numerous suggestions is that it's just a way of point segregation.
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Re: b00060

Postby MrPanzerGeneral on Sat Jun 26, 2010 1:16 am

lord voldemort wrote:how very interesting...
lets get off baiting ljex all...this hasnt been spoken about behind the scenes at all. We do indeed encourage other mods to make posts in public. it is more transparent then. Obviously multi checks are different as they usually take a few minutes....And we bust many multies daily. anyway...
My first thoughts is that he is just hunting his nuclear medal. And it does again bring up the maps blocked to nr's problem. I know last i spoke to lack about it he hadnt updated it in a while. Pelo wars is an obvious block. Atm I believe that b00060 didnt set out to farm new recruits. Medal hunting and farming is completely different. Unless you actually start inviting new recuits into your medal hunting games.
I will still leave this as pending....see what the other hunters think. .

Very well said mate. Totally agree.

lord voldemort wrote:On a last night...any further baiting towards ljex gets the thread locked...and disciplinary action.

But, with that bit added, you're no fun at all :lol: :P

Honestly. Well said and done. =D>
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Re: b00060

Postby elfish_lad on Sat Jun 26, 2010 2:56 am

I'll join any game that b00060 invites me to. He will do the same. THAT's why neither of us have a higher rank. We enjoy the challange and enjoy the game, no matter who joins or the settings or what.

And you can discipline me all you want but this is off-base and out of line.
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Re: b00060

Postby jazzyd on Sat Jun 26, 2010 3:51 am

What a bullshit thread,and these people are running the site. A bit worrying really .
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Re: b00060

Postby lord voldemort on Sat Jun 26, 2010 3:53 am

hey lets post something that contributes or go away...k thnx
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Re: b00060

Postby jazzyd on Sat Jun 26, 2010 3:58 am

Makes my point for me....k thnx
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Re: b00060

Postby grifftron on Sat Jun 26, 2010 4:03 am

I dunno, just seen this thread and I have seen tons of these games on Pelo that b00060 made, i almost joined 1 but seen it was freestyle which is NOT my thing at all but I could have joined them...

So my point is the games I seen he made like this ANYONE could join, just so happened lots of NR joined?

I don't know if he did invite a bunch of low recruits but all i am doing is pointing out that i could see these games and could have joined them which means they were public and wouldn't be considered against CC rules as far as I know.

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Re: b00060

Postby king sam on Sat Jun 26, 2010 10:42 am

Farming and the Farming rule as it states currently is highly scrutinized, we all know that.
I can tell you I know dozens of people, including a few user groups that are working behind the scenes to try to come up with a legit nomination of a rule that will help deliniate the line of what "is" and "isnt" farming.

The purpose behind the rule of farming is its supposed to deter ill gotten points from hard settings and maps from newbs and its supposed to try to help let the newbs enjoy themselves on the site before there thrown to the wolves. LV has said he wanted other mod opinions in here so heres mine.

While in the past you have seen people get Warned for playing solely or a high % of newbs (?'s) over a short time those cases were different in the aspect that the evidence behind the reasoning of those were to abuse the ? players and farming rules. Evidence suggests in this case that reasoning behind having this many newbs (?'s) in these games were out of b00060's control and the explanation for the continued creation of the games with these settings were the aspect of medal chasing.

It doesnt mean you can use medal chasing as an excuse if you get brought up on farming. If your guilty of farming then it will be discovered.

I think the problem here is we have a map that should be blocked from the ?'s, which this case will help resolve. b00060 is not at fault imo. But ljex is like any other member here, doing his job to try to make this a better place, he may be wrong in this accusation, but many accusations that come through here are ruled as Cleared. No reason to bash him on this. Because of this accusation we will have yet another farming case issue to back us up on the fact that we need to take a better look at what is and isnt farming and we have became aware of another map that should not be on the Cleared list for new recruits.

My 2 cents,
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